Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2544: The Story of Yang Dongdong (5)

On a not so hot afternoon, Yang Dongdong brought his wife and daughter to Anxi Linghu Medical Research Center, accompanied by Dr. Xu who has been treating his daughter.

This Dr. Xu is the deputy director of the Cardiac Surgery Department of the Provincial Affiliated Hospital, and also an expert in Cardiac Surgery. Although he is relatively young, only in his thirties this year, he can be regarded as a well-known Cardiac Surgery expert in Anxi and even the entire region. She is also a famous female doctor who has been in the newspaper.

Because he treated Xu Dongdong's daughter for a long time, Dr. Xu is also very familiar with Yang Dongdong's family. This has been paying attention to the condition of this smart, lovely and pitiful girl.

It was also her idea to let Xu Dongdong and the others come to Linghu Medical Research Center. This time, she personally brought Xu Dongdong's family to visit one of her seniors, who is currently an expert in cardiology at Linghu Medical Research Center.

Master, over here! A handsome male doctor with glasses, about 27 or 18 years old, waved at the few people who had just got out of the car.

"Xiao Luo, I'm sorry to trouble you." Seeing the young male doctor seeing this, Dr. Xu walked over with a smile and greeted him politely.

No trouble, the teacher knows you are coming today, so let me come out to pick you up. As he spoke, this Doctor Xiao Luo took a look at Yang Dongdong's family next to him, and then asked, "This is the patient's family you mentioned on the phone, right?"

Yes, bring them to see your teacher today, let your teacher evaluate and evaluate their condition, and also dispel their worries. Doctor Xu glanced at Yang Dongdong and the others, and then said to Doctor Luo.

Ronaldinho nodded and smiled at Yang Dongdong and the others: "Don't worry, we have read about your daughter's case in advance, the problem is not serious, and there is still a good chance of recovery. However, I also need to explain the specific situation to you. Introduce and ask for your opinion.

To be honest, this operation is not big or small, and this is not a one-time operation that can solve the problem, and may require a long treatment process.

This will involve a lot of problems, so I hope you can be mentally prepared and make a decision after careful consideration. "

Hearing this doctor Xiao Luo's words, Xu Dongdong and his wife were overjoyed at first, and then deep worries appeared in their expressions. Although they were eager to learn more about Ronaldinho, they also knew that the current occasion was not suitable, so they could only calm down.

Dr. Luo nodded at the behavior of Xu Dongdong and his wife, and then said to Dr. Xu: "Uncle Master, Teacher, they are going to Haoyu Technology to attend an academic conference. Let me take you on a tour first to get familiar with the people here. environment."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Dr. Xu nodded, and then asked curiously: "Your teacher, why did they go to Haoyu Technology? Do they have any new cooperation with them?"

Hehe, upon hearing Dr. Xu's words, Dr. Luo led people into the hospital area, and explained to Dr. Xu with a smile: "Actually, it's not just us. The entire Linghu Medical Research Center is affiliated with Anxi Hospital affiliated to Air Force Medical College We are only a small part of the clinical medical research institutions jointly established by Haoyu Technology.

For example, many of the new technologies we apply to the clinic are developed by other laboratories, and then placed on our side for clinical trials. It includes many of the most cutting-edge cutting-edge technologies in the medical field. The teacher and the others went to participate in academic seminars on this aspect in the past. "

Hearing Dr. Luo's explanation, Dr. Xu realized that his question was unnecessary, and then changed the topic with a smile to ease the embarrassment: "Then what kind of academic seminar is this time going to, tell me, let me know, Let me also see Zhang Zhang.”

Dr. Xiao Luo smiled and glanced at Yang Dongdong and the others, and then said: "Actually, it's about the heart field. I heard that the laboratory over there has launched a new technology, so I invited teachers and other experts to participate in the discussion on this field." technical seminars."

"What technology?" Hearing that it was related to the heart, Dr. Xu couldn't help being interested, and asked hastily. Not only her, even Xu Dongdong who had been following behind couldn't help pricking up their ears, wanting to hear clearly.

Dr. Luo turned his head to look at the expressions of these people, then shook his head with a smile and said: "I don't know the details, it seems to be related to the heart regeneration technology. Before this technology is released to the public, All of these contents are internal secrets, and there is no way for us to know all of them."

What Dr. Luo said was very subtle, but the implication was to tell them that some things are confidential and cannot be told to them.

So after hearing what Dr. Luo said, although everyone was very curious, they did not ask any more questions.

"Master, this is our smart hospital system, which is what the outside world calls an intelligent unmanned hospital." Dr. Luo pointed to the medical office building over there and the people queuing up.

I've heard it's great for a long time, but because I'm busy, I always have the opportunity to visit it. Is it really as powerful as in the legend, or is it just an experimental project created by Haoyu Technology and your center. Dr. Xu glanced at the patients queuing in front of the intelligent unmanned hospital, and asked Dr. Luo involuntarily.

Dr. Luo shook his head when he heard the words, then nodded seriously at Dr. Xu and said, "It's really powerful. To be honest, at first we didn't believe that artificial intelligence was real. able to heal.

But after a deep understanding, we discovered that it is really beyond our imagination. To be honest, in terms of the daily diagnosis and treatment level of the outpatient clinic, I guarantee that no one can compare with it. Its current diagnosis and treatment level has far exceeded the level of human doctors. And what's even more frightening is that it is still learning and evolving.

To be honest, ever since I had a deep understanding of its level, I even doubted myself for a while, is it necessary for this doctor to continue working? Sooner or later, it will be replaced by artificial intelligence. "

"It's really so powerful." Doctor Xu said in disbelief. But she knew that this nephew in front of her was a popular student in front of her senior, and she could be regarded as a very outstanding rising star in cardiac surgery. Unexpectedly, his evaluation was so high that it even dampened the other party's enthusiasm for employment.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at the smart hospital system that was queuing up in the distance. Her eyes were full of complexity, doubts, curiosity, confusion, and helplessness!

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