Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1771: 10 thousand 01

Good times are always short, and the November holiday comes to an end in a blink of an eye. Although I have no complaints, I have to say goodbye to my family and start working again.

Wu Hao felt very uncomfortable, because this time he and Lin Wei's persuasion failed again, and his father and stepmother were still reluctant to go to Anxi. The reasons are still those reasons, that is, they refuse to let go. If Wu Hao and the others are in a hurry, they will get angry, get angry, and then come to reason with you.

No matter how old we are, we can take care of ourselves without you worrying about it. When we are old and unable to do anything, then we will go to your side and so on.

Regarding the persistence of the two, Wu Hao had no choice but to help. Had to change another way. There are only two of them at home now, and he and Wu Tong are not around, but they are a little worried. So Wu Hao decided to persuade him to hire an aunt or nanny to take care of their lives.

But as expected, it was rejected. This matter has not been mentioned before, nor has it been tried, but it failed in the end. The aunt and nanny Wu Hao specially invited, let her leave within a few days of staying at home.

There are a lot of reasons given, but I don’t want it anyway. Several more were found, but they were all driven away without exception. When Wu Hao saw this, he had to admit defeat and give up. He really couldn't help this matter, he couldn't force it.

Before leaving, Wu Tong was crying. At first this girl didn't want to come back, but within a few days of coming back, she became extremely dependent on her family. So much so that she was thinking about going back to Anxi. She was not in a good mood for two days, and even when she was about to leave at the end, the crying was sad, and even Wu Hao couldn't stand it anymore, and she felt relieved.

As for him and Lin Wei, they behaved more normally, and now they have been able to deal with this kind of parting very calmly. Although there are many reluctances and bad emotions in my heart, I don't express them too much.

Maybe the standard for people's maturity is to learn to hide their inner feelings.

Like every time before leaving home, Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman crazily stuffed Wu Hao in what they called the vehicle, which was basically full. Basically, these are the things that they had prepared to purchase in order to welcome them back for the holidays. They didn't finish eating during the holidays, so they were all packaged and sealed by Zhang Xiaoman, stuffed into the car for them to take back.

In addition, there is something specially prepared for them. I heard that Wu Hao is using his brain better now, so Zhang Xiaoman specially asked someone to buy this kind of walnut. It is very small, and it is the result of an old walnut tree in the mountain. But the taste is good, and it is green and healthy.

Knowing that Lin Wei had some trouble sleeping, Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman started thinking. I heard that royal jelly can help sleep, so the two of them also helped many people to get a few bottles, and in the end they all stuffed them into the car for Lin Wei.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others felt very helpless while feeling the deep love from their parents. As far as their current living conditions are concerned, they want nothing, and they are very easy to get. But after all, this is the little intention of the elderly in the family, it is not good to refuse directly.

But, facing these things, they are also worried, how to deal with these things back. These things have been enough for them to eat for several months, and they can't eat these things every day.

Parents are like this. If you don't bring these things, they will be even more disappointed, and they may even think randomly.

So every time, I was moved and helpless, but I could only accept it.

With the two old people's perseverance, Wu Hao and the others drove away from their hometown to Anxi. If they can, of course they want to play for a few more days and spend more time with their parents. But work is really too busy, time does not allow.

Going back this time, Wu Hao had to get up and go to participate in the northern series of annual exercises. The time has been determined above and cannot be changed, so I can only go there on time.

On the way back, the three of them seemed a little silent. Wu Tong is still in sorrow, so the whole person is faint and lacks energy.

As for Lin Wei, she held Wu Hao's hand and kept stroking, hoping to comfort Wu Hao in this way.

As for Wu Hao, of course there are some difficulties, but at the moment his mind is all on other things. Thinking about things, he naturally seemed a little silent.

First to break the atmosphere, it was Lin Wei. Seeing that the atmosphere in the car was a little low, she smiled and took out two thick red envelopes from her bag, and then opened it and counted the money.

Seeing Lin Wei's actions, Wu Hao and Wu Tong looked at her one after another.

Wu Hao smiled and asked, "Where did the red envelopes come from, so much money?"

"Hey, my uncle and aunt quietly stuffed it to me. The total is ten thousand yuan." Lin Wei said with some pride.

Wu Hao smiled and asked: "Then what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean, isn't it just one out of a thousand? I thought I didn't know." Lin Wei knew it at a glance.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, it is one in a million. If you collect the money, you have agreed to be their one-in-a-million daughter-in-law."

"Ah, that's it." Lin Wei was taken aback for a while, and then she couldn't help expressing a hint of shyness: "I knew that I would not accept it, it would be too embarrassing."

"Why, you still want to regret it," Wu Hao asked with a smile.

"I can't."

Lin Wei glanced at him first, and then said: "If you treat me badly, I will regret it."


"Actually, you can go back now." Wu Hao said with a smirk.

"Okay, wait here, see if I won't kill you." Lin Wei said that she was about to stretch out her hand and she was already familiar with Wu Hao's waist. Wu Hao hurriedly avoided seeing this, but Lin Wei, unwilling to show weakness, grabbed Wu Hao's arm and bit.

Of course, with just a light bite, UU reading is a joke, no one will take it seriously.

While the two of them were fighting, Wu Tong, who had been depressed at this time, spoke a little impatiently: "Hey, there is me here. You two should go home and don't show in front of me."

Cough. Wu Hao and Lin Wei were really embarrassed when Wu Tong said so. Wu Hao coughed twice, and then smiled at Wu Tong and asked, "Is it time to come back? I don't know who is unwilling to come back, but now it's hard to tell."

"Blame you, I can't tell you to come back. You can't do it. Of course I can't bear to leave now." Speaking of this, Wu Tong looked at Lin Wei's sour and aggrieved face and said: "Sure enough, I am not. My parents didn’t give me a red envelope, which made me mad."

Upon seeing this, Lin Wei smiled and put the money away, then carefully put it in the red package. She certainly does not lack this little money now. But it was of great significance to Lin Wei, because it was given by her mother-in-law and her father-in-law, and giving her such a number was an obvious recognition of her.

It's no wonder that in the end, Uncle Zhang was so happy, that's what it meant. Thinking of this, thinking of some of the previous reactions, she couldn't help but blush.

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