Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 215: Leadership

After sweeping around the crowd, Wu Hao said with a smile: "For the newly established production department, Vice President Dong will be in charge for the time being. He has rich experience in corporate management. At present, it is necessary to integrate this large group of marketing departments Business really needs an experienced person to do it. "

Everyone heard the words and focused their attention on Dong Yiming. Originally, everyone thought that this time the department adjustment, it is likely that Dong Yiming would be overpowered. But judging from Wu Hao's appointment this time, not only did he not lose power, but he secretly improved a lot.

Compared with the previous operation department, the production department is a real authority and an important department. This department just started making Dong Yiming responsible, which shows Wu Hao's trust in him.

For Dong Yiming, this was a surprise. Originally, he thought he was likely to say goodbye to the real power. From then on, he became a deputy with peace of mind, assisted the prince Zhang Jun to handle the management of the company, and worked hard to retire.

However, Wu Hao did not intend to abandon him, but transferred him to an important department again.

It is self-evident that there are many important names in the marketing department. Other than that, the importance of the position of production director is evident from so many factories under its jurisdiction.

He originally thought that this position was reserved for He Jinshan, who was in charge of the renovation and upgrade of the Binhe Intelligent Manufacturing Plant, but he did not expect it to be on his head.

Thinking of this, he immediately rushed to Wu Hao: "General Manager Wu, I think He Jinshan is more suitable for this position."

In response, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "He Jinshan will be responsible for the reconstruction of the Binhe Intelligent Manufacturing Plant.

And his prestige is not enough to lead the entire production supply chain, so let him exercise for a few years.

Mr. Dong, I believe that you also know the importance of this department, so I hope you can put the shelf of this department together as soon as possible.

Strive to complete the integration of the production and supply chain before our new press conference, and it must not affect our new product launch plan. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Dong Yiming nodded heavily. Although this position is important, it also means heavy work and great stress. It was originally expected to retire after a few years, but now it seems that he is about to take this old life into it.

Wu Hao smiled, and then said with a smile: "About the company's leadership, this time will also change. The company will formally set up a board of directors, with four members tentatively. As for which four people, you all know Then I do not talk about it.

In the future, we will start the company's options and equity incentive plans as appropriate, and reward some outstanding employees and leaders to share them in the board of directors. "

After giving everyone a hope, he went on to say: "Besides, I will be the chairman of the board of directors. In addition, I will also serve as the CEO of the company, which is what we often call the CEO.

Zhang Jun will take over as general manager of the company and will be responsible for the actual operation of the company in the future. As for President Dong, he is still the company's deputy general manager, and the director of the production department is only temporarily ad hoc.

The reason for this change is, on the one hand, because we will soon enter the international market, we must also be in line with international standards in terms of organizational structure.

On the other hand, it is also to free up more space and space to attract more outstanding management talents to be promoted and joined. "

After looking at everyone, Wu Hao laughed, "In the future, we will also launch a binding plan for positions and options at an appropriate time. I think you can still look forward to this."

Hehehehe ... Everyone smiled when they heard the words. Obviously Wu Hao said this to them, but this is what they are most willing to hear.

Of course, this is also the most commonly used method in companies, especially large enterprises. The purpose is naturally to retain talent and increase employee loyalty. In particular, such changes in corporate leadership will have a great impact on enterprises.

When everyone quieted down again, Wu Hao said to the crowd, "These things we are talking about today are just to let us all ventilate privately. The purpose is to let everyone know the future direction of the company.

Later, I will let the Secretariat issue a specific structure and smart adjustment plan. At that time, you can give more feedback on some of the issues in it. We will strive to finalize this matter at the company's regular meeting next Monday. "

"So anxious?" Zhang Jun was surprised. Wu Hao passed through him privately in this matter, but he did not expect to be so anxious.

"It's always time to wait, it's not long before the new product launch." Wu Hao sighed.

After chatting with everyone for a while, this sent everyone away, but Zhang Jun stayed. After the new girl from the Secretariat cleaned up the office, he sat down on the sofa and rushed to Wu Hao. "I said, are you in a hurry today, at least you have to digest time."

Wu Hao threw a cigarette, and then lighted a road: "It is only three months from the Spring Festival New Product Launch Conference. If you don't hurry, how can you complete it before that?

After the new product launch, we have to prepare for the simultaneous launch of sales around the world, and by that time we certainly cannot estimate these things. "

Zhang Jun nodded, then took a deep breath: "Lao Dong's face was a little bad just now. He seems to be a little disliked when you arrange this job for him."

"Oh, it's not just you, everyone present can see it."

Wu Hao played the soot: "Of course, he is not happy leaving the market and operation department he is most familiar with and comfortable with.

But it was a conspiracy, and he had to accept it.

Not only that, but in the future, he will continue to disperse and digest the cadres he promoted. Now that the company is large, some things have to be prevented. "

"Relax, I will stare." Zhang Jun nodded, and then a thoughtful expression appeared.

It took me a long time to wake up, and then I took another look at Wu Hao and teased, "I didn't see it, you are more and more a leader of the enterprise."

"Everything has to be learned. Do you think those entrepreneurs really succeeded so casually?" Wu Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't I enrolled in management courses for you? I have nothing to listen to."

"Going to listen ~ ~ But this class is actually a relationship platform. The real purpose of everyone coming to the class is not to learn things, but to build relationships, so I went too many times and didn't bother. "Zhang Jun waved his hand, then showed a helpless expression.

"Don't talk about me, talk about you. This year's New Year Charity Association organized by the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce has sent you several invitations and asked you to attend by name. As I said, you should show up. I still have to give face. After all, we still have a lot of things to do with these snakes from all walks of life. It's easy to mix things up in advance, and it will be convenient to do things at that time. Who makes this a human society? . "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao showed a helpless expression. Zhang Jun is right. Who makes this a human society? Even if he doesn't like it much anymore, he should still give face.

Otherwise, I'm afraid we have to be crowded out.

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