Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2474: Thrilling launch/recovery

"One minute to prepare, thirty seconds, twenty seconds, ten, nine, eight,, ignition, take off!"


Accompanied by a huge roar, bursts of flames and dust were ejected from the bottom of the rocket. Under the spray of these orange-red flames, the rocket also slowly began to lift into the sky.

"Rocket successfully ignited,"

"Enter program turn."

"Procedural turn completed!"

"The ground-based optical observation station reports that the rocket is flying normally, and the telemetry signal tracking is normal."

clap clap clap...

There was a burst of warm applause from the guest seats in the hall of Xinyuehu Command and Control Center, but compared to the guests who watched the launch, the staff on site did not change at all. On the one hand, it was because they were used to this kind of ordinary launch mission, which did not arouse their excitement at all. The other is that this is only the stage of ignition and launch, and it is not too late to applaud and celebrate when the satellite is put into orbit.

The big screen switched to the telephoto lens of the base. Between the endless desert and the cloudless blue sky, a white rocket rose from the ground and hit the sky.

Everyone in the hall of Xinyuehu Command and Control Center also stopped talking and watched the rocket launch carefully. Although Wu Hao's Jianmu-2 rocket technology is very mature, it has carried out dozens of missions without failure and is very reliable. But who knows, when the launch vehicle will send the satellite into orbit, and when it will be considered a success. And before that, anything can happen.

There are too many such examples. For example, many well-known domestic and international launch vehicles are known for their reliability, but they have all had related accidents, so we should not be careless.

The big screen also switched to three pictures, the middle is a normal color telephoto remote sensing picture, and on the left side of this picture is a black and white infrared remote sensing picture, this picture is clearer, and you can see the exhaust flame drawn by the rocket jet .

And the picture on the far right is from the own lens on the rocket body. These lenses are located on the rocket body, including the position of the ground engine. You can clearly see the flight situation of the rocket when it is rising, and the working of the rocket engine. shape.

To judge how the rocket works, this depends not only on the rocket's flight attitude and speed, but also on the jet shape of the rocket engine's tail flame. In fact, for many experienced aerospace experts, they only need to look at the state of the tail flame ejected by the rocket to judge whether the rocket's engine is working normally.

The shape of the tail flame ejected by a normal engine is very smooth, like flowing water, without any waves. And once the rocket engine is in trouble, the silky tail flame may change. It's like a stone is suddenly added to block the waterway in the calm flowing water, causing waves and eddies to appear in the flowing water.

Looking at the launch vehicle with such excellent workmanship, Wan Hongfei's heart stirred up waves. He has been dealing with aerospace for most of his life, so he can naturally see some things that ordinary people cannot see. The performance of this rocket is too excellent, too stable, almost as stable as an old dog, without any waves.

It is really amazing that such an excellent rocket comes from a private aerospace company. You must know that this kind of rocket engine is beyond the control of most countries in the world.

Just when Wan Hongfei was surprised and sighed, an announcement came from the radio.

"First and second level separation!"

"Attention all units, the first and second levels are separated."

"Jiuquan received!"

"Yatohai received it!"

"Yatuhai, transfer the remote control authority of the first-level rocket to the core."

"Ya Tuhai understands."

With the announcement, the screen on the big screen was also divided into two halves. One half of the screen was the picture of the core-level rocket pushing the load and continued to rise, while the other half of the screen was the picture of the core-level rocket landing.

Compared with the core-level rocket that is continuing to rise, the guests present turned their attention to the return, landing and recovery process of the core-level rocket.

For them, this is also the time when many of them watched the landing and recovery process of Jianmu series rockets in the aerospace command and control center.

They have long been fascinated by Haoyu Aerospace's Jianmu series of rockets, especially the rocket recycling they mastered, which has attracted the attention of many people.

You know, the number of countries and companies that have mastered this technology can be counted by the top. The related technologies of Haoyu Aerospace's Jianmu series rockets are among the best in this field.

This half of the screen is also divided into multiple small screens. From the perspective of the camera on the core rocket, there are telemetry images from the ground telemetry center in Yatuhai, as well as system simulation images, and the landing in Yatuhai. Panorama of the field.

"Throw the cowl!"

Just when everyone was paying attention, a new announcement came from the hall, and the fairing had been dropped.

"Yatuhai, the rocket fairing has been successfully separated and dropped."

"Ya Tuhai understands."

It was then divided into two areas of the large screen, and then re-divided into three equal areas. In this newly added area, the pictures taken by the surveillance cameras located on the two halves of the fairing, the ground telemetry pictures, and the relevant pictures of the helicopter recovery team are displayed.

Such a wonderful picture made the guests who were watching seem dizzy. They looked at this side and then at that side, not wanting to miss a little bit of excitement.

On the side of the core-level rocket, it can be seen through the surveillance camera on the rocket that the rocket is getting closer to the ground. It can be seen from the telemetry images of the landing field that the core-level rocket is getting bigger and bigger, which means that it is getting more and more distance from the ground.

As the core-level rocket is getting closer to the ground, the power of the rocket's engine is also increasing, and the thrust is also increasing. This also makes the landing speed of the rocket slower and slower. At a fast distance from the ground, about 20 to 30 meters away, it can already hover, then slowly descend, and finally landed smoothly on the landing field platform.

it is good!

clap clap clap...

Xinyuehu commanded and controlled the guest seats in the lobby of the center, and there was a burst of warm applause and applause. Such a smooth and smooth recycling process is really shocking, especially for many guests who did not watch the whole process, the scene just now is indeed shocking enough.

While everyone was shocked and, the helicopter recovery team over there also made moves. Through the pod hanging on the helicopter, you can already see the two halves of the fairing, and they began to glide slowly here with the paraglider one after the other.

A helicopter suddenly maneuvered to change direction, circled in the air, and then flew past the side of the fairing, and used the tail hook hanging under the belly to accurately hook the paraglider above the fairing. Then pull up, and the entire paraglider hangs under the belly of the helicopter with the fairing.

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