Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2550: Peak Valley Energy Storage Power Station

As time enters July, the whole of Anxi is shrouded in scorching heat. Although it has not yet fallen, the meteorological department has issued a high temperature warning for several days.

The whole city is like a stove, and the municipal department has also arranged dozens of unmanned sprinklers to start sprinkling water uninterruptedly to reduce the fever of the whole city.

The whole Haoyu Science and Technology Park is still like this. Although it is adjacent to Linghu Wetland Park, there is a large wetland that can cool down, but it is still hot outside. The sprinkler system in the park is also working non-stop. Even the water level of the artificial lake has dropped seriously due to the continuous hot sun and high temperature evaporation, so it has to be replenished urgently.

Thanks to the company's water circulation temperature control system, the temperature in the office building is very suitable, only 24 degrees Celsius. And unlike the cold air of the air conditioner, the water circulation cooling can make the whole temperature extremely gentle and pleasant.

In many cases, employees will put on a coat when they are resting to prevent colds caused by low temperature.

However, this situation did not last long, because the water level in the artificial lake decreased due to the heat, and the continuous high temperature was also conducive to the cooling of the lake. Therefore, the water temperature in the pipeline is not low enough, and it can only be cooled by the refrigeration system.

However, because of the persistent heat, the power consumption of the entire Anxi region has soared, causing the power supply of the entire power system to be tense. In order to ensure the safety of electricity consumption for the people of Anxi, according to the agreement of the Anxi local government, all enterprises in Anxi will start to limit electricity to ensure the normal life of the people.

Logically speaking, a key enterprise like Haoyu Technology is also one of the key enterprises guaranteed by Anxi. So even if the electricity is limited in other places, they will not limit the electricity here.

But, Wu Hao is not willing to do this special, so naturally he and everyone started to limit the power of the entire company park. Except for necessary departments, such as Torch Building, Abyss, and other important institutional nodes to ensure their stable operation, other units have started to limit power. For example, increase the temperature in the room and turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. There are also some departments that take turns to take vacations to save electricity to the greatest extent.

Although the shortcomings are more serious this time, fortunately, there is local care. In addition, there is an emergency power supply system underground in the park, so these important departments and important equipment nodes of the company can operate stably at this stage.

In fact, the shortage of electricity is mainly during the peak period of electricity consumption, that is, during the day and at night, and basically after ten o'clock in the evening, the electricity consumption will gradually decrease.

At this time, it is time for Fenggu energy storage power station to show its talents. There are many types of peak and valley energy storage power stations, and there are currently three types of large-scale applications.

One is what we often see in TV news, the hydro energy storage power station, which uses the principle of hydropower to store electric energy.

To put it simply, it is to build a reservoir on the mountain. The reservoir is connected to two pipelines, one is the water inlet pipeline for pumping water from the Wang reservoir, and the other is the drainage pipeline for the reservoir to discharge water down the mountain.

At one end of the pumping pipeline for pumping water to the reservoir, build a pumping station for pumping water from the mountain reservoir or the river to the mountain reservoir.

A hydropower station is built at the end of the drainage pipe from the reservoir, so that when the reservoir drains outward, the water energy will directly drive the turbine of the hydropower station to rotate, thereby driving the generator to generate electricity.

Usually, when the power consumption is low, that is, some low power consumption periods, such as spring and autumn when the weather is more suitable, or in the early hours of the night, there is not much demand for domestic and industrial electricity. However, those power stations, especially hydropower stations, are still generating electricity, and the electricity generated is difficult to store, so it can only be wasted.

In addition to hydropower stations, there are also solar power stations, wind power stations, tidal power stations and so on. Their power generation is affected by natural conditions, and the power generation is high and low, not stable enough.

At this time, this kind of peak-valley energy storage hydropower station will play a role, and it will use the excess electricity to pump water to and from the reservoir for energy storage. Then wait until the daytime or during the peak period of electricity consumption, the reservoir will release the previously pumped water, the water will drive the generator to generate electricity, and then replenish electricity to the grid, thereby increasing the power generation to meet the production of the people Daily needs.

The second type is the thermal energy storage power station. This kind of thermal energy storage power station actually has the same principle as the hydro energy storage power station, which is energy storage and power generation. It's just that the hydro energy storage power station uses water to store energy to generate electricity, while the thermal energy storage power station uses stored heat to generate electricity.

To put it simply, it is to use electricity to heat some objects or media. These objects and media can be water, molten salt, or air. Regardless of the method, their power generation is the same, that is, heating hot water in a different way.

Just like those thermal power plants and nuclear power plants, water is boiled with heat energy, and then steam is used to blow steam turbines, which drive generators to generate electricity. The thermal energy storage power station is based on such a principle. However, compared with the hydro energy peak and valley energy storage power station, the thermal energy peak and valley energy storage power station is not so widely used. After all, the technology is difficult, and energy-to-electricity conversion The rate is relatively low, and it is still in the process of groping, and it is not mature enough.

The third type is the large-scale battery peak-valley energy storage power station based on Haoyu Technology's super industrial solid-state battery technology. UU reading

Its principle is simpler, that is, use the battery to store the excess power, and use it up when needed. The principle is simple, and the energy-to-electricity conversion rate is high. But it has a big problem. At present, this kind of large-scale battery peak-valley energy storage power station is rarely carried out by companies except Haoyu Technology.

The biggest problem is the high cost. The price of the battery is too high, which leads to the huge cost of building a large-scale battery peak-valley energy storage power station, which is not cost-effective. In addition, these batteries have a service life, so it is not worthwhile to convert comprehensively, and naturally no one does it.

The reason why Haoyu Technology dares to do it is naturally for the super industrial solid-state battery technology. This super industrial solid-state battery technology reduces the production cost of large-scale industrial super solid-state batteries to an acceptable range. In addition, the manufacturing process of this kind of super industrial solid-state battery is relatively simple, suitable for large-scale production, and the structure of these super industrial solid-state batteries produced is stable, suitable for long-term use, and has a long life.

Even if these batteries reach their end of life, they can be recycled and reused, so they are very economical and environmentally friendly. So thanks to this technology, Haoyu Technology has invested in the construction of many large-scale super battery peak and valley energy storage power stations.

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