Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1816: Promote the militaryization of civilian technology

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I heard that you had a misunderstanding with the Blues? The old man changed his tone and asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao took a look at Lu Qingfeng when he heard the words, and then said a little embarrassed: "Do you know all this?"

You are clamoring that you are going to the headquarters to file a complaint, don't I know. The old man looked at him with a smile but a smile: "I'm here now, just tell me if you have any grievances."

Hearing the old man’s words, Wu Hao showed an awkward expression: “In fact, it’s nothing, but the Blues are doing things too sloppily and casually. One billion pieces of equipment, billions and tens of billions of items, just one piece. The handwritten IOU was taken away. The work of everyone on the laboratory project team has stopped, which has delayed a lot of research and development progress."

Hearing Wu Hao’s words, the old man looked at him and said, “I’m afraid it’s more than that. I heard that the Blue Army borrowed a large number of weapons and equipment from various units for this exercise, many of which are yours. , Aren't you going to say this?"

Uh, Wu Hao is a bit speechless, and he said that you know it, so why bother to ask me.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "As a business, we are actually the most afraid of trouble. Doing more is worse than doing less. Some things are not much loss for us. Naturally, we don't have the energy to really care about it. On the one hand, I wasted my work and time, on the other hand I was too tired."

Haha, this is what I said, but I haven't finished it yet. The old man smiled happily, then looked at him and said: "I'm afraid you're thinking in your heart that if the Blues weren't too much this time, I'm afraid you would calm down and swallow your anger."

After taking a look at Wu Hao, the old man smiled and said as he walked: "You, always think of yourself as too weak. In fact, with your current strength and previous excellent performance, you are no better than those in the military system. Hospitals and enterprises are worse. At least in our eyes, you are treated equally.

Do you know why we want to support you as a typical private military industry enterprise and give such great support? "

The old man turned his head and glanced at him, then asked and answered: "It is to build you into a banner and a signboard of the private military industry market, so as to attract more private enterprises to enter the military industry. Only in this way can we advance. And improve the overall level of our country’s military science and technology, build the army, and consolidate national defense.

Now weapons and equipment are no longer limited to traditional weapons and equipment, military weapons and equipment, military technology and civilian technology, and the boundaries of civilian products are getting smaller and blurred.

For example, take the drone technology you are good at.

The earliest drones served the military. Gradually, this technology was applied to civilian products, making consumer-grade and commercial drones popular all over the world, and many products were derived. There are those dedicated to taking pictures, some are used for visual light and shadow performances, and some other special purposes.

With the continuous development of civilian drone technology, many of these advanced cutting-edge technologies have been denied to the military field.

For example, some of our grassroots units, as well as some foreign forces, have even begun to directly purchase these civilian commercial drones for daily reconnaissance and combat missions, and they have excellent performance. According to the feedback results from many grassroots troops, they are better than the same. Type military drones are even easier to use.

And this has given us great inspiration and reference. Let us learn design and technical experience from these civilian commercial drones and integrate them into military drones. We will even invite these commercial drone companies to join in the development of some projects.

As for you, you have been leading the way in the field of special UAV technology, and the related UAVs developed have performed well in various fields. Moreover, it has also extended the drone technology and the use of drones to the extreme.

For now, in the field of special drones, you are definitely a bull-eared existence. And your R&D management method is also a hot spot for many companies, including many institutions.

Everyone is very curious about what can push you to grow to the current scale in such a short period of time. What is even more curious is why the development progress of your company's various projects is so fast.

Speaking of this, the old man turned his head and took a deep look at Wu Hao, then changed his tone and smiled: "Of course, every company has its own core secrets. These four people, the foundation of a company, of course can’t For outsiders too."

"Of course we are also curious, but we will not intervene. As long as you always stand with the country, always be loyal to the country, always uphold justice, and abide by the law, we will support you no matter what you do.

So you don't have to feel inferior at all, let alone feel that you are worse than anyone else. In our minds, both military industrial systems and private military industrial enterprises are equally important. This is especially true for companies that have made significant contributions to you. Therefore, there is no need to have such worries and of which, The old man paused, and then continued: "The Blue Army's actions this time are indeed very improper. Although there are many reasons, this is not an excuse for doing something wrong.

Don't worry, the army doesn't need anything else, it can't tolerate a little bit of sand. It's right or wrong, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. "

Speaking of this, the old man sighed and said: "Of course, Zhang Kefeng is also considered a titan, it's a shame to be folded like this.

It takes only a few decades to train a general, and it would be too wasteful to curb it in this way.

I'll beg for him to ask you for help. How about your side, let him remember this lesson, but don't affect his growth. "

Wu Hao heard this, silently in his heart, I am afraid this is also the best result. Thinking of this, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "As for me, I just show my attitude. As for how the military handles this, we fully respect and support this.

Besides, the equipment hasn't been damaged, and it didn't cause much damage to us, so it's nothing. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the old man nodded slightly, then smiled at him and said: "Don't worry, you must be given an explanation, and the lessons that should be given to them are unavoidable. They must be profound.

As for the losses caused to your side, we will let someone be responsible for the compensation, and we will compensate as much as the compensation should be. We can't wrong you. "

Thank you chief. Wu Hao nodded and thanked him, but he did not refuse. This is not their personal business, so naturally they must follow a normal and formal process. Secondly, even if Wu Hao refused, the other party would not agree. Rather than being polite, it's better to be generous.

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