Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2543: The Story of Yang Dongdong (4)

How can I ask for money from their elders? No way. Xu Dongdong shook his head: "This is the pension money of their elders, we can't touch it. We can figure out how to do it ourselves, thank the elders for me."

Would you like to thank yourself to thank you? You can ask for money from your parents, but can't you ask for money from my parents? His wife couldn't help but said angrily.

That was not what I meant. Yang Dongdong quickly explained: "It's not easy for the second elder to save this little money, I..."

Knowing that it is not easy, you will treat them well in the future, just be filial. His wife interrupted him angrily.

…it is good!

He was silent for a long time when he heard his wife's words, and then he said the word 'yes' emphatically.

Originally half an hour's drive, I did not expect to drive for more than two hours today. It was past eleven o'clock when I got home.

Cooked a few dumplings for my daughter, and told her to finish eating and go to bed. The husband and wife ordered some dried noodles, sat down face to face, and started to eat.

For the sake of convenience, I didn't fry any saozi, just picked a bowl of sour soup. His wife also fried an egg for him very carefully, which made his nose sore.

My wife has been with him for so many years, so many days have not been good. Originally, the husband and wife had a good life, but since the arrival of their daughter, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The daughter was a premature baby with poor health. She was sent to an incubator for a month after she was born, and then she was diagnosed with congenital heart disease.

The earlier the disease is treated, the better the outcome. So when my daughter was three months old, she entered the operating room. The operation went very well, which made them relieved.

Originally, they thought that the next time would be their happy life, but they didn't expect that when their daughter went for a physical examination in elementary school, Fei found out that there was another heart problem. Therefore, he has been undergoing treatment, but heart disease, which can only be treated with drugs, can only delay the disease, but cannot cure it.

Moreover, because of this disease, his daughter has suffered a lot of illnesses that many peers, even adults, cannot bear. The physical education class and outdoor class that children love, she can only watch. Some activities, she can only observe. Don't dare to jump, dare not jump, dare not even run.

So his daughter is a lot less childish than children of the same age, but also a lot more calm and well-behaved, and sometimes even well-behaved makes people feel distressed.

Originally, the husband and wife thought about having another child, but seeing their daughter's lovely and pitiful face, they finally gave up the idea. They are afraid that the new child will take away their love for their daughter and neglect her.

As her daughter grew up, her illness became more and more serious. Although she didn't say anything, they also learned from the teacher that the child had fallen ill several times at school.

When I went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor also said that this disease must be treated as soon as possible, and the longer it drags on, the worse the treatment effect will be. But when they asked about any good treatment methods, these experts shook their heads involuntarily.

At present, human medicine is relatively limited. This kind of heart disease developed from congenital heart disease is very complicated and difficult to cure. Only some treatments can relieve the pain of the patient.

But the disease is still there, and it will become more dangerous as time goes by.

This made both Yang Dongdong and his wife very desperate. Just when they were desperate and didn't know what to do, God seemed to take pity on them and sprinkled a little sunshine on them.

That is, Haoyu Technology's intelligent bionic artificial heart has been successfully developed and has been applied. This made the couple very happy and gave them new hope.

So the husband and wife started to struggle with this goal, hoping that one day, they could also install such a smart bionic artificial heart for their daughter.

Although a little distressed and unwilling, installing such an artificial heart for her daughter is indeed the last way to treat her illness and save her life. So they have already made this preparation, and they will perform such an operation as soon as their daughter has surgery correction.

But within two years of such preparations, they heard even greater good news. That is, Haoyu Technology has developed bio-3D printing technology, which can be used to print some human organs and tissues to treat various diseases of the human body. And I learned from Dr. Xu, who treated his daughter, that this technology has now been applied to heart repair surgery, and has achieved excellent therapeutic effects.

His daughter's illness can be completely cured by this technology. It's just that this technology has just been used and has not yet been commercialized on a large scale. They need to wait.

And the treatment costs of this technique can be high, and they need to be prepared.

So since hearing the news, their lives have become more frugal. He and his wife haven't bought a piece of clothing for more than half a year, and they usually save as much as they can.

For this car, every time he charges it, he spends his weekends going to the suburbs to find a private charging pile, because it will be a few dollars cheaper.

All of these are preparations for her daughter's medical treatment. It can be said that now the daughter is their everything and their spiritual sustenance.

After eating, because the smart home service robot is still not being repaired, the husband and wife said this while driving to clean up. His wife was in charge of the kitchen, and he started cleaning the living room.

Since the last time there was a water leak upstairs, a large piece of their ceiling wall peeled off. Since the case has not been closed, these have not been repaired yet.

This also leads to the wall powder falling from the ceiling every day, so it is more troublesome to clean and you free tomorrow? Go to the court and remind me again. When will this continue? what. While wiping the dishes, his wife looked at the missing wall above her husband's head, and couldn't help sighing.

OK, I'll go to remind you tomorrow. Yang Dongdong responded, and while wiping the table vigorously, he said to his wife: "I went to see Judge Wang last time, and he said that this case must be won. The key now is to pay more and pay less. The shrew upstairs said that we will only pay for the wall coverings, but not for damage to robots and furniture.

Judge Wang meant that we are all neighbors, and the relationship between neighbors should not be too rigid. He hoped that we could make concessions and reconcile as much as possible. "

Of course not, you forgot her attitude when we went to find them. Besides, the maintenance of the robot is more than 10,000 yuan. Are you going to pay for it?

His wife said firmly: "When you go to Judge Wang tomorrow, you can talk about our family situation, especially our daughter's illness. Try to close this case as soon as possible."

(end of this chapter)

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