Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2434: AI doctor live broadcasts seeing a doctor online

The next morning, after breakfast, Wu Hao came to the company leisurely.

After a night of fermentation, the headlines of major domestic media are all related news and news about Haoyu Technology. Relevant hot search terms continue to be at the forefront of each hot search list, without any decline.

Various community forums on the Internet are filled with a large number of posts and articles about this conference and related technologies, and various interpretations by various experts emerge in endlessly.

Compared with the bustling Internet, Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park or the entire Linghu business district is also very lively. All kinds of media reporters came from all over the place overnight, all kinds of big V bloggers who were chasing the popularity, and representatives of various enterprises gathered from all directions.

This has also made Linghu, an urban area that focuses on high-end business and technology research and development, popular, and it has also made some nearby hotels and hotels earn a lot of money.

The much-anticipated press conference was not held. According to past habits, there is usually a new product and technology experience session first, and then the press conference.

Last night, due to time constraints, we did not have time to experience these new products and technologies. So early in the morning, these reporters and many uninvited people couldn't wait to experience these new products and technologies, and wanted to see if these things were really as powerful as they said at the press conference.

Because Haoyu Technology's access control measures are too strict, many people cannot come in. So everyone flocked to the Linghu Medical Research Center, the Affiliated Hospital of the Air Force Medical Academy not far from Haoyu Technology.

Because there is an intelligent hospital system being displayed and opened to the public, those who cannot enter the park can't wait to rush there, wanting to experience whether this artificial intelligence medical treatment is really like what Wu Hao said So convenient and accurate.

But this place belongs to the medical research center, and it is definitely impossible to release all these people at once, so we can only make an appointment to queue up to enter the experience, and strictly control the number of people entering.

Zhou Zhiran is such a lucky person, he is a well-known network anchor in Anxi. After seeing the press conference last night, some of his water friends swiped the screen and wanted him to come to Linghu to watch the live broadcast.

However, he is just a small webcaster, and if he has made an appointment in advance, he will naturally not be able to enter the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park. Hearing that the Medical Research Center was open, he rushed over without stopping.

Fortunately, because he moved quickly, he was allowed to make an appointment to experience the opportunity. Finally, after queuing for an hour or two, he finally entered the Medical Research Center.

In order not to affect the normal order of the medical research center, the entire smart hospital is placed in an independent area, and other areas of the medical center are isolated to avoid being affected by the crowd here.

The entire medical center is arranged in a separate shelter hospital, which has a relatively large space and is divided into many departments compared to other windows. In the smart hospital, there are no such divisions, only consulting rooms with different numbers. In other words, these are all general practitioners, treating all diseases.

Zhou Zhiran's live broadcast naturally attracted many water friends to watch because of the hot topic, which made him both excited and nervous. What is exciting is that he can finally catch a wave of popularity, make a fan, and make a lot of money by tipping.

The nervous thing is that he will experience artificial intelligence to see a doctor later, and he doesn't know what kind of experience it will be.

Many people have been photographed in front of the consulting room he was assigned to. Fortunately, artificial intelligence can see a doctor very quickly, and a patient, or an experienced person, can be seen within a few minutes.

Finally it was Zhou Zhiran's turn, and he walked into the consulting room nervously.

There was a nurse standing inside, and the nurse was not surprised to see him holding up the selfie stick, because she was already familiar with it.

The whole department looks clean after all, with white floors, white walls, and bright lights.

There is a chair in the middle of the department, a bit like the kind of chair in a dental office. Next to the chair is a large device, very tall, with several intelligent robotic arms on it. These intelligent robotic arms are different, some are large screens, some are high-precision lenses, and some are related sensors.

Hello, please sit down.

Just as Zhou Zhiran was looking at the environment and furnishings in the consulting room, a pleasant female voice came, and there was an image of a female doctor in a white coat with a delicate face on the big screen in front of the chair.

At this moment, she was talking to Zhou Zhiran.

Get on the chair, take it easy, don't be afraid. The nurse next to him saw that he was hesitant, and then she comforted him.

This is her job. These experienced people or these patients have no experience in contact with them for the first time, so they need someone to guide and assist them.

Oh well! Zhou Zhiran hesitated for a moment, then nodded, then walked to the chair nervously and sat down slowly.

Please put your belongings aside and relax your body. In the video, the female doctor said with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiran put his backpack and selfie stick on a small table next to him, and pointed his phone's camera at the chair.

At this moment, in Zhou Zhiran's live broadcast room, hundreds of thousands of water friends gathered after hearing the news. They were all watching the live broadcast, wanting to see whether this artificial intelligence is really good at seeing a doctor, or Wu Hao's bragging An explosive gimmick came out.

Please put your hands on the armrests on both sides of the seat and relax your body. A screen stretched out in front of him, and the female doctor inside smiled and said softly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Zhiran froze for a moment, a little anxious, he didn't know what to say. At this juncture, he could only think hard for a while, and then he said: "My two people have back Headache, leg pain, and sometimes hands pain too."

Okay, now for your physical examination, please lie down.

With the sound, the seat began to rise and unfold automatically, forming a bed.

Okay, please turn over and climb down slowly. While the female doctor was speaking, the video also showed what Zhou Zhiran was going to do.

Following the prompts, Zhou Zhiran lay down on the unfolded bed, and then two mechanical arms stretched out and began to probe his back.

Next, I will conduct a physical examination on you. If you feel uncomfortable, please speak up immediately.

As he spoke, the mechanical arm began to swim around Zhou Zhiran's back.

Suddenly, when the mechanical arm touched the position of the spine on Zhou Zhiran's back, Zhou Zhiran's body shrank, and he couldn't help but let out a hum.

Does it hurt here? The female doctor on the screen asked.

"A little bit!" Zhou Zhiran said.

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