Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2440: only you can save yourself

"As for our technology, we only need a one-time investment to be effective, so that the grassroots people can have the most advanced level of medical technology, which can greatly eliminate a series of social problems caused by the inequality of medical resources. .

Moreover, our drug 3D printing system allows patients to take the latest and most complete drugs, so as to effectively treat various diseases.

In addition, all intelligent hospital systems can be connected as one. In this way, with the support of artificial intelligence technology, our artificial intelligence medical diagnosis and treatment system can improve its own medical diagnosis and treatment level through continuous learning. And through this huge artificial intelligence medical diagnosis and treatment system, it can also promote our research on the treatment of some diseases and the development of some new drugs and new technologies.

In addition, each intelligent hospital system can also have multiple external intelligent diagnosis and treatment terminals, that is to say, we can set up outpatient clinics of this intelligent hospital in various communities and villages where the intelligent hospital system is located. In this way, the general public can enjoy the most advanced basic treatment services as long as they are at their doorstep.

In this way, we can greatly solve the problem of low level of medical care in our villages, including communities, thereby improving the medical service conditions in rural communities, providing better medical resources for the public, and alleviating the problem of people's difficulty in seeing a doctor.

Finally, this intelligent hospital system can also save a lot of money for the country, the society, and the majority of patients. This system will only expel the corresponding treatment plan and drug prescription according to the patient's condition, and will not prescribe drugs indiscriminately for some other reasons, prescribe random drugs, and other profit-making methods. This will not only alleviate the problem of expensive medical treatment for the public, but also reduce the huge investment of the country and society in medical care. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed the subject, then softened his tone and said: "Of course, doing so will inevitably offend some people and hurt some people's inherent interests. Therefore, if you want to promote this technology and spread the coverage of smart hospital systems, you will definitely encountered great resistance.

However, for the health and well-being of the general public, I secretly think that even if we encounter great difficulties and resistance, we should unswervingly carry it out.

Some people may say that the reason why I spare no effort to promote this technology, this smart hospital system, is because they were developed by us, and our promotion is naturally to make more money.

What I want to say is that this technology, many technologies and equipment products in this smart hospital system come from various domestic suppliers, and we only occupy a part of it, so promoting it is not just our profit.

In addition, if this technology can really be implemented and promoted, then the implementation will inevitably be led by relevant departments. Under the leadership of relevant departments, the profit space we can obtain is actually very small.

Unfortunately, we are unable to donate this technology for free at this time. It's not because we are narrow-minded and selfish, but because too many of our scientific researchers have worked **** this technology, and it has also cost us too much money and resources. If we just donate for free, it will bring us a huge loss. In addition, it will also be a kind of harm to these scientific researchers who have paid.

What we can do, or what I can guarantee, is that if this idea comes true, we must fully cooperate and actively promote this great plan, so that all people can benefit from it.

And I will also promise that a part of the proceeds from this technology product will be used for the medical charity industry. And we will continue to increase the follow-up investment in this technology, continuously improve the performance of the smart hospital system, and make it better serve the general public. "

Hearing Wu Hao's candid and sincere speech, the reporters at the scene couldn't help giving heartfelt applause. Because everyone has indeed seen the enthusiasm and the innocence from Wu Hao, and it is very difficult to maintain one's heart in the face of such great interests.

After the applause, questions continued. This time the person who got the question was a foreign reporter with a dark complexion. He took the microphone and stood up and asked Wu Hao in not-so-fluent Chinese: "Hello, Mr. Wu, I'm from the Lion City Morning Post. Reporter. I would like to ask whether people abroad can enjoy the medical services brought about by these advanced medical technologies and medical products released by you.”

Hearing this question, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, the parents of doctors, we treat everyone equally and do not discriminate against regions, races, or countries.

All people are equal and deserve to enjoy the highest quality medical resources and services. "

After answering this question, Wu Hao changed the topic and said with a smile: "Of course, we also have to consider this issue comprehensively based on the realities of foreign countries and see how to benefit the local people with these advanced medical technologies.

After all, different countries, different regions, and even different ethnic groups have different actual situations, different laws, and different cultural backgrounds, which will naturally bring about a series of problems.

In order to implement these technologies smoothly, we must remove such a series of obstacles and solve those practical problems. This depends not only on us, but also on the people of these countries in these regions. Only the people themselves can save themselves.

In addition ~ ~ we will also provide convenience and conditions for those foreign patients to come to us for medical treatment. In the past few years, we have also treated millions of patients from different countries in the world.

Under our careful treatment, these patients have also been cured and discharged from the hospital, and returned to their own countries. Among them are many famous people who are familiar to everyone.

Finally, the relevant medical charity funds we have established will also be open to foreign citizens. Everyone can actively apply and have equal opportunities. "

What Wu Hao said is very clear, that is, their medical technology products are willing to serve the people of these countries and regions, but the people of the countries and regions have to work hard to enjoy such good medical resources. After all, the laws, customs, and actual conditions of each country are different, so all kinds of difficulties and problems are naturally different.

In addition, Wu Hao also released goodwill to foreign people. Although these advanced medical technologies cannot enter these countries and regions for the time being, people in these countries and regions can come to China for medical treatment, and they can provide the best quality medical services.

This is actually the category of medical travel. At present, there are relatively good ones in this area, such as Japan, Siam in the south, and several countries in the European peninsula.

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