Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2528: full name attention

Haoyu Aerospace's lunar scientific research station will officially start construction, and the first batch of materials will be launched on a new rocket in the South China Sea in early July.

For a while, this news quickly reached the top of the hot search list, and was rushed to report by major media.

The lunar scientific research station, the first batch of supplies, and the new rocket, these words suddenly flooded the entire Internet and became the subject of heated discussions. As if whoever said this could not keep up with the times, bloggers and P owners, big and small, all rushed over.

Although it is said that most people are doing it for popularity and eyeballs. But there are also some high-quality bloggers among them, who sorted out a lot of useful information, and also produced a lot of very exciting graphic and video images.

However, these are individuals in the end, and their power is limited. Still not directly from the media, for example, an important TV station used its own rights to directly interview all parties, including Yang Xiaoyun, the deputy general manager of Haoyu Aerospace, and naturally unearthed a lot of inside information.

For example, Haoyu Aerospace’s latest Jianmu-9 heavy-duty launch vehicle was used to carry out this launch mission. Its low-earth orbit carrying capacity can reach 51 tons, and its earth-moon orbit carrying capacity can reach an astonishing 22 tons.

It should be said that this is currently the second largest heavy-duty launch vehicle in China after Changjiu, and it is definitely in the forefront in the world.

The reason why it has such a carrying capacity is of course due to the huge size of this rocket. Three Jianmu-7 first-stage rockets are used as the core first stage and two boosters to provide super thrust.

On the other hand, the reason is the exclusive secret recipe of Haoyu Technology, semi-solid foaming propellant. After the continuous improvement and optimization of scientific researchers, the performance of this fuel is getting better and better. Coupled with their solid foundation in engine technology, this also allowed the low-earth orbit carrying capacity of the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty launch vehicle to reach an astonishing 51 tons.

And this time is regarded as the first flight of the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty carrier rocket. At that time, not only will you be able to witness this shocking moment, but you will also be able to witness the spectacular scene of three rockets falling from the sky.

The goods transported this time are also quite special. Haoyu Technology will launch a cargo spacecraft to the moon this time, which will transport ten tons of goods to the moon. This should be regarded as the largest express delivery on the moon besides the manned moon landing.

Among the ten tons of cargo, there are not only engineering robots, but also intelligent robots, and related ancillary products. The list of these materials was also exposed and sparked heated discussions.

In addition, the TV station also obtained relevant design drawings and renderings of the lunar scientific research station from Haoyu Aerospace. As soon as these renderings were released, they quickly became the object of everyone's attention and heated discussions.

In a lunar plain, there are several transparent dome-like buildings, some yurt-like buildings, and many cylindrical buildings arranged in random order and combined together. Around the base, it is surrounded by solar panels that look like sunflowers, and in the place of the dots, there are several white surfaces on which some landers and spacecraft are parked. This is a landing specially for lunar landers. field.

All of a sudden, some trolls on the Internet who had previously complained about this project were nothing more than Wu Hao and others who misused money completely shut up. If this project is really just about making money, why would there be such a big fight, and the progress would be so fast.

Unlike a foreign aerospace company, a project has been delayed for seven or eight years, and it has been bombed more than a dozen times, and there is still no result yet.

Of course, no matter how good you are, you still can't resist being sarcastic. Especially for those dogs who don't see their goodness and the country's goodness, they bite one by one very fiercely.

As for the foreign media and politicians, one by one they began to exaggerate the threat theory. What are we going to invade the moon, what is this project threatening the security of the world, etc., all kinds of voices are noisy for a while.

Regarding this, Wu Hao and the others were very calm, no matter how the outside world was arguing or discussing hotly. They are still very calm, what to do, without being affected in the slightest.

In fact, we don't have the time or leisure to care about what the outside world says. Now everyone's experience is put on this project. In order to ensure the safety of this launch, Yu Chengwu sat in the northwest, Zhou Xiangming personally led a group of people to the South China Sea, and Wu Hao and the others were on Anxi's side.

It can be said that for this launch mission, everyone has devoted all their efforts.

Affected and stimulated by these news, Haoyu Aerospace's stock also rose by the limit one after another, and its market value directly doubled. Of course, these are fictitious, but it can also prove that investors are optimistic and enthusiastic about this project.

At this time, another insider information was disclosed.

That is, Haoyu Aerospace will launch the star core home plan to transport the platinum star core found on the moon back to Earth. And some of these star cores are used for scientific research, and most of the rest will be dissolved and made into limited edition accessories for sale.

This time, it caused a sensation. If the previous news only stimulated men, then this time the news stimulated women.

Everyone has the so-called love of beauty. That woman doesn't like jewels and shiny jewellery.

And these jewelry made of precious metals from the moon have a special meaning. If you can own one, it will definitely shine in the audience.

This also made the fashion circle, entertainment circle, and luxury circle boil up, and some stars of UU Reading forwarded it one after another. Some luxury goods companies have stated that they will contact Haoyu Aerospace to discuss related cooperation matters.

There was even news from Yang Xiaoyun that a well-known international jewelry giant had come to contact them, threatening to spend huge sums of money to buy out the entire platinum star core, and the initial offer was several billion dollars.

Of course, this is just wishful thinking of the other party, and it is obviously not in their interest to let the other party buy out. How could they just give each other such a good thing for nothing? They must squeeze out its full value.

And this news was actually disclosed by Yang Xiaoyun, the purpose of which was to test the reaction of the entire market, and also to carry out a hype operation.

Only in this way can the full value of this platinum star core be discovered.

For such a big movement, Wu Hao and the others always smiled and remained silent. Now that this project has been handed over to Yang Xiaoyun and the others, they will not interfere easily. Anyway, this is just the beginning, and they also want to see what Yang Xiaoyun has to do with this project.

(end of this chapter)

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