Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1953: "she" is not a person

Yes, all these things will be given to you at that time. Wu Hao nodded and smiled.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "How many of you do you have. Do you know that both citizens and enterprises have the obligation to report illegal and criminal information in a timely manner. and responsibility?"

Wu Hao smiled slightly and said, "You can wish me this. We have a short time to master these things. If you can come a few days later, maybe we will send it to you first."

Xu Hui obviously didn't believe what he said, but there was nothing he could do, because this thing couldn't be explained clearly. Even if Wu Hao and the others have a lot of these things in their hands, what can they do?

When the crowd started to be stunned, Chen Ke'er, who had already changed clothes in Zhijian, reappeared in everyone's field of vision, which made Xu Hui and the others immediately stunned.

I saw Chen Keer appearing in front of everyone wearing a daily Hanfu, and then walked over slowly, then knelt down on the side of the coffee table in front of everyone, and began to stretch out his hands to play with the tea set.

After reacting, Xu Hui coughed a little embarrassedly, reminded the two assistants next to him, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "What does this mean?"

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile, and then smiled at Xu Hui: "It's not interesting, you all come all the way, I have to treat you well. Ke'er's tea art is good, you can taste it."

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Xu Hui looked at Wu Hao's face and said seriously: "I'm not here to drink your tea, it's getting late, hurry up and make things clear. Otherwise, I'll just Can you ask Miss Chen to go back with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Hearing Xu Hui say this, Chen Ke'er didn't react, but poured tea for everyone very gently. As for Wu Hao, he smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. The parties are in front of you now. If you have any questions or investigations, you can all carry out, and we will definitely cooperate."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui glanced at Wu Hao, then turned to look at Chen Ke'er, and then seriously asked, "Miss Chen, don't be so troublesome. Next, please cooperate with our investigation. Please answer the questions truthfully, otherwise you will bear all legal consequences, so be clear."

Chen Ke'er smiled and nodded and asked, "Please ask, I will definitely cooperate with your investigation."

OK, Miss Chen, your real name, age, age.

Chen Ke'er said with a smile, "My real name is Chen Ke'er, you can call me Coco, I am 25 years old, and my occupation is Mr. Wu Hao Wu's personal assistant."

Coco, this name seems to be heard before, so familiar. By the way, it seems that the name of Wu Hao's personal intelligent assistant is called Coco.

Is this a coincidence?

Xu Hui greeted him in his heart, then looked at Chen Ke'er and said with a smile: "But Miss Chen, we have not found any relevant identity information about Chen Ke'er. Before you appeared in Haoyu Science and Technology Park, we did not Find out the slightest bit of information about you, as if nothing existed before, you appeared out of thin air.

Can you tell me what's going on here, or your former name and place of origin. "

Hearing Xu Hui's culture, Chen Ke'er shook her head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I can't answer your question without the authorization of Mr.

Hearing this, Xu Hui couldn't help but look at Wu Hao, with a hint of anger in his eyes, and asked Wu Hao what this meant, was he playing tricks on him?

Wu Hao didn't answer directly, but looked at the three with a smile and said, "Do you have electronic devices on your body? The next content will involve confidential content, so I want to ensure the absolute security of the content and information."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui looked serious, then took out his mobile phone, and said to his two subordinates, "You two take my mobile phone and go down first, and come back up when I notify you."

The two of them didn't say anything more after hearing the words, but nodded and stood up. As a result, Xu Hui called and walked down. They all understand the secrecy regulations, and they can't know the secrets they shouldn't know, let alone inquire about them.

Seeing the two subordinates go down, Xu Hui turned his head and said angrily to Wu Hao: "What the **** are you doing, what the **** are you doing? This is not a joke, it will be very troublesome if you don't get it right. It will also become a handle for others to attack you, do you have a few lines in your mind?"

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to Xu Hui: "Don't worry, I will tell you the truth of the matter, including Chen Ke'er's origin and basic information.

But there is one thing, after you hear it, you must keep it strictly confidential, and you can't disclose it without my permission. "

Impossible, I need to report this matter, this is the procedure. Xu Hui shook his head again and again.

Wu Hao looked at Xu Hui and shook his head: "You can find a way to deal with it yourself. Anyway, you can't leak the slightest information without our permission. This is my bottom line."

Seeing Wu Hao insist, Xu Hui has a big head and even more anger. However, he is a very rational person, and he knows that since Wu Hao requested this, it means that this matter is no trivial matter, so he still intends to listen to Wu Hao's explanation before talking about it.

You say it first, and then I will consider whether to report it or not. This matter has attracted the attention above, and it is not easy to deal with the past. You must give me a convincing answer. Xu Hui looked at Wu Hao seriously.

Wu Hao nodded slightly, then looked at Chen Ke'er next to him, and said with a smile at Xu Hui: "Actually, your investigation is right, before Chen Ke'er appeared in the park, she did not exist in this world. "

What do you mean, I didn't get it? Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui was stunned, and then asked.

Wu Hao explained with a smile: "I mean before this, she didn't exist at all, or she wasn't human."

does not exist?

Don't play dumb, make it clear, what does not is not human. Xu Hui was puzzled, his mind was messed up like a jar of paste, and there was no image at all. He had no idea what Wu Hao meant.

Wu Hao looked at Xu Hui's frantic expression, and then smiled and said to Xu Hui earnestly, word by word: "It means that the day it appeared in the park is exactly the day it arrived at this time, in other words. It was just born that day."

How is this possible! ?

Xu Hui stood up suddenly, looking at Chen Ke'er and Wu Hao with surprise, fear, and even madness.

"Don't joke, okay, do you think you can fool the past like this?"

Looking at Xu Hui, who was a little crazy, Wu Hao smiled at Chen Ke'er and said, "Since Captain Chen doesn't believe it, let him see your true colors."

ok sir. Chen Ke'er nodded when she heard the words, then stood up and turned to Xu Hui, showing a smile every day. Xu Hui was wondering what Wu Hao meant, but suddenly he was stunned, and then his mouth widened.


I saw that Chen Ke'er's two eyes lit up directly, and he was taking off the Hanfu on his body little by little.

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