Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2052: landing

In the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, everyone was engrossed in the situation of the camera at the top of the spacecraft's return cabin. Although in this fast return process, the communication signal transmission is relatively poor, and the pictures sent back are intermittent and very unclear.

But this did not affect everyone's viewing mood at all, everyone was holding their breaths, waiting for the scene they longed for to happen.

Afraid, the original monotonous sky picture suddenly flashed a few things, and I saw a small umbrella bag thrown out, and then quickly opened in the air.

This is the No. 1 parachute, the smallest one. There are a total of three parachutes on the spacecraft, of which the No. 3 parachute is also a deceleration parachute, which also undertakes the deceleration task during the spacecraft's landing.

This deceleration is also to prevent the return capsule from falling too fast, thereby affecting the normal throwing of the main parachute. Even because the speed of the return cabin is too fast, the main parachute opens and decelerates too much at once, and the huge inertia will cause the return cabin to pull the main parachute to rupture or break the parachute rope.

At the same time, the role of these three guide umbrellas is also to progress layer by layer, and finally successfully pull the main umbrella out of the umbrella bag in the return cabin. With such a large parachute packed into such a small bag, it is not easy to successfully throw it.

Therefore, smart designers designed a guide umbrella outside the main umbrella to guide and pull the main umbrella to help it successfully throw and open.

The No. 1 parachute was successfully opened, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. At least from the current point of view, the operation of the entire landing system is normal. For them, this is the best news they have received so far.

The picture on the big screen flashed again, an umbrella bag was thrown out, and a parachute larger than the No. 1 parachute was opened. This is the No. 2 parachute.

The No. 2 parachute didn't work for a long time, and then another parachute was pulled and thrown out. This was the No. 3 parachute, which played the role of deceleration and guidance. It was obviously much larger than the first two parachutes.

After the No. 3 parachute worked for ten seconds, a huge umbrella bag was successfully pulled out from the top of the return cabin, and three flower bones appeared in the sky.

This is the main parachute. Under the action of the landing wind resistance, the three main parachutes are like blooming flowers, slowly blooming and opening, forming a huge main parachute arranged in the shape of three 'pins'.

Under the deceleration of the three main parachutes, the speed of the return capsule also decreased significantly.

The telemetry center of the landing site reported that the parachute group of the return capsule had been thrown out, unfolded smoothly, and the parachute shape was normal. "

clap clap clap...

This time, the applause in the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center was even more enthusiastic, and everyone cheered. In addition to this, as can be seen from the channel and the big screen, the personnel of each system also cheered the failure.

Because everyone knows that as long as the main parachute is opened, the landing and landing of the return capsule will be more than half successful. This also means that they don't have to worry so much anymore, and the depressing atmosphere accumulated in the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center is also swept away.

"Attention to all units, the third landing site is estimated to be 111 degrees **** minutes **** seconds east longitude and 41 degrees **** minutes **** seconds north latitude."

"High-altitude drone reports that the synthetic aperture mirror radar pod has found the return capsule!"

Following the notification, the big screen also switched to the picture of the UAV synthetic aperture mirror radar pod. In the black and white picture, the return cabin was dragging the main parachute down slowly.

Even if the main parachute is opened, the descending speed of the Walker-4 return capsule is relatively fast, which is also relatively fast compared to traditional spacecraft. The reason why the descending speed is fast is mainly to avoid the influence of high air flow, thereby improving the landing accuracy.

Many times, we can hear the drop forecast many times, and there is a lot of variance. This is also due to the effect of high air currents on the capsule and the parachute, causing it to float away from the predicted landing site.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the landing speed and reduce the area of ​​the main parachute, thereby reducing the impact of airflow on the main parachute.

But in this way, the descending speed of the return capsule is too fast, which will inevitably bring new problems. Inevitably, the landing force of the return capsule was too large, causing the return capsule to crash and the astronauts inside to be injured, etc. to launch.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the landing, generally everyone hopes that the landing speed can be slowed down as much as possible. The big deal is to increase the area of ​​the main parachute, increase some weight, and forecast the landing point several times.

The reason why the Walker 4 spacecraft is designed this way is because it has another way of decelerating.

On the big screen, through the radar screen, you can see that above the sky, there is a return capsule dragging a huge parachute group down.

Soon, the camera lenses of the optical observation equipment on each search vehicle group on the ground were also found and tracked to the return capsule. For a time, everyone's focus was on the return capsule under the parachute group.

"Attention to all units, the fourth landing site is estimated to be 111 degrees **** minutes **** seconds east longitude and 41 degrees **** minutes **** seconds north latitude."

Several convoys have also moved closer to the core area of ​​the landing site as the forecast of the landing site has become more accurate. However, they did not continue to enter the forehead, but stopped at the perimeter to ensure safety.

The telemetry equipment on the convoy has also been aimed at the return capsule that is about to land several kilometers above. Now everyone will wait and see, waiting for the landing of the return capsule.

As the height of the return cabin got lower and lower, several drones had also begun to approach the return cabin, and began to accompany them in a radius of two or three hundred meters around the return cabin.

The high-definition camera on the drone can clearly see the relevant details of the entire return capsule. I can see that the entire return capsule has been burned and discolored, but the color is very light. It does not look like some spacecraft return capsules were burned when landing turned into charcoal.

Being able to achieve this level also has a lot to do with their use of new thermal insulation materials on the surface of the spacecraft. Although the outer shell of the spacecraft is in good condition, if the return capsule is to be the entire outer shell needs to be replaced to ensure that nothing goes wrong.


At a distance of about a kilometer from the ground, the four small recoil engines above the return capsule began to start, ejecting blue tail flames.

This was originally a very good escape device, but in the process, it will take on the task of slowing down the return capsule.

Of course, the four recoil engines did not work at full strength, but gradually increased, which also made the entire deceleration process as linear as possible, thereby reducing the discomfort of the astronauts in the cabin.

As the spacecraft's return cabin got closer and closer to the ground, the spacecraft's landing speed became slower and slower, and finally landed on the ground very smoothly. The huge smoke and dust blown by the tail flame quickly covered the entire return cabin, and the three large parachute groups lost their pulling force, then slowly landed and began to drift into the distance.

Blowing by the north wind, the smoke and dust quickly dispersed, leaking out of the return capsule standing above the ground.

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