Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1770: The magical effect of small bamboo forest

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Wu Jianhua thought about it for a long time, and then said to him: "I don't know what you are talking about. I can't help you much, or even give you any ideas.

But one thing, I hope you can stick to your original intention and don't lose yourself. Don't disappoint everyone's expectations of you, and strive to realize your ideals.

You will always be my pride and the pride of this family.

No matter how far you go in the future, this will always be your home, a shelter for you from the wind and rain. If you are tired and tired, you can come back. Although the family can't help you much, a hot meal and a hot bed will always be reserved for you. "

Hearing Wu Jianhua's words, Wu Hao's eyes became moist and his nose became sore. This is the first time that his father said these things to him. If he could, he would rather not hear these words, because his father who said these words clearly admitted that he was old.

No matter what work you are busy with, health is the first priority. Without a good body, everything else is useless. So you, take care of yourself and don't forget everything when you start to work.

When asked to get here, Wu Jianhua looked at Wu Hao with a serious look: "I heard Weiwei say that sometimes when you get into the laboratory, it is overnight, or even several days. This is definitely not necessary, and the body will collapse. .

You are not just a person now, you have Weiwei, we, and your friends, trusting you, and responding to you with expectations of leadership. And the tens of thousands of employees under your hand, if you fall, these people will all be affected. "

Hearing this, Wu Hao promised again and again that he felt guilty when he was touched by his father's so painstakingly instructing him. I can't even take care of my body, and I have to worry about my parents, but this shouldn't be the case.

After chatting with his father for a while, Wu Tong's joyous voice came: "It's dinner, Dad, brother, it's dinner!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Hao and Wu Jianhua looked at each other and smiled, and then walked into the house.

When I came to the restaurant, I found that the food was already on the table.

Seeing the two of them coming in, Zhang Xiaoman, who was squatting out of a pot of soup, smiled and said: "I feel like I wash my hands, and the dishes are cold for a while."

Okay, Wu Hao responded and went to wash his hands and came out. He found that Wu Jianhua had taken out a bottle of Mao Pagoda and was wiping the bottle seriously with a towel. It seems that it has been released for a long time, and it is the previous survival.

Seeing Wu Hao come out, Wu Jianhua smiled and said: "Today, let's divide it."

Wu Hao looked at Maotai in Wu Jianhua's hand and smiled: "You have hidden this bottle of wine for no less than ten years. Are you really willing to drink it?"

What's the reluctance to drink this, I am happy today, how to drink some. With that said, Wu Jianhua unscrewed the bottle cap very decisively.

You two should drink less, because it hurts your body. Seeing this posture, Zhang Xiaoman immediately persuaded him.

I know, I know, you and Weiwei have some drinks too. The white wine you got back last time is not bad, you guys drink some. Wu Jianhua answered and ordered.

Too lazy to care about you, Zhang Xiaoman gave Wu Jianhua a white look, and then smiled at Lin Wei: "Weiwei, let's drink."

Mom, I want to drink too. Wu Tong hurriedly shouted.

Zhang Xiaoman glared, and reprimanded: "You girl from home, what kind of wine should you drink, drink juice!"

Why, I am an adult. Wu Tong immediately became reluctant.

You crazy girl, I'm too lazy to talk about you. Although Zhang Xiaoman said so, he still poured white wine into this girl's goblet.

Okay, they drink theirs, we drink ours. Speaking of Wu Jianhua, he started to pour wine for Wu Hao, Wu Hao hurriedly got up and said, "I'll come, I'll come."

Okay, sit down and all fall on top. Wu Jianhua handed him the wine cup, and Wu Hao quickly took it.

Come on, let's have a toast first! Wu Jianhua raised his glass and proposed.


It's been a few days since I came back, so I don't need to say anything.

Wu Hao didn't finish drinking, just took a sip. The old wine is aging, especially sweet and smooth, with a long aftertaste, Wu Hao does not know how to drink, but he also drank a lot of good wines and famous wines during social gatherings.

He has drunk Moutai for decades, but he has never felt comfortable and smooth when drinking at home.

Come, come and eat food. Zhang Xiaoman hurriedly greeted: "Weiwei, how about this spicy chicken that I made. This chicken is a free-range rooster in the village of Zhenger. It is a crowing rooster that your uncle caught directly from a farmer’s chicken coop. .

My approach is to learn from Qilu's spicy chicken, don’t know how? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoman also greeted Wu Hao and said, "Xiaohao, try it too. Look at you, you have never been fat, you are still so thin, eat more supplements, usually work so busy, so you have to pay special attention to your body. ."

okay, got it. Wu Hao hurriedly responded, then picked up a piece of chicken and ate it. The free-range free-range chickens in this rural area have relatively firm meat, so they are difficult to cook. It needs to be put in a casserole and simmered continuously until the flesh is separated.

So the chicken has been very soft and rotten after a long stewing, but it also maintains the unique chewy texture of this local chicken and the original flavor of the meat.

And in the process of stewing for such a long time, the chicken has fully absorbed the soup, chewing a few times, the delicacy fills the whole mouth taste buds, it is really a delicacy.

It's delicious, the chicken is good, and Aunt Zhang, your craftsmanship is better. Lin Wei smiled and praised.

If you like to eat, just eat more, there are many more. Zhang Xiaoman immediately opened his eyes and smiled, with a doting expression on his face.

Mom, and don’t care about me. Upon seeing this, Wu Tong immediately became a little dissatisfied, and acted coquettishly at his mother.

"It's just you, it's good if you don't lose weight. You can still eat it. Look at the meat on your face, it should be reduced!" Zhang Xiaoman said with a disgusting expression on his face.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoman's heart-wrenching words, Wu Tong immediately stopped frying her hair. She threw the chopsticks away, and said angrily: "Also let people not eat, and let them eat. I will come back. In a few days, I will annoy you. I knew I would not come back. At this moment, I might still be eating yak meat on the plateau."

Do you dare, Wu Tong, this matter has not been settled for you yet. You give me peace of mind, otherwise, I will give you a year in advance. The fine bamboo in the courtyard has grown a lot this year, so I'm not afraid to run out. Zhang Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and said calmly at his girl.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This thin bamboo filled her entire childhood, it can be said to be a childhood nightmare, how could there be any.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong couldn't help but angry at Wu Jianhua and said, "Dad, why is this broken bamboo still there? Why didn't you shovel it away? How ugly to grow in the yard."

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