Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2104: Migrant workers' little secret

Half an hour later, Wu Hao saw a young man led by Shen Ning in the hotel room. This person Wu Hao has an impression, and he is also an employee who participated in the dinner tonight. However, his performance at the dinner party was inconspicuous. Instead, he was the kind of taciturn existence, and not many people paid attention.

There were also Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi in the room. They rushed over when they heard the news, and brought the relevant details of the young man's identity.

Zheng Qiuheng, 29 years old this year, has a master's degree in computer technology and science from Sichuan University of Science and Technology, and has been working in the company for two and a half years. The only child, his parents are civil servants, the family is relatively superior. He used to work in a technology company, and later moved to Haoyu Technology, where he was responsible for the development of artificial intelligence systems under the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology. Currently single, without a girlfriend, the life circle is relatively simple, nothing special.

This is the relevant preliminary information that they can grasp at present, and they have not conducted too much investigation, so as not to panic.

Zheng Qiuheng was a little nervous after coming in and watching so many people.

Seeing this, Wu Hao greeted with a smile: "Zheng Qiuheng, right, come, sit!"

Leading Zheng Qiuheng to sit down, Wu Hao smiled at him and said, "Don't be nervous, we just need to understand the situation and tell us what you know, nothing will happen.

These two are the heads of the company's security department and confidentiality office. After receiving your email, we have set up an investigation team, and the two of them are personally responsible. This time, it was also a secret investigation, and no information was leaked. On the one hand, this is a kind of protection for you, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid surprise.

Don't worry, we will keep you safe. If you wish, you can stay here from now until the end of this case, under the protection of someone who is responsible for your personal safety.

Even if you have any concerns, we can transfer you back to other departments in Anxi after this matter is over, and keep everything strictly confidential to relieve your worries. "

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Zheng Qiuheng, who was sitting across from him, nodded nervously. But he was still a little nervous, his hands were sweating, and he kept shaking hands, the whole person seemed tense.

Take it easy, relax, we're not bad people, not that scary. Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, take a drink first and take a break."

Having said that, Wu Hao also gestured at Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi who were sitting, and then picked up the water glass and drank.

After waiting for about three or four minutes, Zheng Qiuheng finally relaxed a little after taking a sip of water. After doing a lot of ideological struggle, he immediately said to Wu Hao and the others, "I don't know what to say."

Hearing Zheng Qiuheng's words, Wang Xi on the side said with a smile: "It's okay, what do you think of and say, let's start with the content of this anonymous email, how did you find out."

For Wang Xi, who has rich experience in this area, it can be seen that Zheng Qiuheng was over-stressed and confused at this time, so he was trying to guide while expressing his relief.

Sure enough, this trick is very effective. Zheng Qiuheng nodded, then looked at Wang Xi and said, "I also discovered it by accident, because our project is relatively busy, so it is normal to work overtime for a while, and we go home very late. A colleague not far from me quietly pulled out a USB flash drive from the computer and put it in his pocket."

Just a USB stick? Zhao Jiaping asked.

Hearing Zhao Jiaping's question, Zheng Qiuheng looked up at him, and then quickly lowered his head and said, "It should be a USB flash drive, but it doesn't look like a USB flash drive. The internal computer of our project team is not allowed to connect to any private storage devices, and the devices are also There is no such interface. If you need to import and copy data, there will be special personnel responsible for it, and it will be stored in a professional encrypted hard drive.”

So you are not sure whether the other party is plugging and unplugging a USB flash drive. Wang Xi asked.

Zheng Qiuheng shook his head: "It should be a USB flash drive, but I'm not sure, because our computer doesn't have this interface."

Then say. Wang Xi nodded and then gestured.

Yes. Zheng Qiuheng nodded and then continued: "I didn't think much about this at first, but the next day we heard that the security staff in charge of our project said that the computer library of our project team was infected with a virus last night, and then the staff of the security office also returned. Organizing we specially took relevant work confidentiality courses and the like.

I thought at the time whether this might have something to do with the colleague I saw last night, but I just suspected that I had no evidence. In addition, the staff of the secret office only said that the computer was infected with a virus, so I thought that this colleague might have violated the rules and fished or something, and didn't think much about it. "

Fishing? Wang Xi raised his eyebrows and asked.

Yes! Zheng Qiuheng said a little embarrassedly: "The internal computers of the project team are relatively clean, and there are no entertainment game programs, so some colleagues will find a way to install some casual games in the computer in private.

It's no secret that in some small internal communication groups and circles, people often post this. "

OK, you go on. Wang Xi nodded and continued to signal.

And Wu Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing Zheng Qiuheng's introduction. He knew about this matter and had heard of it before. He originally thought it was something innocuous, UU reading www. uukanshu. It's not an industry secret that com employees go fishing in private, everyone does it.

Some companies are more strict in this regard, such as monitoring employees' computers and checking posts from time to time. For some enterprises, management is relatively loose, basically turning a blind eye. As for Wu Hao and the others, they don't make too many demands. As long as it's not too much, Wu Hao and the others won't go into details. The point is that it doesn't affect the work.

Of course, for the internal computers of some project teams, it is not allowed to install programs privately, so as to avoid leaks. Despite this, it is still impossible to ban, and some people will commit the ban in private, and this kind of thing is not once or twice.

So it's understandable for Zheng Qiuheng to think so after finding out this situation. After all, it is someone else's business, and he is not easy to manage, and it is even more impossible to inform.

After hearing Wang Xi's gesture, Zheng Qiuheng smiled bitterly: "I thought this matter was over, but I needed to go to the unit to deal with something last night, and I ran into this person again by accident. He was a little flustered when he saw me, and quickly Turn off the computer, and then leave. Although the other party moved very quickly, I still glanced at the other party and found that the other party was copying something."

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