Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2557: The new overlord of the new energy industry__Haoyu Energy

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2557 Haoyu Energy, the New Overlord of the New Energy Industry

In addition to new energy private cars, wireless remote charging technology is also widely used in some commercial vehicles, such as taxis, urban public transport systems, and some special operating vehicles.

Therefore, for the vast number of electric taxis, charging is a big problem for the buddies. In order to **** the limited charging space, these buddies have to think of ways and waste a long time. But now it can be fully charged in ten minutes, which can be said to have greatly solved the charging problem that caused headaches for my buddies.

You must know that the taxis of these local brothers are generally rented by taxi companies, and you have to pay the rental fee every day, that is, the rent, whether you drive it or not, you must pay the rent.

So for the drivers, try to run the car as much as possible, it is best not to repair the car. Generally, two people drive a car in partnership, and they take turns in day and night shifts. In this way, the pressure on the money will be much less.

In the past, there was still a large amount of fuel costs. Later, after the oil was changed to gas, it became much cheaper. Later, in response to the city's call for energy conservation and emission reduction, these taxis also switched to new energy electric vehicles. The cost of a sports car is reduced a lot, but a lot of charging time is virtually wasted.

Now, ten minutes of charging time can be carried out completely in the handover air strike of two people. Make an appointment with a charging station for handover, and the handover is completed within ten minutes, and the charging can be completed, and you can run for another day.

Even if there are no two people, one person can go to the toilet or eat a meal to complete the charging, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

In addition to taxis, there is also the city's public transport system, and now buses also use new energy electric vehicles. The advantage is that the operating cost is greatly reduced, and the disadvantage is that it needs to be charged.

Usually these buses are charged at night and allowed during the day. However, as the performance of the on-board batteries declines, these vehicles cannot be charged once a day, so in many cases, the vehicles need to be charged for a while after arriving at the station, and then they can start again. .

This has greatly increased the difficulty of starting the bus, resulting in insufficient public transport vehicles in the city, and the vehicles cannot meet the travel needs of the people. In order to fill this gap, the bus company can only buy more vehicles for rotation, or better new batteries, which is another big expense.

The bus company may not be able to afford it, and the municipality and the public will eventually have to pay for it. And now the wireless remote high-voltage fast charging technology can even allow these buses to complete the power supply between getting on and off at the station, which also means that these buses can achieve full-time operation without frequent and better batteries, greatly Alleviate the operating pressure and operating costs of the urban public transport system.

Therefore, the production and sales of these wireless remote charging modules alone can bring Wu Hao and the others tens of billions of revenue each year. Although this amount of money is not worth mentioning compared to the huge revenue of Haoyu Technology Company, the revenue of tens of billions of yuan is not a small number, and it is a big company wherever it is placed. After all, in China, even companies with an annual revenue of tens of billions in the world are still a minority.

In addition to these revenues, another major source of income for wireless remote charging technology is the wireless remote charging station project that cooperates with the power grid. Because this project is still going on, the related charging stations and charging piles are still under construction and coverage, but his operation has already seen initial results, and last year it also brought them several billion yuan in share sharing.

And this is just the beginning. It is estimated that with the coverage of these charging stations this year, it may bring them tens of billions of revenue this year.

And with the completion of the follow-up construction, this sharing revenue will increase and continue to be stable.

Therefore, in order to better manage this business, Wu Hao separated the company's business in this area and established Haoyu Energy Co., Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Haoyu Technology. It is mainly responsible for all new energy under the company. project.

In order to increase the strength of Haoyu Energy, Wu Hao not only assigned the dozens of peak and valley energy storage power stations to Haoyu Energy, but also handed over the wireless remote charging station project that cooperates with the power grid to Haoyu Energy. leading.

And in order to strengthen the strength of Haoyu Energy, Wu Hao assigned the company's battery factory and the production, sales and patent authorization of related modules of wireless remote charging technology to Haoyu Energy.

It should be said that Haoyu Energy has become the company's most profitable and well-funded subsidiary in terms of gold absorption and profitability.

Although in terms of market value, Haoyu Energy is still not as good as the listed Haoyu Technology, but Haoyu Energy has a very broad development prospect, and basically there is not much risk. Once listed, it will definitely be sought after by investors.

Therefore, regarding Haoyu Energy's listing, the industry, especially the investment community, welcomes it, and is even very enthusiastic. Everyone hopes that it can be listed as soon as possible.

But Wu Hao has his own plans, he doesn't want Haoyu Energy to go public just like that, which is tantamount to giving up his last piece of fat to others.

So he doesn't plan to let Haoyu Energy go public in such a hurry, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com slow down first, so that Haoyu can have a full development. Then, we will sort out the business of Haoyu Energy.

Including the battery business and wireless remote charging business allocated to Haoyu Energy, whether it will be taken back and become a separate subsidiary in the future is a matter of disagreement within the company.

As the current employees of Haoyu Energy, they naturally do not want the battery business and wireless remote charging business to be allocated, because it is related to their interests.

After all, once Haoyu Energy is listed, they will all be able to obtain corresponding share incentives. Once the important business is allocated, it will not only affect the amount of their share incentives, but also affect the stock market performance of Haoyu Energy after listing.

But for Wu Hao, he doesn't want the battery business and wireless remote charging business to be handed over to the capital to operate and control. This is obviously not in his interest.

In addition, this is a benign asset and the cornerstone of the company. He does not want to distribute too much and affect the stability of the company.

In the end, it was Wu Hao's consideration.

Allocate this part of the business and establish Haoyu Energy to operate it alone, but this does not mean that this part of the business will be completely separated from the company, and Haoyu Energy will be completely independent, which has nothing to do with the company. This is obviously unrealistic It is also not conducive to their control over Haoyu.

The development of Haoyu Energy depends on these two technologies or technical products. If all of them are handed over to them, it is tantamount to losing control of Haoyu Energy. In the future, once there is a problem with the company's shareholding structure, it will be troublesome for Wu Hao and the others to control it.

After mastering these two technologies, you don't have to worry about causing huge losses or even backstabbing to them due to problems with the company's shareholding structure.

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