Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2558: The pride of the South China Sea

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2558: The Pride of the Coast of the South China Sea

At the South China Sea launch site in early July, the heat lasted for more than half a month. Under the attack of a heavy rain, the weather became much cooler.

Early in the morning, Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu had breakfast, and then came to the vertical assembly building early.

Today is the day when the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty launch vehicle and the lunar cargo spacecraft are combined to transfer and launch the tower, so whether it is Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming, technical experts representing rockets and spacecraft, or the technical team of the South China Sea launch site, they also attach great importance to it. .

After an early breakfast, I started to get busy at the station.

In order to transfer this Big Mac with a height of more than 70 meters and a take-off mass of more than 1,000 tons, the whole process must be extra cautious. Any problems in details will affect the combination of this Jianmu-9 and the lunar cargo spacecraft. body safety and subsequent launch safety.

Therefore, when transshipment, there are strict requirements for the surrounding environment, temperature, wind speed, humidity, and even ground vibration. For example, on the day of rocket transfer, heavy machinery operations are not allowed within a certain distance around, and some large-scale projects must be shut down.

The purpose is to avoid the transmission of ground vibrations during these large-scale engineering operations, which will affect the safety of the entire transfer process, and even the safety of the entire rocket and spacecraft combination.

Of course, this is not the case under normal circumstances. On the one hand, it is because the launch site is huge enough, and those construction sites are far enough away from here that they cannot be transmitted.

In addition to ground vibrations, temperature, humidity, and wind speed, especially wind speed, are very important for the entire transfer process. If the wind speed is too high, it will directly affect the safety of the rocket during transit.

Although the transfer platform at the South China Sea launch site has a stable support tower for fixing the rocket body, it can withstand sudden strong winds to a certain extent.

However, the overall volume and mass of the rocket transported to Jianmu-9 is too large, so for the sake of safety, there are very strict requirements for the wind speed on the transfer day to avoid accidents.

The entire vertical assembly plant is about three kilometers away from the launch tower. Although it is only three kilometers, it has been driven for more than three hours, which is equivalent to only traveling about one kilometer per hour.

Such a slow speed is equivalent to a turtle crawling, but considering that this is a nearly 2,000-ton transshipment launch platform equipped with a launch vehicle with a take-off mass of more than 1,000 tons and a combination, then this speed is already fast enough up.

Seeing the entire transfer platform carrying the combination of Jianmu-9 and the lunar cargo spacecraft move forward slowly, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, who followed behind the crowd, breathed a sigh of relief.

The combination of Jianmu-9 and the lunar cargo spacecraft is being assembled vertically. It has been prepared and tested in the test workshop at the South China Sea launch site for more than a month, and it has been tested for more than half a month after hoisting in the vertical assembly workshop. Today, this rocket pushes the combination of the lunar cargo spacecraft, and it finally looks like a big girl who has left the court, finally revealing its mysterious veil.

In fact, this is also the first time that the people of the whole country and even the world have seen the whole combination of Jianmu-9 and the lunar cargo spacecraft through the live broadcast channel.

The entire vertical transfer process is not only live broadcasted on the aerospace system website, Haoyu Technology official website and related network channels, but even the official media also conducted a special live broadcast special report to report the entire transfer process live.

The entire Jianmu-9 rocket is white as a whole, with an overall length of 75 meters, which is very tall and mighty. On the top is a long fairing. The whole fairing is very huge, about twenty-eight nine meters long, and its diameter is also more than ten meters. So it looks very thick and very long.

There are two connected flags on the fairing. The most eye-catching one is of course the conspicuous red flag, which represents the country to which the rocket belongs. Connected to the red flag is a blue flag, on which is the white logo of Haoyu Aerospace. Below the two flags are a string of English abbreviations of countries and Haoyu Aerospace.

Next is the core-level rocket of the entire Jianmu rocket. The entire core-level rocket is shorter than the first-level rocket, and the overall length is only about half the length of the core-level rocket.

The most eye-catching thing on the core-level rocket is the four big characters of Haoyu Aerospace in dark blue. The whole font is relatively square, and it follows the font and color scheme of the aerospace system, which looks very upright and generous.

These four characters represent a kind of identity, and are also a kind of external image and strength expression. You must know that there are not many heavy-duty launch vehicles like this in the world. Among the heavy-duty launch vehicles in active service, the overall carrying capacity of Jianmu-9 ranks among the top.

In the field of private aerospace, there are only a few rockets of this level, which can be counted clearly without hands.

As for the world, this is definitely the leading existence in the field of human aerospace technology, and it can basically kill 99% of the countries and aerospace companies in the world. UU Reading

Not to mention, this time, the rocket fairing is equipped with a global lunar cargo spacecraft to the United States, which will transport 20 tons of equipment and materials to the world's first lunar commercial scientific research station, which is even more unprecedented. Several unique.

Therefore, the name Haoyu Aerospace is shining enough, and it is enough to make the entire Haoyu Aerospace, Haoyu Technology, and even the Chinese people proud.

Isn't it something to be proud of that just a domestic private aerospace company has achieved a feat that 99% of the world's countries have not done?

And under the core-level rocket, there is the most eye-catching core-level rocket, and two boosters of the same size as the core-level rocket.

In fact, whether it is the core first-stage rocket or the two boosters, they are all core-stage rockets of the Jianmu-7 rocket. This time, both boosters are first-stage rockets that have completed several missions.

It was slightly modified by Zhou Xiangming and the others, adding an arrow cap to reduce wind resistance on the top, and it was bound to the Jianmu-9 launch vehicle.

The same is true for this core-level rocket, which is also a core-level rocket, but this rocket is a brand new rocket and has not performed a launch mission.

So this also led to a big difference between the exterior coating of the core first-stage rocket of this Jianmu-9 launch vehicle and the coating of the two boosters. Although for this mission and also for publicity, the core-stage rockets used by these two boosters have also been repainted after overhaul and maintenance, but it may be because the previous few launches burned too much, so Even after repainting, the color is darker and blacker, and the exterior color painting of the brand new core first-stage rocket is extraordinarily new and clean, so there is such a difference.

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