Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2537: Expansion of fault impact

After listening to Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei comforted her with a smile: "Since the matter has already happened, let's face it calmly. No matter what, it has already happened. No matter how angry you are, it won't help. It's better to calm down and deal with it properly." That's it."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao nodded thoughtfully, thought for a while, and then raised his voice and said, "Ke Ke, help me connect to Zhang Jun's call."

"Okay, we are helping you connect."

Soon, Zhang Jun appeared in the video. This guy is wearing a set of pajamas and sitting on the sofa. Seeing that the phone was connected, he immediately said: "Haozi, I already know the matter, what should I do next."

Wu Hao didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, but said directly to him: "Although we are not responsible for this incident, it has caused the operation of several intelligent networks we are responsible for, as well as the daily operation of the company.

Therefore, our side must also actively invest in the emergency repair process of these systems and networks. I have already asked Yang Fan to go to this aspect. Otherwise, you still have to be prepared to deal with the media topics that will be brought about tomorrow morning. turmoil. "

I get it, so let's start making arrangements. Zhang Jun nodded in response, and then ended the call.

After finishing the call, Wu Hao lowered his head and pondered for a while. Seeing this, Lin Wei also accompanied him without making any sound, for fear of disturbing Wu Hao's thinking.

After thinking about it, Wu Hao gave Lin Wei a reassuring expression, then looked at the big screen and said, "Ke Ke, give me an assessment of the damage caused by this accident."

"Okay, sir."

Didi, with a burst of sound, the entire Anxi city map appeared on the big screen. The map is divided into several areas with light colors. The place where the accident happened is circled with a red cross, and there are related surveillance images of this area on both sides.

As you can see from the screen, along the red cross, there are many red road maps, and these lines are all over the city. In addition to red, there are orange, blue, green and so on.

Then, a lot of fan charts and histograms appeared on one side, showing all the information in this way.

Through the chart, Wu Hao clearly understood the current related losses.

At present, 30% of Anxi's intelligent unmanned logistics network has been paralyzed, and Anxi's intelligent sanitation system has been paralyzed by 70%. The automatic driving loop has begun to be paralyzed and gradually closed.

In addition, there is also the Linghu Park. Due to the impact of the network paralysis, the company's network system has failed, which has affected the normal operation of the company.

For example, the virtual reality network platform of the smart AR glasses and the virtual world platform of the smart VR glasses were more or less affected by this accident, and there were faults such as stuttering, delay, and high packet loss rate.

Seeing this, Wu Hao pondered for a moment, and then said: "Coco, start the backup server to ensure the normal operation of the virtual reality network platform and the virtual world platform."

"Okay, sir, the standby server system activation process has been started, the countdown is one minute, thirty seconds, ten seconds, nine, eight... three, two, one, the standby server is activated successfully."

Looking at the data information on the big screen, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then turned to look at Lin Wei with a relaxed expression and said, "Okay, leave the next thing to Fatty and Yang Fan.

You are right, what should be faced must be faced. I still have enough energy to deal with the turmoil tomorrow morning. "

Lin Wei nodded after hearing what he said, and was about to speak, but Wu Hao rushed over and hugged Lin Wei.

What are you doing?

What do you say. Wu Hao showed a smirk at Lin Wei, Lin Wei couldn't help but blushed when she saw this, and then put her arms around Wu Hao's head.

Sleepy, sleepy!

Bah, let you talk nonsense, let you talk nonsense...

Early the next morning, as Wu Hao expected, the accident and its impact quickly became the headlines of the media, which attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

All of a sudden, relevant news and vocabulary began to land at the forefront of the major hot search lists.

Some media even launched a hot news follow-up program, and specially dispatched reporters to the accident site for online introductions.

Bingbing, how is the situation on the scene now? You can introduce us to the audience in front of the TV screen. The host asked a fat, clean and beautiful female reporter on the line.

All right, Zixin. According to the latest news we learned at the emergency headquarters just now, at about 10:35 last night, Anxi xxxx Co., Ltd. violated the regulations in construction at night in order to catch up with the schedule. Due to the unsatisfactory lighting conditions at the site, several excavators were shifted from the construction site, causing all the cables in the wiring trough to be cut off. Due to the short circuit of the line, more than 30% of Anxi's network system and power system were paralyzed.

We can see that the staff at the scene have already started intensive repair work. However, because the designed lines are many, dense, and miscellaneous, this brings difficulties to the entire repair work.

However, thanks to the efforts of our engineering repair personnel, all lines are expected to be repaired around 12:00 tonight. Of course, this is only the first step. The next step is to repair and replace some of the equipment and cables damaged by the short circuit.

We can see that the repair personnel from different units are wearing different clothes at the scene. Those in yellow are from the power system, those in blue are from the network communication system, and those in black are from Haoyu Technology's emergency repair team.

As far as we know The intelligent unmanned logistics system maintained and operated by Haoyu Technology, as well as the intelligent sanitation system and the automatic driving quick line change were all damaged in this failure.

In addition, according to the feedback from our netizens, Haoyu Technology's virtual world network and virtual reality world network platform have been affected in different ways by this failure.

Speaking of this, the female reporter came to the other side, pointed the camera at the passing vehicles and the people and continued to speak: "We also understand that the breakdown last night did bring a great deal of trouble to the lives of many citizens in Anxi. the inconvenience.

For example, Ms. Zheng, who lives nearby, is an in-depth user of the intelligent unmanned logistics network. In the past, when the intelligent unmanned logistics network was operating normally, she could receive fresh milk delivered to her home by the unmanned logistics delivery robot from a dairy farm more than 100 kilometers away every morning.

But today, she didn't receive it, which affected their family's breakfast.

There is also Mr. Chen nearby. He is the owner of the self-driving car. In the past, it only needs to click to go to work, and the car will automatically go to the company to work according to the planned route. But today, because of this failure, the entire automatic driving notification loop was shut down, and he ate it when he went to work. "

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