Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: Did not exert the true strength of these weapons and equipment

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"Secondly, I have confidence in our own weapons and equipment. The wind attack system was developed by me, so I still know this system very well."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at the two of them. The two also nodded their heads in recognition. Indeed, none of them are more familiar with this weaponry than Wu Hao, who developed the swarm array control system and participated in the development of the storm attack system.

Seeing the two of them, Wu Hao nodded and then continued: "When we were developing this system, we focused on fully targeted research on the vulnerability of this system to electromagnetic interference. In addition, this system has been continuously developed over the years. It can be said that we have done enough for electromagnetic interference.

Therefore, the general strong electromagnetic interference environment has little effect on this gusty wind attack system.

Secondly, even if it is subject to strong electromagnetic interference, the communication of the drone attack swarm will be affected, but it will still not prevent and affect the drone attack.

Once the unmanned aerial vehicle cluster or the unmanned aerial vehicle loses contact with the outside world and the communication information is blocked, the unmanned aerial vehicle will then conduct selective attacks according to the pre-set target.

The UAV will enter the cruise mode, while flying towards the predetermined target airspace, while searching for ground targets through the graphic recognition system, and comparing them, looking for the most matching target to strike.

In other words, even if the red team found a large-scale drone swarm and conducted strong electromagnetic interference in time, it would be difficult to prevent it from attacking.

Even if the opponent has a dense air defense firepower network, it is difficult to resist so many drone swarm attacks. It can only be slow and cannot be stopped.

As for the hacking attack you mentioned, the issue of gaining control authority transfer attacks is simply unrealistic. Let alone whether the red side has such strength, even if it does, the blue side will respond in time.

In addition, the swarm attack system uses an independent control system and has a powerful firewall, making it difficult to be compromised by hackers.

Even if it was compromised, it was only granted permission for a drone. Each drone has an independent number. If hackers want to gain control of other drones, they must continue to attack. This workload is very huge.

In addition, when the swarm attack system detects anomalies in the information and data of other drones, including abnormal flight attitudes, it will automatically isolate them and kick them out of the swarm system.

Finally, it takes a lot of personnel and time to crack and compromise this system. But our swarm attack drones won't wait for them to attack, they have already completed their mission, so in the end they can only catch the water with a bamboo basket. "

After explaining Wu Hao, he paused for a while, and then smiled: "And even if this attack fails, for the Blues, it is just the loss of some swarms to attack drones. Losing this means of attack is not too great. Big loss.

The main force of the Blues is intact and unaffected at all. On the other hand, the red team participating in the exercise, let alone whether the attack can be successful, even half of the success can greatly consume the power of the red team participating in the exercise, playing the goal of weakening the opponent.

Even if the offense fails, it can be delayed and exhausted. It can be said to be profitable but not harmful. Why not try. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, the old man and Lu Qingfeng nodded slightly, but did not say anything, but motioned him to continue. Valley

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao could only continue to talk.

"I won't talk about air combat. The performance is still passable. However, the use of the Fu Liu intelligent attack drone is still a bit rigid and not flexible enough. In fact, in my opinion, it can still play a greater role.

After the red side lost air supremacy, the air force on the blue side also did not make any major moves. If it were me, I am afraid that it would have attacked the red troops and equipment in the hinterland.

In addition, I feel that the time for the Blues to gain air supremacy was too late, to put it bluntly, too passive.

In terms of air defense operations, as well as our light field area air defense system, the performance in this exercise was not bad, and it basically achieved the combat objective. But I think this system can do better.

As for the final counterattack, the digital special synthetic battalion used by the Blue Army and the twelve Xingtian power armors looked like a fatal blow, but they were far from being able to show the true strength of these two weapons and equipment.

That is, the final decapitation action, which is still impressive, but it's too late. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao swallowed and said: "In the final analysis, it is because the Blue Army does not have enough knowledge of weapons and equipment, they are not skilled enough to use them, and they have not exerted their true strength.

In addition, the combat thinking needs to be changed. New weapons were used, but the combat ideas and tactics were still the same as before. There was no specific strategic and tactical arrangement for the performance and characteristics of these weapons and equipment. This is why this battle was so awkward.

To be honest, the performance of the red side is also a bit unsatisfactory. I can hardly imagine that the red side will put its killer feature, the long-range cruise missile battalion in front, and take the lead in reimbursement. What does the red commander think? of.

In addition, I have no objection to the red side's choice of front and rear flanking and large-scale armored group assault advancement. However, during the siege operations, there were constant problems, and the cooperation between the various units was even more difficult to explain in a word.

Although they were faced with a digital special synthesis camp that they had never seen and never played, it was not the reason why they were panicked and let them be slaughtered.

I think about this exercise, I'm afraid it's not only what I think, everyone will feel this way too.

However, this exercise can be regarded as meeting the requirements or goals of the headquarters in general. On the one hand, of course, it is to experimentally test the performance of new weapons and equipment. On the other hand, it is to test the performance of the troops in using and responding to these new weapons and equipment.

From this perspective, this exercise is of great significance and rewarding. "

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing what Wu Hao said, the old man and Lu Qingfeng both laughed.

The old man clicked on him, and smiled at Lu Qingfeng: "I'll just say it, this kid must be able to see it. You are right, this exercise was held with a sense of exploration, otherwise it would not be possible. Let the blue army use so many advanced weapons and equipment. Our goal is not only to test and experiment the actual combat performance of these advanced weapons and equipment, on the other hand, it is also to test the performance of the troops in using and responding to these advanced weapons and equipment. But from now on The results are not very satisfactory."

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