Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1772: The robot "home"

I haven't gone home for several days, and the house is as clean as ever, without a trace of dust.

It stands to reason that Anxi belongs to a northern city. It's a golden autumn in October, and the sun is shining brightly. There is no one at home to clean up for several days, and it will definitely be dusty.

Even the doors and windows are locked. Unless it is to completely isolate the air, I have never heard of anyone who can completely isolate the particulate dust.

The reason why the house is so clean is due to the smart housekeeper, which is actually taken care of by Wu Hao's personal smart assistant Cocoa.

The current cocoa is very powerful, it is everywhere, very faithfully undertaking Wu Hao's intelligent assistant work, basically covering all aspects of Wu Hao's clothing, food, housing and transportation.

After Wu Hao and Lin Wei left the house, Cocoa detected that Wu Hao and the others were leaving the house for a long time, and immediately issued instructions to make corresponding adjustments. The smart housekeeper system in the home then enters the dormant state, except for some necessary systems, such as the security system, the fire protection system, and the minimally operating sanitation system. A series of other systems will temporarily go to sleep, they will operate at a minimum or temporarily stop sleep, thereby reducing consumption.

The day before Wu Hao's return, or just a few hours before, Cocoa will immediately wake up the smart home butler system and various system devices to make it work normally.

In the sanitation system, various cleaning robots will start to detect and thoroughly clean the home environment to restore cleanliness. The fresh air system and the air-conditioning system and even the ground source heat pump system will be activated and begin to circulate the air in the home to keep the air fresh. After all, I didn’t go home for many days, and the windows closed automatically. The environment in the room must be poor. If you don't recycle, there will definitely be some smells or harmful gases when you come back.

As for the air conditioning system and the ground source heat pump system, it is natural to adjust the temperature in the room, and the temperature of each room can be individually controlled. Under normal circumstances, it is sufficient to have one of these two systems. But why there are two sets of systems is because the two sets of systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, and secondly, they serve as backups for each other to avoid a single system failure and a deterioration of the living experience.

Generally speaking, air conditioning systems have advantages in dehumidification, including refrigeration. And it also has a big advantage, that is, it does not control heating or cooling, and it is very fast. Under normal circumstances, it does not take long to raise or lower the temperature of the home.

The ground source heat pump system is stable. It actually uses deep groundwater to circulate so that the temperature of the entire home is kept at a constant temperature throughout the year. This temperature will not be too high or too low, generally around 20 degrees Celsius.

The so-called enhanced living experience, this ground-source heat pump system is connected by a hot water boiler and a water-cooled circulation system that connects to groundwater.

In summer, the water-cooling circulation system can be started to cool the cold water sent by the ground source heat pump system for a second time, so that the water can reach a lower temperature. In this way, the temperature of the entire room can be lowered through the geothermal circulation network spread over all the floors of the whole home.

And this kind of cooling will be slower and more stable, and will not cause too much impact on people. For example, if we use air conditioners to cool down, it is easy to get air-conditioning disease, but this kind of use of water circulation to cool down will not happen.

In addition, if the air conditioner is turned on, it means that the doors and windows must be closed so that the temperature can be lowered and energy consumption can be avoided. This is a cool feeling, but you have to keep the doors and windows closed at all times, which is inconvenient. Although there is a fresh air system, it is not good to open the doors and windows to face the fresh air. However, this kind of water-cooled circulation system that keeps a constant temperature will not, even if the doors and windows are open, there is no problem.

Then in winter, in order to give the owner a better living environment, the heat close to the ground source heat pump itself is obviously not comfortable enough. So at this time, it is necessary to use a boiler to reheat the water so that the water temperature can be increased.

In this way, the water circulation network laid under the floor of the home can heat up the room. And because the floor is hot, people will feel very comfortable stepping on the floor, which is not possible with air conditioners or wall-mounted radiators.

So even in the cold winter, Wu Hao and Lin Wei at home can still walk barefoot at home, wearing shorts and short sleeves, eating watermelon, and admiring the snowy scenery outside the window.

And more importantly, this system is very energy-saving, far lower than air-conditioning heating and cooling, and also lower than the cost of a single-use boiler.

In fact, when it comes to this, some people may ask, why not connect to municipal heating, which should be regarded as the cheapest heating cost.

However, they live in the Linghu International Business District, adjacent to the Linghu Ecological Reserve, and belong to the suburbs of Anxi. It is at the end of urban heating. Although there are heat exchange stations and central heating boilers, it is obviously not reliable. Spectrum.

Therefore, in order to have a better living experience, it is better to bring your own self-sufficiency. He doesn't want the central heating pipes to burst and the heating is cut off. This is not a good experience in a northern city like Anxi.

You know, it is common for municipal heating pipes to burst open in northern cities. Ordinary citizens can tolerate this situation without the conditions. Wu Hao didn't want to suffer because of the money left. It was obviously not worth it.

In addition, it is the cleaning robot, these cleaning robots are the latest technology products in Haoyu Technology. Some are not even listed yet.

For example, one of the smart mobile vacuum cleaners. It is actually a robot with a long mechanical arm, which is very flexible. Otherwise, the top of the robotic arm is not a gripper, but a powerful suction head, which can be docked with various suction heads, so as to be used for vacuuming in different environments and locations.

This mobile smart vacuum cleaner It has a very powerful visual sensor that can detect tiny dust scattered on various environments and various objects, so as to collect dust.

The main reason Wu Hao and the others did not see a trace of dust when they went home was because there were such a few mobile smart vacuum cleaners at home.

They are jointly responsible for the vacuuming of the entire house upstairs and downstairs, including the basement. Before Wu Hao returned, the corners and corners of the house had been cleaned up.

In addition, there are other kinds of robots in the house. There are even specialized robots in the kitchen and bathroom, which are responsible for the work in the kitchen and bathroom. For example, an intelligent robot in the kitchen can manage the food in the refrigerator well, throw away the expired ones, and then refill them with new things.

There is also the bathroom, which should be said to be the most messy place in the whole house. Responsible here is a special scrubbing robot, which is responsible for the sanitation in the bathroom, ensuring that the bathroom is always kept clean.

There are many such robots. Together, they form Wu Hao's enhanced intelligent butler service system, which provides Wu Hao and Lin Wei with a high-quality and comfortable living environment.

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