Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2526: Pull the platinum star core back and make a lot of money first

Hehehe, Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words, then looked at Zhou Xiangming and said, "What about you?"

Hearing Wu Hao turn his head and ask him, Zhou Xiangming smiled and said, "I am the same, I am busy and full of work, but I am very happy.

Really, it's not flattery, it's genuine joy. Witnessing the success of these projects one by one, I am really happy and full of sense of accomplishment. "

Ha ha ha ha…

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun laughed again when they heard the words.

Okay, I'm relieved to see that you are in good condition. Wu Hao looked at the two of them and said: "But it's still what I said, no matter how busy you are at work, you must also take care of your family, don't lose one thing, family, family is always the first in our life.

This time you come back and stay for a few more days, take a good rest, and spend time with your family. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao thought for a while, then looked at the two of them and said: "How about this, you go back and arrange the organization, all colleagues who participated in this project, if they are willing, they can let their families, including wives and children, Parents and others have the opportunity to travel to the South China Sea to watch the rocket launch for free in early July.

We always tell our family that we are busy, busy, but they don't know what we are busy with. This time is just right, let the relatives in the family know what you are busy with, let them be proud of you, understand your factory, and support you. "

This is good, this will greatly stimulate the work enthusiasm and sense of accomplishment of our employees. Yu Chengwu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately clapped his hands and said excitedly.

Zhang Jun on the side also nodded with a smile: "Yes, anyway, there is not much money, so let's treat it as a benefit for the employees. This matter should be done sooner rather than later, you should prepare early.

While it's still early, arrange related matters quickly. With so many people going there together, eating, drinking, and sleeping are all big problems. "

OK, we'll arrange it when we get back. Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming looked at each other, and immediately responded excitedly.

Wu Hao looked at the expressions of the two, and then said to them: "Okay, let's talk about something serious."

Seeing what he said, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming immediately put away their smiles and listened carefully.

Wu Hao looked at the two of them and said, "At the meeting just now, the questions raised by Mr. Tong are actually some real problems that our project is facing.

When I was listening, I couldn't help thinking in my heart. In this future stage of our project, including the later stage of the mining business, before it is officially launched or not yet fully profitable, how to obtain income is indeed a big problem.

We can't pin all our hopes on helium-3 mining. In case there is a problem, what will we do then?

So I was thinking, whether it is possible to have a very considerable income at this stage, create an atmosphere, increase and consolidate investors' confidence in our project. "

While he was talking, he paid attention to the expressions of the three of them. Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming had serious expressions, with a hint of worry in their expressions. As for Zhang Jun, he looked at him curiously, obviously waiting for his next words.

"After much deliberation, there seems to be no good way.

But just as I walked out of the meeting room, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my head. Do you still remember the meteorite we found on the moon? "

That platinum star core?

Hearing Wu Hao's words, not only Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, but even Zhang Jun also reacted, and said excitedly to him: "Yes, why didn't I think of this platinum star core, we can definitely transport it back .

The platinum on it alone is worth 400 million yuan. If we operate a little bit, it is possible to have billions, billions, or even tens of billions. "

So you mean you want us to get this meteorite back first. Yu Chengwu also asked excitedly.

Wu Hao nodded: "We can't let Baoshan go, after all, we discovered it first. If we don't start early, if we are attacked first, then we will be passive if we fight again.

Ship it back, if you can sell it for some money, it's a little money. As it happens, I need a pair of rings too, so I use this. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, how could the three of them not understand what Wu Hao meant. Wu Hao planned to use the precious metal of this meteorite to make a ring, and he was going to propose.

Thinking of this, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming not only felt unprecedented excitement, but also felt a lot of pressure. This is tantamount to the boss entrusting their lifelong affairs to them, how can this make them not nervous.

Please rest assured that we will bring this meteorite back as soon as possible and create an unparalleled pair of rings for you so that they can witness the love between you and Mr. Lin. Yu Chengwu didn't hesitate too much, and immediately assured Wu Hao.

As for Zhou Xiangming, although hesitant, he nodded heavily at Wu Hao after listening to Yu Chengwu's words.

Alright, then I'll just wait for your good news, I hope it won't be too long. Wu Hao said with a smile at the two of them.

As for the two, they made promises again and again, which made Wu Hao and Zhang Jun burst into laughter again.

After a burst of laughter, Wu Hao said to Zhou Xiangming, "Tell me what you think about transporting such a large meteorite back to Earth."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming thought for a while, and then said to Wu Hao: "At this stage, it is definitely impossible to realize. We must wait until the first phase of our scientific research station is completed and our space express is put into use smoothly." , the relevant conditions are ripe.

At that time, we will use intelligent robots and space vehicles to go to the location given by the platinum star core, then dig it out, hoist it on a trailer, and then transport it back.

In fact, the difficulty is not in digging and transportation, but in the installation. How to install such a large meteorite on the lunar lander, UU Reading www. On and Space Express, this is indeed a difficult problem.

To solve this problem, there are currently two ways. One is to build a transportation system specially for it, but the cost of doing so is expensive, and some losses outweigh the gains.

The other is to cut the platinum star core, then put it into the near-moon lander and space express, and finally transport it back by the return capsule of our Voyager spacecraft.

In this way, the price cost will be much lower. But there is also a disadvantage in doing so, that is, we cannot obtain a complete platinum star core, so its ornamental value will be greatly reduced, so we can only melt them and make jewelry.

There is also a simpler way, which is to melt directly on the moon and bring the metal back. But, it doesn't make much sense to do so, so I personally prefer the second one. "

After listening to Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Don't worry about this matter, you can come back and study it together to see which method is better and which method can make more profits. In this regard, you can ask Tong Tong Juantong always chats, she is quite good at marketing operations."

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