Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2549: The Story of Yang Dongdong (10)

Yang Dongdong and his wife who came back from Linghu Medical Research Center seemed a little silent. The couple had nothing to say along the way. Yang Dongdong drove the car quietly and seriously, while his wife kept combing her daughter's hair.

As for their daughter, she seemed a little happy. On the one hand, it may be because some of her illnesses have been cured and can be cured. Another reason is that I had a lot of fun going to children's playgrounds. Before, because of her illness and because Yang Dongdong and his wife were busy with work, they seldom accompanied her to these playgrounds. Of course, it is because of his daughter's illness that she is not suitable for distance sports, let alone excitement. And today, at the Linghu Medical Research Center, their daughter can finally play happily.

Compared with his daughter, Xu Dongdong's heart is very heavy now. On the one hand, it is naturally due to the methods and precautions related to the treatment that Director Liang introduced to them, and on the other hand, of course, it is due to the huge cost of this treatment.

How to choose is up to them. And a decision must be made as soon as possible, because both Director Liang and Dr. Xu have told him that his daughter's condition cannot be delayed any longer.

Of course, they didn't show this in front of their daughter. The couple went to the supermarket with their happy daughter, bought some delicious food, and went home to have a little celebration.

Although the choice is difficult, but finally there is hope, which makes Yang Dongdong and his wife somewhat excited.

After dinner, I arranged for my daughter to go to the room to do homework, while Yang Dongdong and his wife came to the kitchen, and while tidying up the kitchen, they talked in a low voice.

While wiping the dishes, her wife said anxiously to Yang Dongdong who was seriously washing the dishes: "What are you thinking?"

Hearing his wife's words, Yang Dongdong shook his head, then handed the washed dishes to his wife and said, "I don't know, this choice is too difficult.

I am really afraid, I am afraid that once I make this choice, I will regret it for the rest of my life. "

His wife nodded when she heard the words: "I am also afraid. When I came back today, I felt very uncomfortable looking at my excited daughter. But no matter what, we must make this decision as soon as possible. When we left, Dr. Xu came out to see us off. You also know what I said, this opportunity is very rare, once we miss it, it will be difficult to get it."

I know, so I am also hesitating. Yang Dongdong said: "The four options that Director Liang mentioned today, in fact, the first and the second are not feasible, we can only choose between the third and fourth methods.

The third choice is that I can't be so cruel, I just took out my daughter's heart and replaced it with an artificial heart like that. Leaving aside whether this artificial heart is safe or not, I can't stand the thought of my daughter's heart being such a plastic bump. "

It's not plastic, I heard from the introduction that it's carbon fiber polymer material or something. said his wife.

What's the difference, it's not all plastic. Yang Dongdong said stubbornly.

His wife gave Yang Dongdong a blank look, and then said to him: "Then there is only one last way, accept Director Liang and Dr. Xu's advice, and perform heart repair surgery."

Speaking of this, his wife directly pulled Yang Dongdong over, and then said seriously to Yang Dongdong: "I think so, this opportunity is rare, or let my daughter try it.

I asked Dr. Luo privately, and he said that the success rate of this operation is still very high. And once successful, the daughter will benefit for life.

And he also set up with me, even if there is a problem after the heart repair operation, the intelligent bionic artificial heart can still be replaced.

Even if there is a problem with the operation, you can choose to replace the intelligent bionic artificial heart. "

It's true to say so, but what if... Jiang Dongdong didn't continue, his wife already understood what Yang Dongdong was going to say, and shook her head firmly.

I don't believe it, I don't believe that our daughter has this fate all her life, let alone her life.

Speaking of this, his wife paused for a moment, and then said: "If it is true, then I will accept it, who let it be her life, we have done our best.

Over the years, we've done enough. "

Hearing his wife's words, Yang Dongdong looked at his wife with an unbelievable expression, because he knew how much his wife loved his daughter. But now he actually said such a thing, which really surprised him.

Noticing her husband's expression, his wife took his hand and said softly: "I know this choice is difficult, but it is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us.

Not only can we participate in this treatment technology that countless patients are looking forward to, but even if it fails, we can also fall back to the next best thing and have a smart bionic artificial heart. This is also a shortage of resources. We also saw today that there are countless patients and scalpers waiting at Linghu, just wanting to buy a quota.

Once we hesitate and give up, then all these are gone. "

Hearing his wife's words, Yang Dongdong pondered for a long time, and finally nodded heavily to meet his wife's gaze: "Okay, let's make it so. No matter what, the three of us will face it together.

I learned about the entire treatment cost today. The heart repair surgery plus the printing of heart tissue, and the related hospitalization expenses will cost about six to seven hundred thousand in total. However, because it is an experimental project, a part of it is reduced, and the total cost is five About one hundred thousand. They also promised that if there is a problem with the operation and the smart bionic artificial heart needs to be replaced, they will provide a free one.

So we don't need to sell a car to buy a house, and we don't need to borrow money from our parents. Our money is almost enough. "

Hearing Yang Dongdong's words his wife nodded and said: "That's good, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Then, let's make good preparations. For such a big decision, at least Inform the daughter of her grandparents, grandparents.

in addition…"

His wife hesitated for a moment, and then said to him: "Also, I will take advantage of this time to go through the resignation procedures. Once the child is hospitalized, I will definitely have to accompany him throughout the process. I will definitely not be able to take care of work.

You can't lose your job, our family is still counting on you in the future. So only by quitting my job on my side can I be able to cope with the next period of time.

Besides, even if my daughter has a successful operation and is discharged from the hospital after recovery, there will still be a recovery period, and I have to take good care of her during this period, right? "

Speaking of this, his wife paused for a moment, and then said: "In addition, I also want to wait for my daughter to recover, take care of her health, and then give her a younger sister or younger brother. In this way, if she is bullied outside in the future, she will also have a younger brother or younger sister." Get justice for her."

(end of this chapter)

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