Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1952: A man can't stand it

After raising this question, Xu Hui has been paying attention to Chen Keer's reaction, hoping to find useful information from some words and deeds.

But beyond Xu Hui's expectations, Chen Ke'er turned his head at him very calmly and nodded with a smile: "I already know, as far as I am concerned, I will be very happy to cooperate with you in related investigations. But , these need to be approved by President Wu."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ke'er made a please gesture, and then said to Xu Hui: "Please come with me, President Wu has been waiting for a long time."

For Chen Ke'er's calm and calm reaction, it was beyond Xu Hui's expectations. For a normal person, it might be a little nervous to hear that the security department is going to investigate themselves.

This is something that Chen Ke'er can't see at all, as if he doesn't care about this matter at all.

Then this can explain a lot of problems. First of all, this Chen Keer is not afraid of their investigation. This is not to pretend to be calm in front of them, but that calm and calmness is radiated from the bones, and it cannot be pretended. A little bit can still be seen by an old security detective.

So why is she not afraid, is it because she has done nothing wrong and is not afraid of their investigation, or is it because she has something to rely on?

In addition, Xu Hui also noticed that this Chen Keer cares about trusting Wu Hao, and even has an illusion that her obedience or trust in Wu Hao has surpassed them and others.

This made him even more curious. Since the relationship between Chen Ke'er and Wu Hao is not the kind of relationship between men and women that everyone imagined, what kind of relationship would it be.

The last point is that I finally have the opportunity to get close to this Chen Keren. Xu Hui, including his two subordinates, feel that this Chen Keer is too beautiful, even more beautiful than the photos in the video. .

This made Xu Hui even more suspicious. Such a beautiful girl hangs around Wu Hao all day long. Unless Wu Hao is incompetent, how can he endure it? In his opinion, such a beautiful woman is a man. Can't stand it at all.

Therefore, Xu Hui came to a preliminary conclusion, either Wu Hao is incompetent, or there must be a relationship between Wu Hao and this Chen Keer.

Under the leadership of Chen Keer, Xu Hui and the others stepped on the crystal glass building to the second floor.

The entire second floor is very open, with very transparent floor-to-ceiling glass on all sides, allowing you to see the beautiful scenery outside. In the rest area, Wu Hao saw them coming up, then stood up and smiled at them.

Today's Wu Hao is dressed very casually, with a gray shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of white shoes, and his short hair, as well as his signature smile, making everyone feel that this person is very clean, young and handsome!

Especially the calm and confident temperament is more attractive. No, the female subordinate behind Xu Hui couldn't help but exclaimed, "So handsome!"

Xu Hui frowned slightly, coughed to remind him, and then quickly walked towards Wu Hao: "Haha, President Wu, it's really hard enough to see you."

Haha, see what you said, isn't it hard to see me anytime? Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with Xu Hui, then greeted Xu Hui and his two assistants, "Please sit down, I just made the tea."

Having said that, Wu Hao greeted everyone to sit down, and then poured tea for everyone.

As for Chen Ke'er, Xu Hui noticed that, led them upstairs, and immediately retreated.

Xu Hui picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and then smiled and said: "Good tea, the fragrance is indifferent, and the lips and teeth are fragrant."

Gu Da</span> Haha, it's not a good tea, it's just a support project we cooperate with local governments. If you like it, bring two pounds with you when you go back. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui looked at him with a smile and joked, "You are tempting me to make mistakes."

Wu Hao smiled and said, "The wild tea in the mountains is not well-known, nor is it worth much money. It is all a condolence gift from me personally."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui smiled and nodded and didn't bother too much about this matter, but went straight to the topic and said, "Then I'll thank you first, but one yard is one yard, I am today. You must know the purpose of coming here, what is it, give me an explanation."

Saying this, Xu Hui looked at the female subordinate beside him. The female subordinate understood and immediately took out a pen and paper, ready to act like a businessman.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled, and then said to Xu Hui: "What are you in a hurry, drink tea to moisten your throat first, I will tell you what I should tell you sooner or later."

Having said that, Wu Hao picked up a tea cup and tasted it slowly.

Seeing this, Xu Hui didn't quite understand Wu Hao's actions. Could it be that he was delaying time. But since he came, he naturally couldn't give up easily. Since Wu Hao was not in a hurry, he naturally couldn't be in a hurry, so he also picked up the tea cup, tasted the tea carefully, and watched the changes to see what Wu Hao was paying attention to.

Seeing Xu Hui's appearance, Wu Hao showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, then added a cup of tea to Xu Hui and their two assistants, and then smiled slightly: "By the way, there is something I've always wanted to tell you, this time It just so happens that you are here, so I will tell you first."

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Xu Hui nodded calmly and smiled, "What's the matter, what's wrong?"

That's right. When we were dealing with network attacks before, we found some useful things, but these things may involve some problems, so we haven't decided how to deal with them for a long time. Now it's just that you're here, so I'll just leave it to you and give you a headache.

what? Xu Hui said with some doubts Hearing Xu Hui's questioning, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Coco, throw out the documents numbered A1066-1009."

ok sir. As Coco's voice sounded, the large floor-to-ceiling glass directly opposite the rest area suddenly changed color and became a large high-definition screen. The files are displayed on the big screen.

Before Xu Hui and the others were surprised by the artifact of this glass screen, they were attracted by the content on the big screen, and their faces became more serious and solemn.

After watching it for about seven or eight minutes, the picture disappeared, and the large screen was re-transformed into transparent glass, allowing the beautiful scenery outside to be unobstructed.

With a dignified face, Xu Hui looked at Wu Hao and said, "Who knows all these things?"

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Relax, except for a few of our technical security personnel, and me, there is no one else."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui let out a sigh of relief, and then said to Wu Hao: "These contents must be kept strictly confidential. Later, I will need these people to sign a non-disclosure agreement and make a related record. In addition, I will pack all these documents and take them away!"

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