Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2548: The Story of Yang Dongdong (9)

That is to say, during the whole treatment process, any operation has great uncertainty and great risk. Although we will do our best to strive for success, none of us can guarantee that surgery and treatment will develop in the way we all hope.

As for the intelligent bionic artificial heart, it is indeed the last choice, but it is not a panacea, that is to say, there are still situations that it cannot solve.

In addition, although the intelligent bionic artificial heart can make patients survive and recover, it also has many shortcomings and deficiencies.

For example, the smart bionic artificial heart needs to be driven by electricity, so patients need to carry an external battery pack with them. It mainly includes a smart wireless remote charger and several batteries for daily use by patients.

If you accidentally do not carry the external battery pack, or lose the external battery pack, then the battery in the smart bionic artificial heart will run out, the smart bionic artificial heart will stop functioning, and the patient will also stop due to blood. cycle, and thus die quickly.

Second, although the material of this intelligent bionic artificial heart is specially designed and developed, it can work normally for many years, but whether it can really reach the designed service life, no one of us is sure.

Because this product has not been out for a long time, there is still far from so much time to test the performance and reliability of this device.

Moreover, normal human beings have a very long lifespan. According to the latest national average life expectancy in China, it is seventy-eight years old. And our intelligent bionic artificial heart is only designed to last for thirty years. That is to say, the patient needs to replace the intelligent bionic artificial heart at least once after 30 years, maybe earlier than this time.

This will be very painful for the patient.

And this is just a smart bionic artificial heart, which is the last choice and the most helpless choice. None of us want to use it in the treatment process, but it must be prepared.

So you have to think about whether you can accept such a result, or even a worse result.

Speaking of this, Director Liang glanced at Yang Dongdong and his wife for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief and continued to preach.

This is just the risk of the operation, and what I want to talk about next is a series of problems after the operation. If the whole treatment process of your daughter is very smooth, after the heart repair operation is completed, your daughter's heart will not be able to return to a normal heart.

First of all, this heart has been repaired, and there will be traces of repair on it. Even if the technology is excellent, many things have been moved, which is very different from the original product.

But in terms of functionality, the repaired heart can achieve the function of a normal heart, and can also maintain the normal work and life of the patient. But this does not mean that you can sit back and relax. First of all, we don't know whether there will be problems with the heart after the repair is completed. After all, it has been knifed and repaired, and we cannot guarantee whether it will have problems again.

Of course, you don’t need to worry too much about this aspect. A normal heart may have problems, let alone a heart that has been repaired by surgery.

What we want to emphasize is that the repaired heart is quite different from the normal heart, so if it goes wrong again, it is definitely not as easy to treat as a normal heart.

Secondly, the heart tissue needed for the treatment is all cells grown by cloning the patient's own cells, and then printed heart tissue. Although there is nothing wrong with these heart tissues now, it does not mean that there will be no problems after a long time.

Because it is man-made, it has not been fully tested by time, so there is a great unknown. To put it bluntly, at present, this technology has not undergone large-scale experiments, and there is no long-term data support. All of this is being explored, and you are also explorers and experimenters of this technology.

So we don't know what the future holds for this technology.

And your children are still growing, which brings even greater unknowns. So regarding this point, you have to be clear in your heart and think it over well.

Speaking of this, Director Liang glanced at Yang Dongdong and his wife, then sighed and said, "Judging from your daughter's current condition, I'm afraid it won't be too long.

And because of heart problems, it is also restricting her growth and development. Looking at it just now, she is too thin and not well developed for her age. If it is not treated in time, it will be extremely harmful to her future growth. "

Speaking of this, Director Liang pointed out four fingers to the couple and said with a smile: "At present, you have four choices, but in fact there are quite a lot of choices.

First of all, the first one is to maintain the status quo. You can go to some experts, and you can use conservative drug treatment to see if it can improve your daughter's heart condition.

The chances of that happening are small, but there is hope. Generally speaking, we don't recommend it, because drug treatment will have little effect on such organic heart damage.

The second method is normal surgical treatment. Through some surgical intervention and placement of stents, or placing an artificial heart, that is, the way of a heart circulation pump, it can also play a relatively good treatment method. But this method is also too dangerous, and it will bring great inconvenience to the lives of patients.

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The third method is to directly transplant a smart bionic artificial heart. This method is once and for all, but it is too risky. And it seems a pity to replace your daughter's heart with this artificial heart. So this is a final choice, how to choose specifically depends on you, what kind of path you choose for your children.

And the last way is heart repair which is the project we are doing now. I've already told you both the pros and cons, so I won't repeat them here.

So how to choose is up to you. "

Speaking of this, Director Liang looked at the watch in his hand, then got up and said to Xu Dongdong and his wife: "I still have a consultation, so let's stop here today, if you have any questions or ideas You can talk to Ronaldinho."

Speaking of this, Director Liang said to Xiao Luo: "Call them later, and explain to them patiently."

OK, teacher! Doctor Xiao Luo immediately responded after hearing the words.

Director Liang nodded, and then said to Dr. Xu: "Junior Sister, I have a consultation. You sit down first. Let's have a meal together and have a good chat when I'm done."

It's okay, brother, you go to work first and don't worry about me. Doctor Xu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go to work first." Director Liang nodded, and then led the doctors out quickly.

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