Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1773: Lack of confidence

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Back at home, Lin Wei hurried to go back to the room to take a shower and change clothes. As for the girl, Wu Tong, because school only started the day after tomorrow, Wu Hao brought her back home, let her stay one night, and return to school tomorrow.

As for Wu Hao, he is sadly urging to respond to some issues in his work. Although it is still in the holidays, some of the company's businesses and projects are proceeding normally, and he is going to participate in the Northern Series of annual exercises soon, so there are a lot of things.

When he came to the study, Wu Hao got on the phone of his old friend Luo Kai.

Luo Kai is the official organizer and director of the Northern Series of exercises. Now he is going to go there soon, so he naturally wants to find out about the situation.

Luo Kai was not particularly surprised by Wu Hao's call. He laughed and teased on the phone: "I guessed that your kid would call me. Why, can't you sit still?"

In addition to Luo Kai's voice, there was a roar and some microphone noise. In response, Wu Hao smiled and asked, "Where are you? It's too noisy."

Luo Kai increased the volume and replied: "I am in the field, and I am doing preparatory work before the exercise. The scene is quite noisy.

Wait a minute..."

After speaking, there was a sound of cars on the phone. After driving for about a minute or two, the sound of the vehicle finally stopped, and Luo Kai's voice sounded at this time.

Okay, let's stop the noise now.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said, "There is no sound anymore, how far have you driven?"

Haha, it's a matter of getting rid of it. Luo Kai said to Wu Hao: "In the past few days, not only in the exercise site, equipment transfer, but also a series of other tasks, I was very busy. I only slept for more than two hours last night.

By the way, the lamb here is good. When will you come, I will ask you to eat hand-caught meat! "

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao said: "I will prepare for one day tomorrow and finish some things. Let's arrive in the morning the day after tomorrow.

We have a lot of weapons and equipment to participate in the exercise. I am a little worried. I still have to check it out before the exercise. "

What's worrying about this? Many of these equipment have been tried out in the army for a period of time, and there should be no problems in performance. Luo Kai made him feel relieved.

Wu Hao shook his head: "Let's check it on the spot. The specifications of this exercise are very high. I heard that many leaders are coming. Let's prepare well and try to get good news."

Hearing Wu Hao’s words, Luo Kai did not insist anymore, but changed the subject and said to him: “Since you have decided on that, then do it. In fact, this is good, and I am also looking forward to what you can do this time. Wonderful performance.

For this exercise, everyone is looking forward to it. "

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said: "I just came back from my hometown, thinking about calling you and feeling the situation, so I have a bottom line."

Haha, there are moments when you feel unsure. Luo Kai teased him, and then said: "There are some things I can't tell you on the phone in China. I can only tell you these things when you come to the scene.

But you can rest assured that there will be no major problems. "

Okay, I get it. What Wu Hao wanted was Luo Kai's last words. He also knew that it was impossible to take out the other party's things on the phone. If it does come out, it can only harm Luo Kai, and even Wu Hao himself will be implicated.

"Take care of yourself and take your time to squint for a while. If you are an older person, you think you are just like me, with such a good body and so much energy."

Okay, know it well. Luo Kai replied, and then said to him: "Then I will be waiting for you here, we will get together again when you arrive.

I'm still busy here, a lot of things are hanging up! "

Hearing the call interrupted the blind tone, Wu Hao was a little speechless, how old this is, it's still so popular.

While thinking about it, I saw Lin Wei walk in. Looking at Wu Hao with a smile, he said, "Have you finished?"

Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei. At this moment, she had put on a cool and cool house clothes, wearing slippers, showing a pair of white and tender feet.

The hair has been blow-dried and it is very soft. Although there is no makeup on the face, the skin is still broken, fair and tender.

Wu Hao looked at her and smiled and pulled her into his arms, letting her sit on his lap.


Lin Wei exclaimed and fell into Wu Hao's arms, her face flushed involuntarily, and her small fist began to beat Wu Hao's chest.

What are you doing, dying, it's daytime now. Besides, Xiaotong is at home, if she is to die, how can I face her.

It's okay, this girl has gone to her room to play games long ago. With that, Wu Hao's hands had penetrated into his clothes unknowingly, and began to climb to the peak.

After a while, Lin Wei's breathing became a little quick.

Just as Wu Hao was about to carry the gun to the door and fight on the battlefield, Lin Wei woke up, and then grabbed his handle, then stood up and smiled at him: "Okay, okay, people are hungry, let’s get some. Eat it."

"I've been hungry for several days, let me take care of my stomach first. And if you are hungry, you can drink milk, and you can take care of it!"

"You're going to die!" Lin Wei pretended to see angrily, using a bit of strength on her Hao couldn't help taking a breath, and quickly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, eat first ,Have a meal.

What do you want to eat, I'll make it for you! "

This is almost the same! Only then did Lin Wei leak a satisfied smile, let go of her hand, and then wiped her hand on Wu Hao's clothes a little disgustingly.

In this regard, Wu Hao was a bit dissatisfied in an instant: "I have eaten all the food, do you feel so disgusted?"

Wu Hao, I'm never finished with you. With that, Lin Wei wanted Wu Hao to pounce.

Seeing this, Wu Hao quickly avoided Lin Wei, who was catching crazy, and ran outside. Lin Wei saw Wu Hao fleeing in embarrassment while pulling his pants, and then chuckles and laughed.

Then his face showed a faint blush, and he was about to take a few steps outside, when he suddenly stopped, his face was red instantly, and then he walked out quickly with small steps.

As for Wu Hao, he walked to the living room calmly and found that Wu Tong was playing with the equipment in the living room. Seeing Wu Hao, I couldn't help but said to him: "Brother, I'm hungry, what shall we eat in the afternoon. I ate two dumplings when I left in the morning, and now I am already hungry."

Who told you not to eat more? Wu Hao didn't have a good temper.

I'm full, but am I hungry now? Wu Tong discerned one sentence, then looked at him fiercely and said: "You don't care about the food, regardless of the food, I will eat at school."

Is it reasonable for you to eat for nothing (idiot)? Wu Hao suddenly said with dissatisfaction.

I'm your sister, do you need money to eat and drink with you? Wu Tong asked back, but then she woke up, and then she got up and showed a fierce look, and rushed towards Wu Hao with his teeth and claws: "Okay, you dare to scold me for an idiot, I'm fighting with you today. Stinky Wu Hao, I have endured you for a long time!"

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