Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2535: you have always been our pride

…"Driven by us, the quality of domestic film and television dramas is also improving year by year. The public recognizes that the works are popular, have traffic, and have a market. It is impossible for those film and television companies and directors not to see them.

So they are also starting to change, trying to shoot and produce some excellent dramas. The situation dominated by small fresh meat and traffic stars is quietly changing.

I believe that it won't be long before the domestic film and television industry will sweep away the previous haze and embark on the correct path of rapid development again. "

After listening to Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao also showed a smile: "If there is really a change, I believe that domestic audiences will appreciate and remember you, and there will definitely be you in the history of domestic film and television drama development. A bold stroke."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei bent her glasses and smiled, "It's because of our strong strokes. You must know that these technologies were all invented by you. Without your technologies, we couldn't do these things."

What's mine is ours, everyone's, be humble. Wu Hao stretched out his finger, scraped Lin Wei's pink nose and smiled.

Hate. Lin Wei brushed his hand away in disgust, then leaned her body into his arms, and said with a smile.

I didn't think too much about it. The point is that I can make money and help you.

I can't participate in those great plans you have outlined, but I also want to do what I can to help you, assist you, and achieve these great goals together.

Micromedia’s revenue this year is very good. Compared with last year’s revenue in the first half of the year, revenue has increased by 40%, which is nearly half, reaching more than 470 billion. In this way, it is estimated that our annual revenue will be to trillions. Calculated based on 40% of the net profit, we can get about 400 billion in revenue. Except for some dividends and incentive rewards, I think the rest will be handed over to you.

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao hugged Lin Wei even tighter in his arms, rubbed her slender white and delicate hands, then shook his head slightly and said.

"Don't worry, Haoyu Technology's funds are very abundant, and there is no problem in supporting these projects. You can manage 3 Wei Media well, this is the greatest support for us.

In case there is any trouble on our side, if we encounter a problem, then there is still a little way out, isn't it? Therefore, it is better not to involve Micro Media in these projects.

As for these funds, in addition to dividends, you can leave a sufficient amount of funds for development. Then the money, you can think about spending it yourself. Didn't you like buying property before? These are all possible. If it really doesn't work, just hand it over to some funds or professional investment companies and ask them to help invest. "

Of course, Wu Hao did this because he didn't want to drag Wei Media in. These projects are too big, and even ten Wei Media might not be enough. Instead of this, it is better to separate the micro-media.

As he said, micro-media is their last retreat. In case they suffer setbacks and fail in the future, they can also have a retreat and seek a comeback.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to make a comeback, at least with the presence of Wei Media, we won't fall into poverty, sell houses and cars, and the family is ruined. In the future, my wife and children don't have to suffer along with it.

Even if you don't do anything, you can live comfortably for a lifetime.

Many people like to reserve a way out for themselves, hoping to do their best and fight bravely. This kind of courage is precious, but it is essentially a solo broadcast. Use everything you have to gamble on the future. If you succeed, you will have everything, but if you fail, you will have nothing.

Wu Hao is not such a person, he is rational and calm enough. It would not be said that for a project, for a plan, it is obviously not mature enough.

Even today, when Haoyu Technology is vigorously developing the aerospace industry, he still does not give up other industries, such as the field of digital technology consumer goods, new energy, medicine, military technology, agricultural technology and so on.

In this way, even if there is a problem in the aerospace industry or one of these industries, it will not affect other industries, let alone the normal development of the company.

This is the pattern judgment that a qualified entrepreneur should have. The influence of those passionate entrepreneurs in film and television dramas is obviously unrealistic and too exaggerated.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei nodded, then held his hand behind her back and said softly: "I listen to you, but if you have anything to do, don't hide it from me, no matter what, we will bear it together.

Even if it means throwing everything at your fingertips and ruining your fortune, I am willing to accompany you, even if you want to eat chaff. "

No, no, when I really get to that world, I will go to seek refuge with my father-in-law and mother-in-law. At that time, they should not dislike the poor and love the rich, so let me go. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Not necessarily, it depends on your performance. Lin Wei raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile.

Wu Hao smiled, then held her hand behind his back, lowered his head to face Lin Wei's beautiful and delicate face and said sincerely: "Don't worry, for you, for this family, and for our parents, I will take good care of you." Yes, you will not be disappointed."

"You have always been our pride." Lin Wei's eyes were full of mist, starlight, emotion, and admiration.

Do you know, whenever others talk about you and praise you, I am very happy and very happy. Because this is my boyfriend, this is my husband, and I am honored.

Okay, okay, stop boasting, I should be proud if I praise Wu Hao said with a smile.

cluck. Lin Wei smiled, then got up and said excitedly to Wu Hao: "Speaking of real estate, my friend has pushed me a few more houses that are very good, one is in Hangzhou, just beside the West Lake, it belongs to historical protection architecture.

Although the house as a whole is relatively old, the location is relatively good. The shore of the West Lake is just outside the door, and the scenery is very good. In addition, I have consulted that this house can not be changed except the appearance and style, and the inside can be redecorated, so I plan to take a look with Zhou Xi in a few days, and buy it if it is suitable. When we go to hangzhou to play, we can also have a foothold. "

Is it on the edge of the West Lake? The location is good.

Wu Hao also smiled when he heard the words: "When you are free, you can go and stay for a few days, take a vacation or something."

"Yeah, I think so too." Lin Wei nodded with a smile and said, "However, I have to go to the site to see the specifics. After all, it is a century-old building. What is it like has not been actually surveyed. No one can say this well.

So I will first find a third-party housing survey agency to conduct a survey and evaluation of the entire house, and then I will go to the site to see before deciding whether to sign. "

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