Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2105: It's 1 round

Of course, for the internal computers of some project teams, it is not allowed to install programs privately, so as to avoid leaks. Despite this, it is still impossible to ban, and some people will commit the ban in private, and this kind of thing is not once or twice.

So it's understandable for Zheng Qiuheng to think so after finding out this situation. After all, it is someone else's business, and he is not easy to manage, and it is even more impossible to inform.

After hearing Wang Xi's gesture, Zheng Qiuheng smiled bitterly: "I thought this matter was over, but I needed to go to the unit to deal with something last night, and I ran into this person again by accident. He was a little flustered when he saw me, and quickly Turn off the computer, and then leave. Although the other party moved very quickly, I still glanced at the other party and found that the other party was copying something."

you sure? Wang Xi frowned, and then asked: "How far is it, did you just glance at it and find that the other party was copying something?"

Hearing Wang Xi's aggressive questioning, Zheng Qiuheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and replied: "It's probably separated, there is a distance from me to the window, it's only about five or six meters.

Although he shut down the computer in time after finding me, I am very impressed with the pop-up window for copying files, so I am sure that he is copying data. "

So you doubt him. Wang Xi asked.

Zheng Qiuheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and shook his head: "I just think he is very suspicious, plus the relevant confidentiality prevention courses given to me by the confidentiality office before, so this reminds me that he can do all kinds of things twice. The performance was above. However, I just thought there was something wrong with him."

What's the meaning? Zhao Jiaping asked.

Zheng Qiuheng showed a wry smile and said, "He found me after get off work the next day and wanted to invite me to dinner."

and then? Wang Xi asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth. It must be abnormal to invite to dinner at this time, indicating that the other party is also very nervous about the discovery with Zheng Qiuheng, and it seems that he wants to stop his mouth.

In fact, I was not familiar with him before. Although we are a project team, we have less communication, and our relationship is only to meet and say hello, not really friends. He suddenly invited me to dinner, which made me a little flustered. Originally, I was going to refuse, but after his warm invitation to pull, I agreed.

Zheng Qiuheng looked at several people and said, "Eating is in the private room on the second floor of this hotel."

Just the two of you? Wang Xi asked.

No, there are two more. Zheng Qiuheng shook his head and introduced: "I don't know these two people either. When I arrived, they were already sitting in the box."

Who is that, do you know? Zhao Jiaping asked.

Did not know at first. Zheng Qiuheng shook his head and said, "I only got to know these two people through his introduction. One asked me to call him Nange. He was about forty or fifty years old, with a bald head. He introduced that he was in charge of the logistics and transportation of the base.

The other one is a woman, about twenty-seven or eighty-eight years old, said to be from Haoyu Aerospace. The people are beautifully dressed and very enthusiastic towards me. "

What is your name? Wang Xi and Zhao Jiaping looked at each other and asked immediately.

Call Hua'er, they all call it that. Zheng Qiuheng replied truthfully.

It's a pseudonym, does the other party tell you each one's real name? Zhao Jiaping frowned.

No, the other party is too enthusiastic, so I don't know how to ask. Zheng Qiuheng shook his head and said.

When is this going to happen? Zhao Jiaping asked with a frown.

It was probably last November, we had lamb hot pot, I remember it very well. Zheng Qiuheng said with certainty.

Hearing his answer, Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi frowned and shook their heads.

It's been too long, and the surveillance video has already been overwritten, so it's impossible to find out. Wang Xi shook his head and said.

Zhao Jiaping also frowned and said, "You can start with the access control system of the base. You should be able to find photos of these two people and capture images of them entering and leaving. It's not a big problem for him to identify them."

Wang Xi nodded and said, "If these two people are at the base, it's definitely fine. If these two people use fake identities and even make some changes in their faces, then they will definitely not be able to find out."

Zhao Jiaping nodded, then looked at Zheng Qiuheng and asked, "Have you ever seen these two people again after that?"

I've seen her a few times. I've seen this woman a lot, but I've only met this Nan brother twice. Zheng Qiuheng answered truthfully.

Well, after hearing Zheng Qiuheng's answer, Zhao Jiaping nodded and asked, "When was the last time I saw these two."

The last time I saw this Nan brother was probably in March. We had a small stir-fry together. I only met this woman last month. She is more enthusiastic and seems to have a little interest in me. Zheng Qiuheng thought for a moment, and then said to the two of them.

Hehe, hearing his answer, Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi, including Wu Hao, who had been listening, both laughed. Wu Hao smiled at him and joked: "People have something to seek, of course they are interested in you."

Hearing Wu Hao's joke, Zheng Qiuheng blushed a little embarrassed.

As for Zhao Jiaping, he got the information he wanted, and immediately ordered to a security guard who was waiting next to him: "Go and get the relevant video data of the monitoring and access control system immediately, investigate these two people, and find out their situation.

Be careful, everything has to be done in secret, don't be alarmed, I'll see the results tomorrow morning. "

OK The security guard nodded, then glanced at Zheng Qiuheng, then turned around and walked out quickly.

Then, talk about your first meal. After Zhao Jiaping finished his instructions, he turned his head and said to Zheng Qiuheng.

Okay, Zheng Qiuheng watched the security guard leave, then nodded and continued: "During dinner, he introduced me and these two people, and then started to eat and chat. This Nan brother began to inquire about some of my personal information. , For example, where do you live, how many people are there, do you have a girlfriend, etc. This woman is more enthusiastic to me. UU Reading keeps pouring me wine, adding vegetables, etc. close."

You fell into the bureau set up by others. Hearing that, Zhao Jiaping said to Zheng Qiuheng, "Is it just eating and chatting? They don't have any other requirements."

Zheng Qiuheng nodded and said, "Yes, this Nan brother in the back gave me a toast and said, Huang Haitao, that is, my colleague, is ignorant and has done some things, I hope I can not blame, let alone tell others. That sort of thing, his job wasn't easy or something, it was that night."

did you agree? Zhao Jiaping looked at Zheng Qiuheng and asked.

uh, i...

Zheng Qiuheng opened his mouth and said, "I didn't know what to do, so I agreed in a daze. It was the second day after I woke up, and then I found that I had received a red envelope of 5,000 yuan on my mobile phone.

I originally wanted to refund the money to them, but after a few refunds, Wang Haitao refused to accept it. Then he invited guests to take me to dinner several times, and on weekends, he would take me to Greentown to play together. "

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