Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1959: Technology is not good or bad

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Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao couldn't help frowning: "What if I refuse."

Reject, reject what? Luo Kai was stunned for a moment, then responded with an angry smile: "Why refuse, this is a good thing."

Good or bad, no one can say, but as far as we are concerned, we don't want to let this technology enter the public view prematurely. Wu Hao said: "As the owner of this technology, we have the right to decide when it will be available."

After hearing his words, Luo Kai on the phone obviously felt that Wu Hao was a little angry, and then comforted: "Of course, this is your right. But when new technology is developed, it will come out sooner or later. This time It's a rare opportunity indeed. It's better for you to release it as soon as possible than to make a fuss about it.

In addition, I have to criticize you, you need to improve your ideological awareness.

No one denies that this technology is yours, but you can't be proud of it either. We must have this society in our hearts, we must have the country, we must have organizations, and we must have the people. "

After saying this, Luo Kai continued: "Don't blame Xu Hui and the others, they dare not hide this matter, and everything is reported according to the procedure."

Hearing this, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said, "I still don't want everyone to know about this matter. If necessary, I will directly push it into the furnace and destroy it, as if it has never happened."

you are crazy! Luo Kai was shocked and angry, he didn't expect Wu Hao to have such an idea. Thinking of this, he quickly calmed down: "We don't want your technology, and no one will invade it, we just want to see it with our own eyes, that's all, don't do stupid things."

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Wu Hao is actually just venting his emotions and expressing his attitude, which is of course a test. To be honest, he was just a little unhappy. Originally, Xu Hui promised him that it would be kept strictly confidential. Now Luo Kai knows about it, so there are still few people who know about it.

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't answer his words, Luo Kai went on to appease him: "Don't blame them, this incident is really shocking, so the reaction is relatively intense.

But trust us, none of us are malicious. I will report your attitude and persistence. You can rest assured that I will try my best to prevent this news from spreading.

You must hold your breath and wait for my news. "

After speaking, Luo Kai hurriedly hung up the phone, it seemed that he was really in a hurry.

As for Wu Hao, instead of going to sleep after hanging up the phone, he lit a cigarette after a long absence and sat in the living room. It is foreseeable that many people will not be able to sleep tonight. Predictably, there will be a lot of phone calls tonight.

So he planned not to go upstairs to disturb Lin Wei, just spend the night below,

Just as he guessed, after about ten minutes, there was another call.

After connecting, looking at the portrait on the big screen, Wu Hao couldn't help sighing: "Why did they startle you."

On the big screen, it was Mr. Zhao Hongzhe who was wearing pajamas. He was wearing a coat and looking at the big screen with eyes.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhao Hongzhe said, "They said you were a little emotional, so please ask me to comfort you. What's going on, I heard about this, why haven't I heard you mention this technology."

Hehe, Wu Hao said with a wry smile: "This technology is actually an exploratory technology that I am working on privately. To be honest, I didn't expect to be able to progress to this point. It was originally intended to be carried out in a park. Relevant adaptive experiments have unexpectedly attracted the attention of the security department.

As a last resort, I will report on this technology. I originally hoped that they would keep it strictly confidential, but I didn’t expect everyone to know it so quickly. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhao Hongzhe waved his hand with a smile: "If you know it, you will know, what are you worried about. Instead of letting others be curious and guessing, it is better to be generous and show it.

Just like those new technologies you've released before, it just shines.

Why do you have such thoughts and reactions on this technological achievement, and what are you worried about? "

Hearing Zhao Hongzhe's question, Wu Hao was worried for a while, and then he told the conversation with Xu Hui in the afternoon and his worries. He didn't hide it from Mr. Zhao. Because the old man has always taken good care of him and really loves him as his grandson, Wu Hao admires him in his heart.

"Once this technology is launched and applied, the impact and impact will be too great. I don't know if this is right or wrong, and I even regret developing this technology."

Hearing what Wu Hao said in his heart, Zhao Hongzhe shook his head with a smile, and then said to him with a benevolent expression: "There is nothing wrong with technology itself, it is neutral, and there is no opposition between good and evil.

Just like nuclear energy, it can not only be used to generate electricity, illuminate countless people, but also become a weapon to destroy the world, and become the sword of Damocles hanging over the entire human head.

Then you say, such an invention such a technology is right or wrong.

I can understand your worries and worries, which shows that you are a good boy who is principled, responsible, and responsible. But what I want to tell you is, don't carry everything by yourself, and you don't need to carry some things yourself.

It's like Kalashnikov, he invented the AK47, and hundreds of millions of people died under this gunman, can you say he was wrong?

There is no right or wrong in the technology itself, let alone right and wrong, only the people who use it. "

Hearing Zhao Hongzhe's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, I made you worry."

Zhao Hongzhe smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm glad to hear your latest news again, this technology is very powerful. I was also shocked when I first heard it, I didn't expect you to have come so far.

Don't worry, do it boldly, there are our old guys behind, it's okay, don't be afraid. "

Seeing Wu Hao nodding in response, Zhao Hongzhe immediately smiled at him and said, "You're almost thirty soon."

Hmm, soon. Wu Hao nodded.

Well, I am not too young, so I have to pay close attention to my personal affairs. I can't always be busy with my career, and I have to take care of my family. Zhao Hongzhe instructed, and then said to him: "Your achievements today are really not small, and you should make a move. I remember that your school awarded you an honorary doctorate."

Wu Hao nodded and replied, "That's the case."

Originally it was just an honorary title, he didn't care much at all, he didn't expect Zhao Hongzhe to propose it today.

He only heard Zhao Hongzhe smiling at him: "This year's academician registration and selection has begun, we are going to report your name, you prepare."

Chapter 1959 Technology is not good or bad

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