Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2545: The Story of Yang Dongdong (6)

It's really that powerful. Doctor Xu couldn't believe it. But she knew that this nephew in front of her was a popular student in front of her senior, and she could be regarded as a very outstanding rising star in cardiac surgery. Unexpectedly, his evaluation was so high that it even dampened the other party's enthusiasm for employment.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at the smart hospital system that was queuing up in the distance. Her eyes were full of complexity, doubts, curiosity, confusion, and helplessness!

If it was normal, she would definitely ask this nephew to take her to have a good tour, but not today, she is still followed by Yang Dongdong's family.

So even though she was full of curiosity, she temporarily suppressed it.

Dr. Luo took a look at the astonishment in the eyes of his beautiful uncle, and then said with a smile, "It's more exaggerated than what I said. It took us a long time to get used to it before we accepted this fact."

Speaking of this, Dr. Luo glanced at Yang Dongdong's family behind him, then smiled at Dr. Xu and said, "When you have time later, I will accompany you to visit and experience it. It will definitely be very rewarding."

it is good. Doctor Xu nodded in response.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Luo led them into a relatively quiet park, and then introduced to everyone: "Actually, except for the smart hospital system that is open to the public for scientific research, our entire Linghu Medical Research Center is Not open to the outside world.

To put it bluntly, our place is actually a clinical medical research institution, not a wish in the conventional sense. Most of our patients here are not admitted by us personally, but recommended by those hospitals and medical institutions that cooperate with us and Haoyu Technology.

In addition, there are a small number of patients and volunteers who have passed the screening.

The entire research center is mainly divided into five parts, which are clinical medical center, medical technology research center, inpatient department, restaurant, and doctor's apartment.

Among them, the clinical medical center is equivalent to each department of our hospital, and the technical research center is mainly engaged in scientific research. The inpatient department is to treat some patients.

The restaurant is a place for us to eat with our patients. You can try it today. The food is nothing short of comparable to Haoyu Technology’s restaurant. This is also a small benefit of our cooperation with Haoyu Technology.

As for the doctor's apartment, it is mainly for those who are single without a family and need to work for a long time. As long as there is a need, you can apply, and the rent is very cheap and the conditions are very good. I live there now. "

At the end of the introduction, Xiao Luo said to several people: "Clinical Medical Center, my teacher and the others should be back soon."

Seeing what Luo said, Dr. Xu and Yang Dongdong nodded, and followed Dr. Luo to the Clinical Medical Center.

Walking in here, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed. It's so clean and beautiful inside, it doesn't look like a hospital at all, but like some high-tech companies or modern art museums.

Under the bright light, there is a white and reflective ground, filled with various green plants, which looks extraordinarily fresh.

The entire clinical medical center contains many departments, and each department has its own office area, and some even have its own operating room. Just like us.

Go straight to the fifth floor. With that said, Dr. Luo pressed the elevator and said to everyone.

Dr. Xu and Yang Dongdong's family followed Dr. Luo to the fifth floor by elevator, and Dr. Xu finally saw the familiar scene.

The entire fifth floor is the site of our department. There are not only independent examination rooms, but also operating rooms, including wards and so on.

Doctor Luo, you are back. Seeing him coming back, a young nurse at the nurse's station stood up and said, "Director Liang asked you to take the patient directly to the examination room for a 3D digital modeling. He is on his way back and will be there soon."

Okay, I know. Dr. Xiao Luo responded, and then said to Dr. Xu and Yang Dongdong's family, "Come on, let's go directly to the examination room."

As he said that, he led everyone to the examination room, and said to Dr. Xu and Yang Dongdong's family: "Although you have sent a very detailed case, it is not perfect for us.

Now I will take you to the examination room to perform an ultra-fine MRI scan of the patient's heart, so as to establish a 3D digital model of the patient's heart and chest environment.

In this way, by analyzing the 3D digital model, we can intuitively understand the patient's current condition, especially her current heart health. Moreover, we can use the artificial intelligence system to calculate and deduce the patient's heart, so as to deduce the development trend of the patient's heart condition. Then calculate and generate approximate treatment methods based on these development trends. "

Speaking of this, Dr. Luo seemed to have thought of something, then stopped, turned around and said to Yang Dongdong's family: "Although today is just an examination, the relevant procedures still need to be done. The patient's ID card or household registration booklet Yet?"

Bring it, bring it. Yang Dongdong responded quickly when he heard the words.

"In this way, you first take your children over there to take a blood test, enter your fingerprints, first confirm the registration, sign the relevant agreement, and then pay the relevant inspection fees." Yang Dongdong pointed to the exit over there, and then directed at Yang Dongdong He explained: "We have already entered the cases sent by Dr. Xu into the system, but all of these need to be confirmed by you, which is also a guarantee for you.

Only after registering and signing the relevant agreement, can you be regarded as our patients here, and we can treat you. "

Don't worry, it will be ready in ten There will be someone to guide you there, and it will be very fast. Doctor Xiao Luo comforted with a smile. We'll wait for you over there, and come to us with the kids when we're done.

ok, ok. Yang Dongdong and his wife hurriedly responded, and hurried out with their children.

Looking at the back of Yang Dongdong's family, Dr. Xu couldn't help sighing, and then said to his nephew, who was not a few years younger than him: "This family is not easy. For the sake of the children, the husband and wife have worked together late and late to save money. A little money. They were still worried about the cost of treatment when they came.”

Hearing Dr. Xu's words, Dr. Luo nodded slightly and said, "The patients and their families in this hospital have a few difficulties. Every family has their own hardships, and the hospital seems to be the place where these sufferings are concentrated.

But rest assured, these technologies are still in clinical trials, so we can help reduce the cost, and the cost will not be too much. "

Hearing what Dr. Luo said, Dr. Xu smiled and nodded.

"Uncle, let's go over there to rest first." Dr. Luo said to her.

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