Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2441: virtual world in real world

After the completion of the Medical Research Center in Linghu Business District, Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College, together with the in-depth cooperation with Haoyu Technology in the field of medical technology, a series of advanced achievements in the field of medical technology have been obtained. This made Anxi see the huge potential of the medical service industry, so it decided to build Anxi into an international medical tourism city relying on Anxi's excellent medical resources and advanced enterprises in the medical technology industry such as Haoyu Technology.

To put it simply, it is to attract international and domestic patients to come to Anxi for medical treatment, recuperation, medical treatment, and travel consumption along the way.

Although the number of such special tourists is relatively small, their spending power far exceeds that of ordinary tourists. Especially the expenditure in the medical field, the expenditure on food, clothing, housing and transportation, etc., have played a considerable role in driving the economic growth of the local service industry.

Haoyu Technology is of course an important participant, that's why he said this.

Of course the reporters understood the meaning of Wu Hao's words, and Wu Hao and the others cannot be blamed for this. If you want these advanced technologies to enter your country, you really need to solve many problems. Apart from other aspects, it is hard to say whether some local pharmaceutical giants are willing to let Wu Hao and the others enter, after all, there are too many interest disputes involved.

"Mr. Wu, hello, Yang Haiyang, a reporter from Universal Technology. The naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology released by your company last night shocked the world. Although there was no live performance of the water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology, there was a wonderful outdoor performance after the press conference. , and deeply shocked everyone. Therefore, everyone is very interested in these two technologies, and has developed rich associations about how these two technologies will be used in the future. Everyone is also eager to know about these two technologies When will it be commercially available in the market, and whether we ordinary people have such an opportunity to access and use these related products.”

Seeing this old face standing up to ask questions, Wu Hao nodded with a smile, motioned him to sit down, and then said with a smile: "These two glasses-free 3D projection technologies were indeed welcomed by everyone at the press conference last night. We have also received enthusiastic feedback from various channels.

I am very happy that such a technology can make everyone like it. As for when these two technologies will be put into commercial use, I have already mentioned it in the press conference.

They are not perfect yet, and there is still a certain distance from being put into commercial use. But I believe that soon, everyone will be able to see them outdoors or in various places.

At present, many people have come to us to inquire and discuss cooperation with these two technologies, and we have also had a cordial and friendly communication with these guests. We are preparing for the next step of large-scale commercial consultation.

As for whether these two technologies can be put into the consumer market, so that ordinary people can also have the opportunity to experience, I think it is possible. It's just that it takes time. In the future, we will develop more advanced, smaller-sized, naked-eye 3D projection equipment that is more suitable for our ordinary consumers.

At that time, everyone can enjoy the shocking visual audio-visual feast brought by naked-eye 3D at home without leaving home. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, so he could change his tone and said: "Of course, these two technologies are still in the exploration stage, not only in terms of hardware technology, but also in the exploration of software content.

For example, what kind of content is such a naked-eye 3D projection device suitable for playing? It can't just be some 3D movies, it's a pity. We believe that its application scenarios are very broad.

It can be used not only in the field of film and television advertising display, but also in the game entertainment industry, tourism, scientific research, construction, education, finance, Internet, municipal services and other fields.

For example, in the game industry, can we develop some glasses-free 3D games based on glasses-free 3D projection technology, so that everyone can experience these games more immersively.

Through realistic naked-eye 3D projection, players can get an immersive in-game experience. For example, adventure games, design games, business sandbox games, simulation strategy games, etc., can all use this technology to get a better gaming experience.

We can even use this technology to broadcast related games, so as to promote the development of various game offline events and enhance the viewing experience of the audience. That is to say, in the future, we will no longer need a screen, and we can truly project the world in the game into the real world. The viewing experience it brings is far superior to all kinds of screen device media.

Using this technology, we can also project a huge virtual world into the real world, and even everyone can experience the virtual world in the real world immersively without wearing smart vr glasses.

For example, in the tourism industry, we can use this technology to restore the ancient functions and grand ceremonies of some of the original scenic spots and historic sites, such as the ceremony of enshrining Zen in Huashan and Taishan, or to restore and record a major event in past history and many more.

For another example, we can use naked-eye 3D projection technology to project the restored appearance of these buildings on some destroyed cultural relics and historic sites. This method is much better than building a restored building in another place, or building a new restored building on the original basis. Not only is it cheaper than the restoration cost of these hundreds of millions of infrastructure, but the visual effect is good, and it can also be greatly improved. Guarantee the original landform of the site area and so on.

This immersive tourism experience will definitely drive the development of tourism culture in these scenic spots and improve the quality of tourism services.

For example, on scientific research We want to design and manufacture a car, a warship, or a house. We can design and build the model in virtual software first, and then project it through naked-eye 3D projection technology come out.

In this way, we can study and modify these design schemes more intuitively, and even we can project the designed parts and equipment models through naked-eye 3D projection technology to the location of these devices and parts, so as to check them is it suitable.

In the construction industry, we can even project the design plan models of these buildings onto the building site through naked-eye 3D projection technology. On the one hand, we can use this method to check whether the design of these buildings is reasonable and whether it fits with the surrounding landscape. On the other hand, in this way, the original appearance of these buildings can be displayed more intuitively to all buyers.

We can also project the spaces inside these buildings one by one for designers and consumers to experience and observe, so as to have a more intuitive understanding of the interior spaces of these buildings.

In addition, I will not list the important role of this technology in the education, finance, and municipal service industries here. Its powerful display ability can display richer and more intuitive content, which is conducive to the development of these industries. "

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