Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2433: 1 power down 10 sessions

"Three, two, one, happy new year!"

As the countdown ended, the entire mutton hot pot restaurant was filled with boiling sounds, and everyone was celebrating the arrival of the Gregorian New Year.

In the VIP room, Wu Hao and the others did the same, they all celebrated.

"Come on, let's take a photo." Lin Wei greeted everyone holding up her transparent folding device.

At her call, everyone sat on the side, then handed the device to a waiter next to them, and took a group photo of them all.

"It's a good shot, send it to me later." Zhou Xi looked at the photo and asked for it.

"And me." Zou Xiaodong said.

Seeing this, Lin Wei smiled and said, "I'll post it in the group, and get what you want by yourself."

After hearing the news, everyone took out their transparent folding mobile phones and started a circle of friends.

This is a customized version specially produced by Wu Hao and the others. It is not sold in large quantities and is only used for some internal senior leaders and related gifts. When this product is not yet on the market, this transparent folding mobile phone is already in everyone's hands. In addition to them, Wu Hao also presented these devices to some friends, such as Lao Ma, Xiao Ma and so on.

Seeing these people who are keen on posting on Moments, Wu Hao smiled helplessly. It turns out that he likes to post, but because of his identity, there will be a lot of compliments after each post, which makes him a little helpless, so he rarely posts later.

Looking at the time, Wu Hao immediately said to everyone who was busy swiping their phones: "Okay, it's almost time, let's withdraw too. There are still a lot of things waiting for us tomorrow, so go back and go to bed early."

Hearing his words, everyone nodded and got up, and started to walk outside. Some diners in the hall, after seeing them, immediately took out their mobile phones and wanted to take pictures, but they were blocked by security personnel.

In this kind of private occasion, Wu Hao still doesn't like being exposed like this, and it becomes a topic of fun for everyone to talk about after dinner.

After getting into the car, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Lin Wei at the side smiled and comforted him: "If they shoot, let them shoot. It's nothing, it's not something shameful."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "It's better to keep a low profile. Apart from work, it's better not to appear in public too often in such private occasions."

Low-key, this word seems to be getting farther and farther away from you. Lin Wei pursed her lips and laughed.

In her opinion, Wu Hao has indeed always emphasized the need to be low-key, low-key, and make a fortune in silence. But, none of the things they did was earth-shattering and everyone knew about it, so why would they want to keep a low profile?

Anyway, you can't keep a low profile, and you can't keep a low profile in this life.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei couldn't help laughing. She grabbed Wu Hao's hand, enjoying the warmth, and said to him: "It's okay, compared to those people, you are low-key enough."

Wu Hao heard Lin Wei's words, glanced at the lover beside him, then held her hand with his backhand, kneaded it, and nodded with a smile.

"About the market for naked-eye 3D holographic projection, according to what we discussed before, we should hand it over to Wei Media. You should make relevant preparations here, and make good connections with the project technical team here and our marketing and business department. Get this project right.

There are still many voices from inside or outside the company for entrusting this project to you. Of course, these voices can't affect anything, but we still have to pay attention to them, otherwise they will easily cause some disturbances.

So you have to do a good job with this project, so that you can stop the mouths of those who are waiting to criticize. "

Don't worry, I will personally handle this project, and I will definitely do it well and never disappoint your expectations and trust. Lin Wei knew that when handing over this project to Wei Media, Wu Hao also endured a lot of pressure and criticism. Thinking of this, Lin Wei couldn't help but make up her mind. She wants to get this project done well and prove to those people that they have the ability to undertake such a big project.

The stunning debut of naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology really shocked everyone. Everyone has also been keenly aware of the huge market development prospects brought about by this technology, so of course they are very enthusiastic about it.

The more this is the case, everyone has great objections to Wu Hao's handing over the market business of this technology in outdoor advertising, film and television to Wei Media.

As for the people inside Haoyu Technology, it's not a big problem, it's nothing but private complaints. They just thought it would be a pity to hand over such a good project to Wei Media.

So some gossip came out, such as mom-and-pop shops, couples teaming up, and so on. Wu Hao had heard of such a voice, but he just laughed it off.

Let's not talk about whether these are true or not, even if they are true, Wu Hao really wants to hand over this project to Wei Media for these reasons as these people said, so what's the matter.

Micro Media is also their company, and their shares are also listed under Haoyu Holdings. Handing over this project to the other party is equivalent to taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another pocket.

Moreover, this cooperation method in which Haoyu Technology is in charge of technology and Wei Media is in charge of market operation is more conducive to the promotion and development of this technology. The two sides can promote each other, supervise each other and develop together.

It's better than putting them together, being harmonious internally, gradually losing fighting spirit, and starting the retirement mode.

As for the they just say that grapes are sour because they can’t eat grapes. Don't even bother with these people. Let them talk as they say, and what else can you do with them besides making complaints.

What do these people think, what do they say, and what impression do they have of them. Different from other industries, the high-tech industry strives for innovation and technological research strength, and other things are not important.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are futile. This is the so-called one force and ten meetings.

In addition, Wu Hao had another purpose for entrusting this project to Wei Media. That is to optimize the company's internal structure as much as possible, streamline administration and concentrate forces.

Focus on a few key areas of business development, and other branches and tendrils will be released, so as not to occupy the company's resources and strength.

In this way, they can have enough strength and experience to develop these focus areas. Such as the field of medicine, biotechnology, aerospace, advanced technology research and so on.

Besides, the technology of naked-eye 3D holographic projection itself is closely related to cultural, audio, video and entertainment. It is obviously more suitable for a professional company like Wei Media to do it. The so-called technology industry has specialization.

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