Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2473: space giant net

"In addition to the ground remote control, Huanwei-1 also has the ability to perform tasks autonomously. We only need to frame the target debris, and the satellite can automatically change orbit according to the orbital position and velocity of the satellite debris, thus successfully capturing the target debris."

Hearing Yu Chengwu's introduction, everyone present was even more surprised. This also means that the satellite does not need to rely too much on the remote control of the ground personnel, as long as the command is given, it can complete the task independently, which will greatly reduce the human resources on the ground.

At the same time, it also means that, if necessary, they can launch a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of orbital debris cleaning satellites of Huanwei-1 to clean up orbital debris and space junk in space, as well as some objects that need to be cleaned up. Target. As for what these goals are, it depends on what kind of missions Sanwei No. 1 will perform.

In this way, its military value has been greatly enhanced, which made many military experts present shine brightly.

As for Yu Chengwu, as if he didn't see the performance of these experts, he continued on his own: "Everyone, please see that in front of Sanitation No. Large net. The weight of the whole net is less than 100 kilograms, but it can form a huge net with a diameter of 300 meters. The grids of this whole net are also very small, with only one centimeter spacing, which also means That is, it can clean up tiny garbage larger than one centimeter, which is impossible for other spacecraft and garbage-clearing satellites.

Although this net is very thin, because it is made of new polymer composite materials, the material itself is very soft, and it can remain the same even in the ultra-low and ultra-high temperature environments of space.

The net made of this material has the advantage of being able to withstand severe impacts. It can intercept even incoming debris at high speed. Through the softness and toughness of the grid, it can greatly offset the impact of high-speed garbage debris.

There are also some small burrs on the entire grid to absorb these garbage and prevent it from falling off. In addition to this large net, we also secured four smaller nets at the tail.

These four nets are relatively small, each about 50 meters in diameter. They are housed in special launchers, and when they are close to larger target orbital debris or space junk, or scrapped satellites, they will launch a catch net, and the whole catch net will fly out with a rope to wrap around the target orbit debris, and the winch activates, pulling the captured orbital debris out of orbit.

We have equipped four such catch nets on this satellite, which means that it can catch at least four scrapped satellites or other large space junk debris.

Of course, if necessary, we can also replace the large net in front of the satellite with such a small net, so that eight to ten such nets can be carried on the entire satellite for catching These large pieces of space junk. "

What to do with these captured dead satellites? Luo Kai couldn't help asking when he heard this.

Hearing Luo Kai's question, Yu Chengwu spread his hands and smiled and said, "When the satellites are captured and discarded, Huanwei-1 will start the engine to take them out of their original orbits, and then change orbits and fall into the atmosphere to burn them up."

So this 300-meter-long giant net is used to catch those small garbage, and these small ones are often used to catch those large garbage. Director Wan Hongfei Wan of Zhanzhi said thoughtfully.

Yu Chengwu nodded and explained: "It's like this. This big net is a passive capture method. It needs to be opened in advance, and then accelerate to hit these garbage debris from behind, and hit them to the net to absorb them. Then wait until the giant net is on top After the weight of the garbage reaches a certain amount, the satellite will return the garbage to the atmosphere and burn it.

The small net is an active launch and active capture mode. Both have their own advantages, which can be determined according to the task situation. "

Wan Hongfei nodded and didn't express anything to him, but immediately asked, "Tell me about the content of this experiment."

OK Yu Chengwu nodded, then pointed to the changing demonstration animation on the big screen, and then introduced with a smile to everyone: "This experiment is the first application test of our Huanwei-1, and we will use our Jianmu-2 at the Northwest Launch Site A modified rocket launched the Huanwei-1 high-speed orbital debris removal experimental satellite into space.

Then the Huanwei-1 will conduct a series of related orbital debris, space junk, and clean-up experiments in space.

Please see, we will freely change orbits in the three orbits of A, B, and C, and clean up more than 300 tiny garbage debris flying on these three orbits.

In addition, we will also use the fishing net carried on it to try to capture a weather satellite and a communication experiment satellite launched by our country earlier. At present, these two satellites have been decommissioned and scrapped, and they belong to space junk.

We have obtained the authorization and approval of the aerospace authority, and we will use this experiment to capture these two defunct satellites, then leave their original orbits, and then drag them into the atmosphere and burn them to clean up the original orbits.

If the experiment is successful, this time we will clear five space orbits at once. Among them, we will donate two high-value orbits to the country for free to launch important high-value satellites. As for the three tracks, we will sell them or use them for ourselves. "

Approximately how long will the entire mission last? Luo Kai couldn't help asking. After all, three orbits must be cleared at once, and two satellites must be captured. This workload is not insignificant.

Yu Chengwu replied with a smile: "The entire mission period is 13 days and 8 hours, of which the first five days are used for experiments to capture these two defunct satellites, and the next eight days are used to clean up the tiny garbage debris on the other three orbits. "

Speaking of this, Yu Chengwu glanced at everyone, and then said with a smile: "After the satellite is launched, we will start the first capture experiment of the scrapped satellite. It is estimated that around 9:00 tonight, our satellite will change orbit and approach This satellite is scrapped, and a net is launched to capture it. If it is successful, then our entire experiment cycle will be greatly reduced. UU Reading

If it fails, then we will also conduct a second experiment in due course. This time we brought a total of four catch nets on this satellite. In theory, we have two chances to catch each defunct satellite.

Of course, this is not certain, maybe we need to spend several nets to capture a satellite. Even when all the nets were spent, we didn't capture a single satellite. After all, this is a new experiment, and who knows whether it will be successful or not. "

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