Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1817: Making money is the main purpose

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the old man nodded slightly, then smiled at him and said: "Don't worry, you must be given an explanation, and the lessons that should be given to them are unavoidable. They must be profound.

As for the losses caused to your side, we will let someone be responsible for the compensation, and we will compensate as much as the compensation should be. We can't wrong you. "

Thank you chief. Wu Hao nodded and thanked him, but he did not refuse. This is not their personal business, so naturally they must follow a normal and formal process. Secondly, even if Wu Hao refused, the other party would not agree. Rather than being polite, it's better to be generous.

Sure enough, I did not misunderstand you. Seeing that Wu Hao responded so generously, the old man immediately leaked a smile on his face, then waved his hand and said, "Go, go back to the guest house. This man is old and lacks energy.

Hurry up and take a break. You have to attend and speak at the afternoon summary meeting. "

Hearing the old man’s words, Wu Hao said with a grimace: "Um, the head, I should not attend this summary meeting, and it is not appropriate for me to be an outsider."

Hearing this, the old man clicked with his finger and he scolded with a smile: "Don't be slick, you have to attend the afternoon meeting.

As for the summary of the previous exercise, you may not speak, but the latter is about weapons and equipment. This is your home court, so you can't avoid it. "

After speaking, the old man smiled and walked out. And Lu Qingfeng, who followed, smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and then quickly followed.

Wu Hao was a little helpless, it seemed that he wanted to be lazy. Since the old man said so, he can only attend this meeting.

To bid farewell to the old man and Lu Qingfeng, Wu Hao returned to the guest house. He didn't sleep all night, and now he is indeed very tired.

Taking off this camouflage training uniform, taking a hot bath, and putting on a bathrobe, Wu Hao walked out in a refreshing suit. Found that Shen Ning was already waiting for him in the living room.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled at her and said, "After all night, you should go to rest. Don't follow the meeting in the afternoon."

Shen Ning smiled and said: "I slept for a long time after last night, so it's okay now, not very sleepy. But you, after staying up all night, your voice is a little hoarse.

Otherwise, I will make you a cup of throat tea. You can drink some and then rest. "

Hearing what Shen Ning said, Wu Hao nodded. Thinking of how much tongue would be wasted at the afternoon meeting, he had to take care of his throat, and at the same time he would have a sore throat in the afternoon and lose his voice.

Seeing that he had responded, Shen Ning happily went and took out the throat tea, poured him a cup, and then brought it to him.

"Mr. Wu, many people from the military came to ask about our contact information today."

Wu Hao heard the words and turned into a tea cup, then looked at her and smiled: "Did you give it?"

Yes, there are so many military ranks so high, I dare not not give it. When Shen Ning said these things, she looked a bit like a kid who did something wrong, asking him to beg for forgiveness.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "Give it and give it, there is nothing. Our weaponry performed well in this exercise, and they naturally can't sit still."

You mean they want to buy our weapons and equipment? Shen Ning said with a smile.

Wu Hao looked at the girl with a delicate face and a good figure, and smiled and shook his head: "If a weapon equipment wants to be successfully deployed to the army and sent to the grass-roots officers and soldiers, it needs to go through many procedures. These are the generals. The final assembly has the final say.

Of course, the grassroots units can order, and in addition, they can report the situation, their expressions, and so on.

Therefore, contact and cooperate with them, so as to promote the early installation of our weapons and equipment, and increase orders. This is also one of the main purposes of our coming here this time. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao remembered something, and then ordered to Shen Ning: "Where are Zhou Yonghui, Meng Hai, Cai Tao, and they are now, let them know that the exercise is over, come back quickly.

After they come back, if someone wants to learn about these weapons and equipment, you directly lead the three of them in front of them, and let the three of them be responsible for receiving answers. "

Yes. Shen Ning nodded, but was a little worried: "Although the exercise is over, there is still some follow-up finishing work to be done. Isn't it a bit bad for them to come back at this time?"

There is nothing wrong with it, the previous things have already been explained. Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "You first let the three of them bring a few people back, and the other people will stay where they are and wait for the follow-up to come back."

Having said that, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then continued to order: "Our twelve Xingtian powered mechas are still in the hands of the Blue Army. You are like this. You and Zhou Yonghui will negotiate with the Blue Army. They want to come back, and then be transported back to the Northwest R&D base, they are still waiting there."

Yes, I will arrange it now. Shen Ning nodded, and was about to walk outside. But he was stopped by Wu Hao.


Mr. Wu, what else do you have?

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "I heard that the souvenirs here are good. After you have finished these things, you can take everyone out in the afternoon to have some delicious food and have fun. Everyone finally came out. Come on, don't be so bored.

In addition, remember to buy me more souvenirs and be authentic. If you don’t understand these, find a guide. I believe they will be happy to help you.

You also buy something for yourself and your family, and I will reimburse it! "

Thank you Mr. Wu! Shen Ning showed a happy smile. Nothing makes girls more happy than going out shopping and shopping for free. Shen Ning is no exception. Although this girl looks more serious in front of him, she is a very lively, playful and greedy girl in private.

As his how could Wu Hao not even understand these, otherwise it is impossible to leave important things to her.

Okay, let's go, hurry up and rest for a while after you're done. Wu Hao charged her up.

Yes, then you rest early. Shen Ning replied softly, and then walked out.

As for Wu Hao, after seeing Shen Ning going out, he immediately returned to the bedroom in the back room, and then lay on the bed comfortably.

When I was about to go to bed, a message popped up from my mobile communication device, which belonged to Lin Wei. Because he was in the contract command center all night, his mobile communication equipment was turned off and turned over for safekeeping. It was only after the exercise was over that I got my hands on the machine again.

"How's it going? Your devices are shutting down all night, are you okay?"

Seeing this passage, Wu Hao showed a gentle smile on his face, and then replied: "It's okay, I entered the restricted area so I shut down."

Unexpectedly, not long after this message was sent, the mobile communication device suddenly rang.

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