Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2547: The Story of Yang Dongdong (8)

Not only Yang Dongdong and his wife, but other doctors were also moved when they heard the little girl's words. Indeed, this disease does prevent children from having a complete and happy childhood like other healthy children.

At this age when you want to touch jumping the most, but you can't jump up and down, how tortured and painful it must be for the child.

"Xiao Liu, take your child to the children's playground to play." Director Liang told a female doctor in her twenties who was sitting over there, and then turned to Xu Dongdong's daughter and said with a smile : "Here we are, there is a children's playground with many toys in it. Follow my sister to have a look."

Xu Dongdong and his wife naturally understood Director Liang's intentions, and immediately encouraged their daughter. Seeing this, Xu Dongdong's daughter hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, and walked out holding the female doctor's hand.

Seeing the worried look of Xu Dongdong and his wife, Director Liang smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, nothing will happen if Xiao Liu is with you. The children's paradise was specially built by our center for children patients, and its purpose is to relieve their tension. , Let them relax and cooperate with the treatment.

There's something about our next conversation that's inappropriate for a child, so let her hang out first. "

we understand. Seeing this, Xu Dongdong and his wife responded quickly.

OK, let's get started. Director Liang nodded, then turned around and pointed at the 3D digital heart model on the big screen, and said to Xu Dongdong and his wife, "This is your daughter's MRI scan 3D digital heart model. Judging from the current situation, it is better than the one we evaluated before. The illness is much more severe.

If it is not treated in time, the child's life will be in danger.

The danger to life mentioned here is not only the critical illness caused by heart disease, but also some long-term effects of heart disease, such as the impact on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, lung function, and other organs.

Compared with the direct external line brought by the heart, these influences are what you need to pay more attention to.

The heart is a big deal, let's replace it with an artificial one, but other organs can't do it. Especially the brain, which cannot be replaced. Once damaged, it is difficult to treat, and basically there is no possibility of reversal.

What I said so much means that your daughter's condition has reached the point where treatment must be done as soon as possible, without delay.

You see, now the whole heart is seriously deformed. This is a normal heart, and this is your daughter's heart. Compare it. "

As he spoke, Director Liang dragged in a normal 3D digital heart model, and then placed the two models on the big screen, one left and one right, and slowly rotated. By comparing them, we can clearly see that the normal heart is very smooth, round and regular, like a flat peach. As for their daughter's heart, it was not smooth, there were not only some scars on it, but also the heart seemed to have been squeezed and deformed by something, very much like a rotten peach that had grown crooked or was infested by diseases and insect pests.

Immediately afterwards, the two 3D digital heart models actually started beating. A normal 3D digital heart model beats very favorably and very regularly. As for their daughter's heart, it beat weakly and irregularly. The ventricular contraction fluctuated, and there were even premature beats and ventricular fibrillation.

Immediately afterwards, Director Liang swiped the tablet computer in his hand, and the 3D digital heart model of their daughter was separated from it. Several parts were zoomed in, and each part was zoomed in for a closer look.

Seeing the situation, these doctors also began to watch and communicate in low voices. This made Yang Dongdong and his wife seem a little anxious, they opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to ask.

The same is true for Director Liang. He communicated with Dr. Xu for a while, and then he smiled at Yang Dongdong and his wife and said, "Okay, next, let me introduce to you our methods and techniques for treating your daughter. Please listen carefully, and then Make a decision after careful consideration.

First of all, what we are doing for your daughter is called heart tissue repair technology, which is derived from the biological 3D printing technology developed by Haoyu Technology.

With the continuous development of biological 3D printing technology, we can already use biological 3D printing technology to print some human organ tissues. through our

Take the blood cells from the patient, and then we clone and cultivate countless cells, and then use the biological 3D printer to print out the required human organ tissues according to the relevant drawings.

Because these cells are derived from the patient himself, there will be no rejection reaction when the printed organ tissue is implanted into the patient body, that is to say, the patient does not need to take medicine permanently after recovery, and there will be no rejection reaction , these organs and tissues will completely become part of the patient's body.

And what we have to do is to print out these damaged heart tissues for your daughter, and then use surgery to replace the damaged parts of your daughter's heart to complete the transplant.

Depending on your daughter's condition and recovery, this revision surgery may take several times. Four or five times is better, and maybe seven or eight times if it is slower. This also means that the entire treatment process is relatively long, and it may take half a year to a year or even longer depending on the patient's recovery.

During this period of time, the patient needs to be hospitalized for treatment all the time, and must strictly follow our treatment plan, and cannot be changed or violated at will. "

Speaking of this, Director Liang glanced at Yang Dongdong and his wife, who were listening carefully and nodding from time to time, and then continued: "I want to emphasize that this is heart shell surgery, no matter what kind of surgery it is, it is very dangerous. and uncertainty.

Especially this kind of repair operation is very difficult, very risky, and full of great uncertainties. Every operation is full of dangers and positions, and we cannot guarantee that every operation is foolproof.

In other words the whole treatment process is full of danger and uncertainty. So first of all, the first question, you have to think about whether to let your daughter take this risk. "

Hearing Director Liang's words, the faces of Yang Dongdong and his wife suddenly turned pale, and they were a little at a loss, like a fishbone stuck in their throats, unable to say a word.

Upon seeing this, Director Liang said with a relaxed tone and a smile, "But don't worry, no matter what kind of patient it is, no matter what kind of operation it is, we will definitely perform it only after we are fully prepared, and we will definitely do our best to do it." to the best.

At the same time, you don't have to worry too much, because we have sufficient emergency equipment here, such as ECMO, which is what we call an artificial lung, which can temporarily replace the patient's cardiopulmonary function.

In other words, even if there is a problem with cardiac surgery, we can maintain the patient's life through ECMO. In addition, we have the last insurance, which is the intelligent bionic artificial heart, which is our last insurance and the last solution.

If the operation fails and the life of the patient is endangered, then we will replace the patient with a smart bionic artificial heart. Although the operation failed, the patient can still recover with the replacement of a smart bionic artificial heart, and his normal life and work will not be affected. "

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