Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2536: accident

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2536 Sudden Accidents

"Is it by the West Lake? The location is good."

Wu Hao also smiled when he heard the words: "When you are free, you can go and stay for a few days, take a vacation or something."

"Yeah, I think so too." Lin Wei nodded with a smile and said, "However, I have to go to the site to see the specifics. After all, it is a century-old building. What is it like has not been actually surveyed. No one can say this well.

So I will first find a third-party housing survey agency to conduct a survey and evaluation of the entire house, and then I will go to the site to see before deciding whether to sign. "

I remember that we have several properties in Hangzhou, and one of them seems to be in a good location. Wu Hao said with a smile.

I can say that he remembered correctly. He had several houses in Hangzhou before, and one of them was introduced to him by Lao Ma. The location has always been very good. According to Lin Wei's plan, she would buy a house in every city across the country.

And Hangcheng bought so many at once, which is obviously because of Lin Wei's love for this city.

Lin Wei smiled and nodded: There are a lot of houses, but this section has a special location and has its own characteristics, not bad.

Wu Hao said with a smile: It's up to you. Anyway, a house is not expensive. If you like it, you can buy more. At worst, the two of us will be charterers and charterers in the future.

"Fuck you, it's wrong if you treat me like you." After speaking, Lin Wei stretched out his hand and hit him, Wu Hao smiled, and hugged Lin Wei even tighter with his backhand.

Lin Wei leaned into Wu Hao's arms, and just as the two of them were warming up and preparing for the next move, a phone rang at an inopportune time.

The caller was Yang Fan. If it was someone else, he might not answer it, but this was Yang Fan, even their closest friend and a company executive. And usually he wouldn't call him at this point, since he called, there must be something wrong.

Immediately Wu Hao left Lin Wei and sat down, the phone was connected immediately, and Yang Fan's figure appeared in it.

Brother Hao, I didn't bother you. Yang Fan glanced at Lin Wei who was sitting next to Wu Hao, and then asked.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "What's the matter, let you call me all night."

Except for a little situation. Yang Fan said with some embarrassment: "Just now, a unit did not follow the correct drawings and excavated a road in the city center in violation of regulations, which caused the interruption of part of the city's power supply network and network lines. , After the line is short-circuited, a large part of the network infrastructure is burned, but it is actually difficult to repair.

It can be confirmed that the accident has affected some of our important projects in Anxi, including our Linghu headquarters, which were also affected by the accident. "

After listening to Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking: "How could such a big accident happen, usually not."

It is said that in order to catch up with the progress, the construction unit discovered several ancient tombs one after another in this area, which caused the construction site to stop for a long time. So the boss of this construction site stepped up the construction in order to rush in. Six or seven machines were working at the same time, so the damage caused was relatively large. After introducing these, Yang Fan showed a look of anxiety.

Looking at Yang Fan's expression, Wu Hao comforted with a slight smile: "Okay, it's not a big deal. Don't panic, let's read the feedback information from the scene ahead."

Hearing his words, Yang Fan nodded in response.

At this time, there are several more video windows in the big screen at home, and the video windows are related to the scene.

There are real-time live monitoring screens set up at various angles of the scene, and there are pictures of drones overlooking the scene. Although it is night, through the lights on the scene and the synthetic aperture optical detection module on the drone, you can still see the scene clearly. of.

Inside the screen, there was a lot of excitement, and many people gathered. It is estimated that there are hundreds of people. In the middle is the construction site of a construction site, and a pit can be clearly seen.

At this moment, many people have come, including police, firefighters, emergency repairs by electric power, and media reporters.

In the picture, some people are directing traffic, some are bandaging the wounded, and some are inspecting damaged vehicles. Others are on the scene to guard and maintain order. Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and there was no confusion.

Seeing this, Wu Hao finally felt relieved.

Brother Hao, what I am worried about now is that such a big matter will definitely not be hidden, how should we tell the media then. Yang Fan raised his doubts.

Let's just say it was an accident caused by a normal illegal construction, just pass by Hu Lane, Wu Hao said calmly with a smile.

Yang Fan shook his head: "For such a big event, the media will definitely get wind of it, and it may not be that simple to get it over."

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said: "We still need to listen to the opinions of the police and relevant departments. If the incident has not been dealt with, then it must not be announced to the So listen first Listen to their opinions and then talk. If it can be made public, then just have a press conference to explain it.

Although this matter is relatively negative, it may also turn a bad thing into a good thing for us. Through correct guidance, we can further carry out related publicity operations and improve the company's brand awareness and influence. "

After Wu Hao finished speaking, Yang Fan in the video nodded his head to agree with his opinion. He looked down at the time and said: "Then I will go to the scene now, and I will inform you as soon as there is any news."

After Yang Fan ended the call and the big screen returned to normal again, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect such a thing to happen, and this is really nothing. This incident is indeed quite sudden, and the impact it can meet is relatively large.

"Drink a glass of water." At some point, Lin Wei had already got up, saw him end the call, and immediately brought him a glass of water and walked over.

Thank you, Wu Hao took the water and drank it, not to mention, he was really thirsty just now.

Lin Wei immediately stood behind the sofa, helped him twist his shoulders, and looked at the scene on the screen and said, "This accident is not your fault, so don't worry about it."

Wu Hao stretched out his hand to hold Lin Wei's hand and said softly, "This matter doesn't disturb me, but it's just a little disturbing, and I don't know how to report the news tomorrow."

After listening to Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei comforted her with a smile: "Since the matter has already happened, let's face it calmly. No matter what, it has already happened. No matter how angry you are, it won't help. It's better to calm down and deal with it properly." That's it."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao nodded thoughtfully, thought for a while, and then raised his voice and said, "Ke Ke, help me connect to Zhang Jun's call."

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