Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Functional structure adjustment

After chatting about these tasks for a while, Wu Hao finally stated the true purpose of inviting everyone to tea.

"At present, the company's organizational structure is relatively old and its management responsibilities are confusing, which is not conducive to the company's further development. So I plan to readjust the company's organizational structure and re-divide the responsibilities of each department to further standardize the company's internal operation . "

Hearing Wu Hao's true thoughts, everyone's reactions were different.

The first to speak was Dong Yiming. As the oldest person in the audience, he was also the third-ranked person in the company after Wu Hao and Zhang Jun. He first expressed his views.

"The current size of the company's organizational structure is relatively small, which is not conducive to future development. Or, the current framework of the company can no longer keep up with the speed of the company's development.

I support realignment, but it will cause a problem. Will the readjustment affect the company's current normal operations and will there be chaos.

Moreover, the adjustment and expansion of the organizational structure will inevitably require more management cadres. Where do these people come from? "

"I think this adjustment can be postponed. As President Dong said, at present our company's talent reserves, especially management cadres, are relatively scarce. I'm afraid that it will be a bit laborious to make adjustments now, and even cause some problems." Huang Zhihua, Director of Marketing The answer should be.

Huang Zhihua's remarks are also the company's veteran, and the director of human resources department Lin Jianliang shook his head: "I support the decision of Mr. Wu, while the company's scale is still relatively small, it is still necessary to complete the company's internal structure adjustment as soon as possible. Functions of each department.

Otherwise, once the size of the company is expanded, it will be more difficult to adjust it. "

"We are not against it. We just want to know how many reserve cadres your human resources department can take out if adjustments are made now." Huang Zhihua then asked back.

"It should still be possible to put together the shelves of various departments. As for the middle-level and cadre employees, they still have to recruit slowly." Lin Jianliang said.

"Adjustment is affirmative, and there is no doubt about it."

Seeing that Huang Zhihua also wanted to speak, Zhang Jun immediately interrupted: "Can we take the whole process and lengthen it slowly, and it will not affect the company's operation if it comes in."

After hearing Zhang Jun's words, everyone shook their heads. He has a good idea, but it is not very realistic. Often, the adjustment phase of a company needs to be quick and straightforward. If you take it slowly, it may cause too long confusion, which is not conducive to the operation of the company.

At this time, Wu Hao said positively to the crowd: "The adjustment is affirmative, and the whole process must be clean and neat.

My determination is to complete the relevant internal structure into a division of functions before our spring conference.

Everyone knows that we have started a lot of projects in this period, whether it is offline stores or brand agency stores. It is still the various production plants that we have acquired and remodeled, or our branches and offices that are being prepared in foreign countries, which require new departments to manage.

You have also seen the new product we are testing. According to the sales experience of our previous generation product, this product will definitely ignite the entire smart device market.

The existing scale can no longer meet our operational needs next year, so rectification and adjustment is inevitable and urgent. "

After seeing Wu Hao speaking, everyone was dissatisfied. Inside the company, Wu Hao's decision is authoritative. This is not only because he is the person in charge of the company, should have such rights, but also from the trust that everyone has in him.

Especially after the company's many projects have achieved great success, this trust has also shown a trend of deepening or even blindness.

Seeing that everyone had no voice, Wu Hao said, "First, the operation department was abolished and the intelligence of the original operation department was re-divided into the functions of the marketing department and the newly established administrative department.

Within the framework of the marketing department, there are four departments: online operation department, offline operation department, overseas operation department, and after-sales service, which are responsible for the company's market operations.

Regarding the candidates for the new marketing department, Huang Zhihua will be responsible for the time being. "

After speaking, Wu Hao turned to Shen Xiaoxian and said, "Because of the company's development needs, the original company's administrative office was upgraded to the administrative department, or you will be the director of the administrative department.

The new administrative department is mainly responsible for three aspects, document control, the original administrative management, and the logistics part you are responsible for.

The administrative department is our company's internal affairs office. As the head of the internal affairs department, you must be responsible for the company's administrative operations, keep the inside line, and comfort people. "

Shen Xiaoxian nodded and said, "You can rest assured that we will be pleasantly surprised to work together to create a solid and reliable rear and provide quality services to other brother departments."

"Keep working hard, this is a test for you, hope not to let me down."

After speaking, Wu Hao continued: "The functions of the Finance Department remain unchanged. With the continuous expansion of our company's scale and business, the construction of the Finance Department must keep up. Especially we have filled a lot of new entities and overseas businesses. The finance department has made even higher demands. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Qu Qingqing nodded and did not speak. If any of these middle and senior leaders in the company has the least sense of existence, it must be Qu Qingqing, the financial director.

Although there is no sense of existence, both Wu Hao and Zhang Jun have great trust in Qu Qingqing. Although because of the company's continuous increase in business, Qu Qingqing proposed more than once to let Wu Hao choose another talent, she was willing to serve as deputy, but they were rejected by Wu Hao.

In their opinion ~ ~ The head of the financial department may not be the one with the strongest ability, but it must be the one with the most trust. Obviously, Qu Qingqing gained Wu Hao's trust through his hard work for more than one year.

"As for the special departments such as the R & D department, the security department, and the confidentiality office, the functions remain unchanged. This is not much to say. The patent application registration operation management team is placed in the company's legal office and is responsible for all the company's work related to laws and regulations. The external advocacy office that originally belonged to the operation department was promoted to the direct management of the company and will help the company's external advocacy work in the future. "

"Finally, I want to talk about the newly established production department. The newly established production department has jurisdiction over our factory facilities in various places, and is responsible for docking with all generations of factories to uniformly coordinate the production of all our company's products.

About the director of this production department? Wu Hao looked at everyone present.

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