Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2562: Research Shelter on the Moon

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2562: Research Shelter on the Moon

"Then Professor Huang, can you tell us about this launch mission, why it is so important, and why it has attracted the attention of so many people."

"Okay." Professor Huang nodded, and then addressed the host.

This mission is a lunar scientific research mission to use the lunar cargo transportation system carried by the new Jianmu-9 heavy-duty launch vehicle to transport equipment and materials to the moon.

This lunar cargo transportation system will transport about ten tons of materials and equipment to the moon to prepare for the next step of building a lunar scientific research station. This should be said to be the world's first lunar surface scientific research station, and also the world's first commercially operated lunar station. This lunar cargo transportation system is also the world's first earth-moon cargo transfer spacecraft. In addition, the launch mission this time is also the heavy-duty launch vehicle with the largest carrying capacity and take-off mass in our country so far. So so many firsts will naturally arouse everyone's interest and attention.

At this point, Professor Huang paused, and then continued to preach.

Before this launch mission, Haoyu Aerospace has successively launched two lunar surface inspection vehicles to the moon. Among them, the lunar surface inspection rover code-named Wangshu No. 1 has been in the form of thousands of kilometers, and has carried out inspections and detections on most areas of the front of the moon, and has carried out inspections on some famous topographic and landform areas on the lunar surface, such as Yueshan, the ring Field surveys have been carried out in areas such as craters, craters, meteorite cores, lunar soil, and lunar cracks, and the laboratory analysis of lunar soil components has been carried out, thus achieving a series of great scientific research results.

For example, Wangshu-1 once discovered solid ice in the lunar cracks on the moon and successfully extracted it.

When Professor Huang was about to pass, a photo released by Haoyu Technology showing the melting of the moon's solid ice into liquid appeared on the big screen behind him.

Professor Huang looked at the photo and said with a smile: "That's right, it's this photo, the solid ice extracted from the cracks and canyons of the moon by Wangshu-1 melted into water after being exposed to sunlight.

This discovery also directly confirmed the presence of solid water in the shadowed area of ​​the lunar surface. This indirectly confirmed many previous scientific research inferences, such as the theory of the origin of the moon, the evolution of the moon, and a series of scientific research problems.

In addition to this, there is also the platinum core of the asteroid that was operated very hot some time ago, which was also discovered in the crater by this Wangshu-1. It is conservatively estimated that the core of this meteorite is several tons in size. This should be said to be the largest precious metal star core discovered by humans on the moon.

There is no atmosphere on the moon, so it bears the impact of a large number of asteroids and meteorites every day. Therefore, a large number of cosmic meteorites and asteroid fragments are preserved on the surface of the moon.

These meteorites and asteroid fragments play a vital role in the study of the origin of the entire universe and the formation of the solar system. And the relevant scientific research report of Wangshu-1 has also confirmed that it has discovered more than a dozen brand-new metals and minerals on the lunar surface and these asteroid and meteorite fragments, which are not found on the earth.

At present, we humans have encountered many problems and bottlenecks in science and technology. Perhaps these new elements and new technologies may be the key to solving these technical problems. For example, the question of our human lifespan, will there be a new element substance that can prolong the lifespan of human beings, or cure many diseases? Another example is whether these new metal materials discovered will be better than these known metal materials on the earth.

And among these new elements, will there be new energy substances, which, like helium 3, can provide humans with cleaner and safer energy.

Therefore, it is precisely because of so many major discoveries and scientific research achievements that Haoyu Aerospace is determined to accelerate this project, and the lunar surface scientific research station project has also been accelerated and put on the agenda.

The Wangshu-2 lunar surface scientific research patrol vehicle launched last year was selected for the lunar scientific research station. After a series of surveys, Wangshu-2 was finally located in an area near the Rifei Mountains in the northwest of the Moon’s Zhihai, which was selected by Haoyu aerospace scientists, as the construction site for the lunar surface scientific research station.

Among the ten tons of materials transported by this mission, there are many related materials and equipment for the construction of the lunar surface scientific research station, so it is so important and attracts attention. "

Director Zhang, what is the lunar surface scientific research station, what is special about this research station, and why it attracts so much attention. The host turned to Director Zhang on the other side and asked.

Director Zhang nodded slightly when he heard the words and then said: "The lunar surface scientific research station can also be called the lunar scientific research station, the lunar scientific research station, the lunar surface scientific research center and so on. Its function and structure are actually related to our country. The scientific research stations set up in Antarctica are similar.

They are all comprehensive scientific research institutes, or scientific sites, that provide researchers with residence, scientific research, and detection. UU reading

As we all know, the climate and environment in Antarctica are not suitable for human habitation, and entering Antarctica without adequate protection will undoubtedly lose lives. Therefore, every scientific expedition to Antarctica has made very thorough preparations. Even so, there are still accidents. This group sees how harsh the natural environment of Antarctica is, and how unsuitable for human survival.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem and provide scientists with a long-term scientific research shelter in Antarctica, it is convenient for scientists to stay and conduct research for a long time. Therefore, our country has established multiple scientific research stations in Antarctica.

The same is true on the moon. Our current research on the moon is still very limited. What we know about the moon is only observations, and the short stay on the moon decades ago, as well as unmanned equipment in recent years. probing.

If you want to know more about the moon, someone must go up and stay there for a long time, so as to conduct more detailed research on the moon. After all, the distance between the earth and the moon is too far, and it is not easy to go there, so if it can stay on it for a long time, it is simply too important for the entire scientific research and exploration.

Therefore, the aerospace agencies and relevant national departments of many aerospace powers have proposed related plans to establish scientific research sites for human living and scientific research on the moon.

It's just that, because this plan is too large, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and hugely invested, few countries and companies undertake it. However, because of the huge scientific research value on the moon, no matter how much investment is made, some countries are making steady progress, such as Lao Mi’s plan to return to the moon, and our country’s plan to cooperate with Mao Xiong’s International Lunar Research Station, etc.

And Haoyu Aerospace's lunar scientific research station project is an independent commercial lunar scientific research project separated from these projects, so it has attracted so much attention. "

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