Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2561: Official start of the exploration journey of extraterrestrial planets

Chapter 2561 of Military Science and Technology officially opens the journey of exploration of extraterrestrial planets

Compared with the random comments of netizens, the comments of experts in the live broadcast room of news channels are more attractive and authoritative, so they are more concerned by the public.

Professor Huang, we found that the public is very concerned about the combination of Jianmu-9 and the lunar cargo transportation system that is being transferred, and it is even hard to find a ticket for a travel agency to go to the South China Sea launch site to watch the rocket launch. Why do you ask, everyone will pay so much attention to the combination of this rocket and the lunar cargo transportation system or this launch mission. The host asked a guest who was over sixty years old and had full hair.

Professor Huang nodded when he heard the words, and then said to the camera behind the host: "Indeed, we have also noticed that the public is very concerned about the launch of the Jianmu-9 launch vehicle and the lunar cargo transportation system, and there is even a national Hot scene.

In fact, there are many reasons for the current lively scene. First of all, the first one is naturally inseparable from the series of great achievements our country has made in the aerospace field over the past few years.

It is under the stimulation of this series of great achievements that our domestic people's enthusiasm and concern for the aerospace field continue to increase, so we naturally pay special attention to this important launch mission.

Secondly, it is determined by the particularity of this launch mission. First of all, the Jianmu-9 launched this time is the carrier rocket with the strongest carrying capacity and the largest take-off weight in our country so far. Its carrying capacity in the earth's low-earth orbit has reached more than 50 tons, and its carrying capacity in the lunar transfer orbit has reached 20 tons. More than ten tons, this figure is a leading existence in China and even in the world.

And this Jianmu-9 is also a retractable commercial launch vehicle. Its core first-stage rocket and two boosters can be landed, recovered and reused. Not only that, but its two huge fairings are also recyclable. In other words, the entire Jianmu-9 carrier rocket, except for the core and second-stage rockets, which cannot be recycled and reused, other parts can be recycled and reused. This also means that the transportation cost of the Jianmu-9 launch vehicle is very cheap, perhaps only one-fifth or even one-tenth of that of conventional launch vehicles.

At present, there are only a few countries in the world that have mastered the technology of rocket recycling and reuse, and there are only a few companies that have mastered this technology. It should be said that Haoyu Aerospace is definitely a top existence in this respect.

This is just a rocket. This time, the lunar cargo transportation system carried on this rocket is also attracting attention. People commonly call it the lunar cargo spacecraft.

It should be said to be the first lunar cargo spacecraft so far. This time it will transport more than ten tons of cargo and equipment to the moon, thus officially launching the construction mission of the lunar scientific research station.

Therefore, whether it is the lunar cargo transportation system, the related transportation tasks it will perform, and the follow-up tasks related to this mission are very important, so every move of this project attracts special attention.

And this time is the first launch mission of the entire lunar scientific research station, so it has a very special significance and has attracted more attention.

In the end, it is inseparable from Haoyu Aerospace's publicity. In fact, Haoyu Aerospace has always done a good job in publicity, including related science popularization and some publicity. This mission includes the entire lunar scientific research and exploration plan and the lunar scientific research station construction plan. It is announced that relevant warm-up preparations have been made.

Including the person in charge of Haoyu Aerospace and Wu Hao, the person in charge of their parent company Haoyu Technology, gave speeches on various occasions, which further expanded the popularity of this project and this plan.

That's why this launch mission has attracted such enthusiastic attention from the public. "

After listening to Professor Huang's answer, the host nodded, then turned to a gray-haired guest next to Professor Huang and asked: "Director Zhang, as an old expert in aerospace systems, how do you evaluate this launch?" mission, as well as the Jianmu-9 launch vehicle and the lunar cargo transportation system carried on it.”

Hearing the host's question, Director Zhang, who was sitting calmly, nodded and said calmly with a smile: "First of all, of course I'm happy, gratified and proud.

This launch mission is not only a grand event for Haoyu Aerospace, but also a grand event for the people of the whole country. What it represents is the development of our country's aerospace industry, especially the private aerospace industry. It is with the support of the state and relevant departments that private aerospace companies such as Haoyu Aerospace can develop so rapidly and achieve such brilliant results today.

I am happy because the private aerospace industry is also a part of our country's aerospace industry and represents the development and achievements of our country's aerospace industry. I am very happy that they were able to achieve such brilliant results in such a short period of time. I am happy and proud of them. "

Speaking of this, Director Zhang said in a calm tone: "About Haoyu Aerospace, we are already very familiar with it. I have visited them several times at UU Reading This is a very dynamic young aerospace company. , The scientific research and technical personnel in their laboratories and research institutes are generally very young. Chief engineers around the age of 30 are very common, and many of them are at the director level at the age of 27 or 8. They can be in charge of a project team or experimental research team alone.

Moreover, their company's scientific research environment is very relaxed, basically without too much binding force, and it is very difficult to let the imagination of employees fly.

So these visits have left a very deep impact on us.

And the founder of Haoyu Aerospace, or their soul, Wu Hao. Wu Hao is very young, but very talented. Our achievements seem to be generally related to his career, what kind of young entrepreneur, billionaire. But in fact, few people noticed that Wu Hao is still a genius scientist.

He actually participated in the research and development of many projects, and even led many important scientific research projects of Haoyu Technology, and played a very important role in them.

In addition, Wu Hao attaches great importance to scientific research and is very optimistic about the development of the aerospace industry, so when Haoyu Technology first grew up, he invested a huge amount of money to start research on aerospace technology. It is precisely because of his persistence and huge investment over the years that Haoyu Aerospace has grown to this day and achieved such brilliant results today.

This Jianmu-9 and the lunar cargo transportation system carried on it are proof, no matter which one it is, it represents the cutting-edge technological achievements of human beings in the aerospace field today. This is not only the pride of our country, but also the pride of people all over the world.

It represents that we humans are about to officially leave the earth and start a journey of exploration of the entire universe and extraterrestrial planets. "

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