Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2551: The new darling in the field of electric energy

And in the emergency power center underground of Haoyu Technology, there is such a large peak-valley energy storage power station built with super industrial solid-state batteries.

The purpose of this large-scale peak and valley energy storage power station is to maintain the normal operation of the entire park and ensure that it can still maintain the normal and stable operation of all important departments, facilities, equipment, and nodes in the entire park under extreme circumstances.

So even if the entire Anxi is in a severe power shortage situation, Haoyu Technology is still an important reason why it can still maintain normal operation.

In addition to the large-scale peak-valley energy storage power station in Haoyu Science and Technology Park, Haoyu Technology has also built more than a dozen such large-scale peak-valley energy storage power stations in the northwest, in Anxi, and in some urban areas along the eastern coast.

Although the cost is huge, these large-scale peak and valley energy storage power stations play a vital role in the regulation of regional power. This is actually a large-scale peak-valley energy storage power station. Since its completion, it has been in high-load operation. Through peak-valley regulation, it has also obtained a lot of benefits.

According to the relevant agreement reached with Haoyu Energy and the power grid, every kilowatt-hour of regulation and control of each peak-valley energy storage power station can earn at least 0.2 yuan of income, and the profit is very high. The total energy storage capacity of each large-scale peak-valley energy storage power station is millions of kilowatts. According to the full-load operation every day and a cycle of 24 hours, each power station will bring 200,000 yuan in revenue every day. , which is seventy-two million yuan per year. Of course, this is only the basic income brought by this power station, and there are related subsidies from the state and local governments, so the income brought by each power station every year is still very considerable.

What's more important is that each large-scale peak-valley energy storage will subsidize a considerable part of the construction cost. In order to have a stable development environment in the local area, it is also for the safe use of electricity in the local area. That's why various places spare no effort to invite Haoyu Technology to build such large-scale peak and valley energy storage power stations in the localities.

This is also the reason why, in such a short period of time, Haoyu Technology has built more than a dozen of such large peak and valley energy storage power stations. If they pay for it themselves, it is absolutely impossible.

At present, more and more urban areas have seen the advantages of this large-scale energy storage power station, so they have come to sign relevant cooperation agreements with Haoyu Technology. At present, there are dozens of large-scale peak-valley energy storage power stations under construction. There are hundreds of large-scale peak and valley energy storage power station projects that are under project approval and negotiation.

Even this kind of large-scale peak-valley energy storage power station in the city has been considered as part of the comprehensive security project for the entire city. With it, it means that the city has a back energy center, which can not only regulate peak and valley power consumption, but also provide emergency power for important departments, institutions, facilities and equipment in case of emergency, so as to ensure that they can It works well, which is too important for a city.

It is also the reason why these places and cities are so active in cooperating with Haoyu Technology, even if they spend a lot of money, they don't care.

Compared to the stable development of the city, this little money, especially for the cities on the southeast coast, is worth it.

During the electricity shortage in Anxi this time, the large peak-valley energy storage power station in the suburbs of Anxi also played a very important role. Using this large-scale peak and valley energy storage power station for regulation, the local government has always ensured that the normal life of the people in Anxi and the operation of the city have not been affected. None of the major key facilities or institutions have problems due to shortcomings. Hospitals, schools, nursing homes and other key guarantee units are operating normally.

Even during the severe period of those few days, the local leaders of Anxi personally went to this large-scale peak and valley energy storage power station to take command, and only then did they get through the crisis smoothly.

After this incident, the local leaders in Anxi also realized the value of this hair-style peak-valley energy storage power station, and have planned to build two more super-large peak-valley energy storage power stations in the suburbs of Anxi to regulate the safe use of electricity for the people of Anxi Assure.

In order to ensure that the production and life of most people in Anxi will not be affected during the more severe peak period of electricity consumption. In the case of some crises, it can still ensure that most of Anxi's public facilities and equipment are operating normally, and wait for the arrival of rescue equipment smoothly.

For such a large-scale project, Wu Hao and the others are of course happy. But besides being happy, he was also very helpless. No way, now that there are many new projects, the demand for super industrial solid-state batteries is increasing. Originally, the battery factory was already overloaded, but now there are two more projects, which makes the entire production task have been scheduled for the next year.

For this reason, Wu Hao and the others had to start expanding the factory building, adding production lines, and increasing production.

In addition to large-scale peak and valley energy storage power stations, this super industrial solid-state battery is also commonly used in ships, some locomotives, and industrial uses.

In order to greatly reduce freight charges and reduce transportation costs, many ships are now powered by electricity. In the past, because the cost of batteries was relatively high and the cost of assembling them on ships was too high, they were not used on a large scale.

But with the advent of their super industrial solid-state battery, this situation has changed. This has also led many shipowners or shipping companies to turn to this super solid-state battery to build electric-driven freighters and tankers.

After the successful verification of the first electric-driven freighter, Wu Hao and the others received a large number of orders for super industrial solid-state batteries to meet the communication and construction needs there.

Due to the limited production capacity, the price of the battery has increased a lot, but it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of these ship owners and shipping companies. Even once because of their excessive enthusiasm and hype, the price of super industrial solid-state batteries soared.

Later, the relevant departments came forward to regulate and control, coupled with the increase in the production capacity of Haoyu Technology's factory, this made the price of super industrial solid-state batteries drop and returned to a normal price range.

In addition to being used in ships, super industrial solid-state batteries are also used in some locomotives. It's not a motorcycle, but a train running on the rails, specifically the locomotive.

There are several types of locomotive locomotives, that is, train locomotives, from the most primitive coal-fired steam locomotives to the later internal combustion locomotives and later electric locomotives.

Although most of the railways are now electrified, all they use is electricity. However, there are still a considerable number of railways that have not been electrified, or cannot be electrified. In particular, some railway networks in alpine regions are difficult to carry out electrification transformation due to cold and freezing.

The most representative one is the zero-eight snow disaster. At that time, it was because of the large-scale freezing disaster in the southern region that the electrification network was frozen at a low temperature, which paralyzed the railway network in the southern region on a large scale.

In the end, many trains were re-used on internal combustion locomotive traction, and normal operation was resumed.

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