Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2053: "Dad" from the stars

As the smoke and dust dissipated, the return capsule stood quietly on the ground. Although the shell of the entire return capsule has been burned and discolored during re-entry, the overall appearance is a gray matte color. But the light written by the sun's rays also made it shine with some golden light.

da da da da...

The first to come were two Mi 8 search and rescue helicopters. The two helicopters landed at a position fifty or sixty meters away from the edge of the landing site. Two staff members in yellow overalls and gas masks were carrying boxes while pressing down. Wear a hat to prevent the hat from being blown away by the high winds generated by the rotation of the helicopter blades.

The two staff quickly ran to the front of the manned return capsule of Walker 4, squatted down and opened the suitcase, took out the instruments, and started walking around the return capsule. This is a poisonous gas detection device to prevent the leakage of poisonous gas because the residual propellant fuel and other substances in the return cabin are not discharged cleanly.

If you don't pay attention, it is likely to cause harm to the search and rescue staff and even the astronauts who are about to leave the warehouse.

After the monitoring was completed to ensure that no toxic gas leakage remained, the two staff members waved to the waiting staff not far away and reported it immediately.

"After the on-site air test, there is no toxic gas around the return cabin, the air is safe, and follow-up work can be carried out."

The waiting staff rushed to the scene and started to get busy.

The first and most important thing is to raise the flag, which is a very solemn ceremony. I saw a very bright national flag was inserted not far from the return capsule, and then the blue flag with the Haoyu Aerospace logo was also inserted beside the national flag.

Two flags fluttered in the wind and displayed in front of the camera, telling everyone the success of this manned launch mission.

In the big screen, the convoys gathered from all directions have arrived at the landing site one after another, and immediately began to work on the site. The security team at the scene has cordoned off around the return capsule to avoid the entry of stray people.

Some reporters who arrived earlier have also crowded around and started taking pictures.

Above the sky, the drone is still hovering above, and through the bird's eye view of the drone, you can see the relevant situation on the scene very clearly. At this point, the related tasks of the drones have ended, and they will return to the landing point for recovery.

Several fixed high-definition cameras are set up in the return cabin and around the scene. Through these camera lenses, whether it is viewers and netizens watching the live broadcast, or in the lobby of Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, they can all be very intuitive. See live footage of the scene.

Of course, compared to the live broadcast, Wu Hao and the others saw more and clearer pictures in the hall of Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center. It even includes the data information in the return cabin at this time.

Because the communication relay vehicle has arrived, and through the vehicle relay transmission, Wu Hao and the others can also see the condition of the astronauts inside very clearly.

Compared with the lively outside, Yuan Zifeng appeared calmer in the return cabin. He first checked the situation in the return capsule, then opened his mask, and began to contact the hall of Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center and the search and rescue command center of the landing site outside to report the situation in the cabin.

Because the return capsule is standing, although this method is the best, it also brings inconvenience to the astronauts. Soon, some construction vehicles were moved to the out-of-warehouse working platform, and the staff also boarded the working platform and began to prepare.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a position opener has boarded the work platform of the warehouse, holding the key to open the warehouse in his hand, ready to open the warehouse. The relevant standards of the Walker 4 spacecraft are all the national standards used, even if the method of opening positions is the same, which is also convenient for the relevant teams to adopt the aerospace system, so as to carry out close cooperation.

Yuan Zifeng's family, her wife and daughter have arrived at the scene in a follow-up vehicle. Yuan Zifeng's wife is holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and holding the hand of her daughter, who is very beautifully dressed in a dress, with the other.

However, compared to his wife's excited expression, Yuan Zifeng's daughter looked at the big guy in front of her very curiously, wondering how her father came down from the sky on this big guy.

The scene is proceeding in an orderly manner, and it will take some time before the astronauts leave the warehouse.

In the hall of Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. The smiles on everyone's faces and the laughter between conversations filled the entire hall.

After staying up all night, Wu Hao and the others, who were a little worried, finally let go of their dangling hearts.

I went out for a cigarette, and I was so nervous. Zou Xiaodong stood up, shook his hands, and exhaled.

I went too, Zhang Jun also took up, and then looked at Wu Hao: "Together?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, he has not reached the point of these two guys. Originally, this guy Zhang Jun also quit smoking, it seems that this time he is really nervous.

Taking the tea cup handed over by the staff, Wu Hao blew it, and then drank a hot tea.

He doesn't like coffee, of course, and he doesn't like tea very much, or he hasn't reached the age of drinking tea yet, and he hasn't understood the taste of this tea. However, he still likes the fragrance of tea leaves, so he will drink it.

Yang Fan stretched his waist and looked at the busy people on the big screen and said, "Finally, I can get a good night's sleep. I have been concerned about this mission for the past few days, and I haven't had a good rest."

When did you get a good rest. Wu Hao looked at Yang Fan's faint dark circles and said, "Zhou Xi often complained to Lin Wei, saying that I squeezed you too much, and UU reading will not let you rest.

You can touch your conscience and say, when did I oppress you? Didn't you arrange the time yourself? Have I advised you to take care of your body, pay attention to rest, and combine work and rest? "

Hearing Wu Hao's complaints, Yang Fan smirked a little embarrassedly: "I'm not used to it, it's always been like this before, and I don't feel anything. But since I lived with Zhou Xi, I feel that my life It's almost messed up, but it seems to be more tired than before."

"You have something wrong with yourself. What's wrong with having such a woman by your side, arranging your life for you." Wu Hao directly rolled his eyes and scolded.

"It is said that this marriage is the tomb of love, and love is the tomb of freedom. You are right. Once you are bound by love, you will lose your freedom." Yang Fan sighed with emotion.

"You know I used to have a casual life before, when I'm tired to rest, when I'm rested and then work, it's good.


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