Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2527: over order

Mr. Wu, Miss Xiaolei is here. Soho's voice came from the stereo.

let her in. Wu Hao smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then said.

Soon, the door opened, and Zhang Xiaolei, who was wearing a pair of high heels, wearing a black lady's casual suit, short hair, and a pair of big round earrings, came in from outside.

Sit down, I'll be fine soon. Wu Hao glanced at the other party, then motioned.

Zhang Xiaolei nodded when she heard the words, then walked to the rest area and sat down. Su Ho personally offered her a cup of scented tea. As the first person from the Secretary's Office to go out, Su Ho naturally respects Zhang Xiaolei very much. Because counting, this is her real senior sister, the boss of their group.

There is no way, as long as they have stayed here, whether they like it or not, everyone will naturally group them together, the direct line of the direct line taught by Wu Hao.

Su Ho took a look at Wu Hao who was still immersed in his work, and walked out with a complicated expression. She knew in her heart that her boss was not satisfied with her performance. She has worked too hard, but why can't she satisfy the boss.

So during this time, she was actually quite depressed. Especially seeing that her predecessor Shen Ning and her former senior sister Zhang Xiaolei have developed very well now, which makes her very envious. When will she be as dazzling and powerful as these two senior sisters.

After quickly finishing the work at hand, Wu Hao took the water cup to the water dispenser to pick up the water, then walked to the opposite of Zhang Xiaolei and sat down.

He looked around Zhang Xiaolei, then smiled and said, "Yes, you are much prettier than you were before, and your image and temperament are very suitable for this position.

How, what have you gained from this trip to the north. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Xiaolei's brows were filled with joy, and she looked like a woman who pleases herself. Her outfit today was also specially cleaned up.

I have gained a lot, and I didn't expect that this weaponry trade would be so complicated, far more complicated than ordinary commodities. And this time I met a lot of people of all kinds, which was very interesting and I learned a lot.

Zhang Xiaolei nodded at Wu Hao and said.

Well, it's good if you can learn something, which means that your trip was not in vain. Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "I've read your report. You did a good job this time. It can be regarded as overfulfilling the task. It is worthy of praise."

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Xiaolei said with a smile: "Actually, we were able to overfulfill the task this time, thanks to the help of Mr. Zhou Yonghui. In addition, Director Qian also helped us a lot."

Well, I know all of this. Wu Hao nodded, then looked at Zhang Xiaolei and said, "Tell me, how did you get these orders."

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhang Xiaolei immediately sat up straight facing him and said: "When we first arrived, the other party's attitude was actually quite arrogant, and he was still full of distrust towards us.

And the other party's attitude is very firm, just call for those weapons, and don't consider the others.

So in order to gain their trust and to be able to sell more weapons and equipment, we contacted the country, transported some samples of weapons and equipment to them, and demonstrated them in front of them at their shooting range.

The excellent performance of these weapons and equipment naturally attracted the opponent's strong interest. However, the opponent's money is relatively tight, so the buckle is relatively dead.

So we increased our contact with the other party, constantly grinding and persuading the other party. On the other side, we also had private contact with some representatives of the other party, especially those from the frontline command.

They are very interested in this batch of weapons and equipment, but Naihe is responsible for the procurement of this equipment from the defense logistics department, so there is a big conflict between the two parties regarding the procurement of weapons.

As for us, we took advantage of this contradiction within them and finally won the order. A total of 325 million US dollars. Because the other party uses oil and natural gas to deliver, we require the other party to deliver half of the goods first. We will start counting the next day after the goods arrive. We will urgently submit the first batch of weapons and equipment within two months, and the second batch of weapons and equipment will be delivered within half a year. Submitted within one year, the last batch of weapons and equipment will also be completed within one year.

The other party must pay off all the goods before the last batch of weapons and equipment departs, otherwise the transportation of the last batch of equipment will be suspended, and the other party will also be required to pay related liquidated damages. "

When will the first shipment be shipped? Wu Hao asked Zhang Xiaolei after hearing the words.

It is already in preparation, and it is expected to be shipped within a week, and it will be able to arrive in China within this month. We have already contacted CNOOC, and they will take over the oil directly, and they will just transfer the money to us at that time. Zhang Xiaolei replied immediately after hearing Wu Hao's question.

"Okay, keep in touch with the other party and keep an eye on it. These big giants are very happy to cooperate, but it is very procrastinating at the end of the checkout. If you don't keep an eye on it, the money may be delayed until the end of the year. I can finish it for you." Wu Hao told Zhang Xiaolei. This is both an experience and a lesson. There is no way, I have suffered too many such losses in dealing with the other party before.

It's not that the other party is a rogue and has no money, it's not like that. How could these giants have no money? All of them are rich. The reason why I developed the bad habit of procrastination is that it is a bad habit that has continued.

Moreover, the opponent is large in size, so the internal department is bloated, and many complicated procedures need to be followed, so it may take a long time to come and go.

For this kind of big company, it is of course no problem to cooperate with the other party. Anyway, there is not much pressure to pay back, so it is okay to procrastinate. UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but for small and medium-sized enterprises, it is a bit troublesome. Because small and medium-sized enterprises have weak foundations and few capital chains, these payments are delayed for a long time, which can easily drag these small and medium-sized enterprises down.

Therefore, many small and medium-sized enterprises are actually very reluctant to negotiate business with these giants, except for those who are related. It's all related, and you still can't handle these cumbersome processes, just say hello, or just make a relationship.

OK, we'll keep an eye on it. Zhang Xiaolei immediately responded when she heard the words.

Well, as for the goods, you have to do a good job of organizing and coordinating with all parties. You must deliver on time and on time under the premise of ensuring quality. This is related to the brand image and quality of your Haoyu Heavy Industry in the future. reputation. Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Xiaolei's tree hole: "In this regard, you should learn from Zhou Yonghui, he has experience in this area.

Pay attention to the method and method, he has a problem with you as an airborne soldier. "

Hearing the implication in Wu Hao's words, Zhang Xiaolei could not have known what it meant, and immediately nodded in agreement.

(end of this chapter)

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