Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1960: academician?

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Wu Hao is not without ideas about this matter. In fact, after he made a series of contributions, some people have proposed to add Wu Hao to the two academies of engineering or science.

It's just because he is too young, to grant him such a high honor at this time, some are easily criticized and dissatisfied with his growth and development.

There are many reasons why Zhao Hongzhe and Zhao Lao put forward this idea now. First of all, of course, the support, care and support from Mr. Zhao and the others all along.

Second, it is because Wu Hao has indeed made a lot of contributions in recent years, but there are many major scientific research achievements he has participated in. It can be said that many of the world-renowned major scientific research achievements in recent years are from him. hand. Therefore, in terms of ability and contribution, Wu Hao already has such requirements and conditions.

As for the third, it is a kind of compensation, or simply giving benefits. Wu Hao's reaction and attitude were indeed a bit beyond the expectations of many people, which made these people think that it might be because they didn't pay enough attention to Wu Hao and ignored Wu Hao and their feelings. So I decided to compensate him and appease him. As for this funding policy, Wu Hao is not lacking now, and they can't give it in other areas, so they can only give honor.

In terms of other honors, it is useless for Wu Hao, or they think that Wu Hao has no interest in it. So after much deliberation, only the highest honor in the field of science, engineering and technology can be awarded.

It's just that it would be embarrassing to say it so nakedly, or it would easily lead to Wu Hao's plan. Then it can only be changed to another person. After much deliberation, there is only Zhao Hongzhe, who has a close relationship with Wu Hao, Zhao Lao. Zhao Lao himself is also an academician, so it is most suitable for him to speak.

This last point is a kind of protection for Wu Hao. Now Wu Hao and the others have successively produced blockbuster scientific research results, which has attracted the attention of many people. Naturally, this has also caused many people to covet and covet.

Granting Wu Hao this honor and identity, to a certain extent, is a kind of protection for him, and it also tells everyone in disguise that there is state support behind Wu Hao.

For such an honor, it is a lie to be honest. But if this is to be exchanged for compromise, Wu Hao will certainly not agree. However, Zhao Lao did not continue to persuade him, but asked a few words, and then ended the call.

In his opinion, he has already said everything he should say, and the attitude and meaning he should express have also been clearly expressed. Wu Hao is a mature young man, he naturally has his own ideas. As an elder, he should understand and support rather than blindly discourage and deny. So after comforting one, he decisively hung up the phone.

After finishing the call with Zhao Lao, Wu Hao fell into contemplation while lighting a cigarette. There are many incoming calls, but many are blocked by Cocoa's filter.

Unconsciously, Wu Hao suddenly felt softness coming from his back, and when he came back to his senses, he found that Lin Wei had embraced him from behind, with his head resting on his shoulder.

why are not you sleeping. Wu Hao reached out and touched her delicate face and said softly.

I can't sleep without you. Lin Wei said coquettishly at him.

Wu Hao smiled slightly when he heard the words, then pulled Lin Wei down beside him and sat down. Lin Wei also snuggled into his arms.

Did they call you?

Lin Wei nodded gently: "They are worried about you, I hope I can comfort you."

What are you worried about, are you worried that I can't think about it? Wu Hao laughed.

Hehe, Lin Wei smiled softly, then poked his fingers on his chest and said, "They are worried that your thoughts are too extreme, so let me persuade you. However, I don't plan to do this. No matter what you do. I will support your decision."

Hehe, Wu Hao hugged Lin Wei and smiled: "It's not that serious, I just haven't figured out some issues, I'm just anxious."

Or is it because of Chen Ke'er? Lin Wei asked softly.

Wu Hao nodded slightly: "I don't know, it's right or wrong to let Chen Ke'er appear at this time. Although I know that it will come out one day, obviously the conditions are not ripe for now.

And in the afternoon, I had a deep talk with Xu Hui, this technology or Chen Keer's influence is too great. If it is used well, it is fine, but once it is mastered by bad people and used in the field of crime, it is really troublesome. "

After hearing his words, Lin Wei patted his arm lightly and said, "I can understand your concern, to be honest, the setup Xu Hui said is indeed too terrifying, if that's the case, let it be. It is so easy to disappear alone.

However, I think that sometimes you think about whether the problem is too complicated. It is really possible that this matter is not so complicated. It can be solved from the perspective of laws and regulations, or from the technical point of view. Why should you think deeply and give Put so much pressure on yourself. "

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Wu Hao pondered after hearing the words, then stroked Lin Wei's hair and nodded, "You are right, I think too much.

However, I am not a person who is so easy to compromise, and the principles that should be adhered to will still be adhered to. "

understood. Lin Wei laughed, and then said to Wu Hao, "Go, go upstairs to sleep."

"Let's go!" Wu Hao heard the words, immediately got up and picked up Lin Weiheng, then walked upstairs.

"Slow down, let me down!"

"What are you smoking? It smells so good!"

"Go brush your teeth, don't kiss me!"


Early the next morning, Wu Hao woke up pushed aside the exposed arm of Lin Wei who was sleeping beside him, Wu Hao got up gently, and then gently covered Lin Wei's leak with the quilt On the body that came out, just as he was about to move away, he heard Lin Wei's hazy voice.

"Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"When you wake up, you won't be able to fall asleep." Sleep a little longer and I'll prepare breakfast!

"Okay!" Lin Wei responded, then passed the quilt and fell asleep on her side.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw it, and then walked into the bathroom.

After washing and putting on clean home clothes, Wu Hao walked out of the room and came downstairs.

"Sir, good morning!" Coco's voice came from the speaker.

"Morning!" Wu Hao smiled.

"Sir, there have been a total of ninety-seven calls from last night to now, all of which have been answered according to your request."

"Is there any important call?" Wu Hao asked.

"Mr. Xu Hui called you in the morning."

"Xu Hui?" Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words. Although he couldn't blame him for this matter, it still had something to do with him, which made Wu Hao a little unhappy when he heard this name now. Of course, most of the anger has disappeared.

"Mr. Zhang Jun also sent you a message asking if you are awake."

"Zhang Jun?" Wu Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he smiled bitterly. It seems that these people hit a wall on his side, and then they all found him again. That's fine, at least it can make him clean up a bit.

"Send a message to Zhang Jun and say that the matter is for him to handle as appropriate, but there is one point, any requests and questions raised by the other party will not be answered for the time being."

"Okay, the news has been sent."

Chapter 1960 Academician?

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