Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2563: The "Gibraltar" from the earth to the universe

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2563 "Gibraltar" from the earth to the universe

Director Zhang, you just mentioned that building such a scientific research station on the lunar surface is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the penetration is huge. Many countries dare not do it lightly. Why did Haoyu Aerospace invest so much to build such a lunar scientific research station?

We have noticed that there are also many voices on the Internet who are pessimistic about this project, thinking that it is a stock market money-making project, and some people think that this is a dream-fulfilling project purely for the dreams of a small group of people such as Wu Hao. Some people think that there is a high probability that this project will be unfinished. What do you think about this?

Director Zhang nodded and said.

It is understandable that there are such concerns on such a large project network. It should be said that this is a huge project with huge investment and high risks. It is precisely because of this that not many countries and companies in the world dare to implement such a huge plan.

It should be said that Haoyu Aerospace dared to carry out this plan and dare to be the first to eat crabs. It should be said that it also summoned great courage. This may have a lot to do with their leader Wu Hao.

We can see from a series of interviews and interviews with Wu Hao in the past that Wu Hao himself is very optimistic about the development of the commercial aerospace industry, and believes that human beings have entered the era of space exploration, such as the eve of the era of great navigation.

Of course, some people question his view, but there are also many people who support and agree. This is also due to the remarkable achievements made by human beings in the field of aerospace technology in recent years. It should be said that the major corporate capital giants in various countries and the world have already shifted their attention to the aerospace field. Therefore, it is understandable for Wu Hao to have such a judgment and persistence.

We can also learn from the interviews and interviews he has received in the past why Wu Hao put his treasure on the moon and focused on the exploration and development of the moon.

For example, he and many scientists believe that the moon is a transit station and a bridgehead for human beings to enter and exit space, as well as a pier and an important station for the earth. Whoever controls the moon is equal to controlling the delay of human beings entering the deep space.

In this respect, the moon is equivalent to the Lion City in the Strait of Malacca, or the delayed Gibraltar connecting the Mediterranean Sea with Oceania.

As we all know, whether it is the Lion City or Gibraltar, they both rely on their extremely important geographical location to make a lot of money in world shipping. And if we control the moon, this is tantamount to controlling the delay of all human beings entering deep space. In the future, whether humans enter deep space or return to the earth, they will pass through the moon. At that time, whether it is providing navigation services, or oil and water supply and other services, only a small fee will be charged, and a small amount will be able to accumulate and obtain huge benefits.

In addition, there are very rich resources on the moon. For example, Haoyu Aerospace once released a survey data of Wangshu No. 1. There are dozens of very mineral elements on the moon, including copper, silver, gold, manganese, iron Wait, the most famous of these is Helium III. The current price of one ton of helium-III is three billion U.S. dollars, which is very expensive. And because helium 3 is an important source of energy fuel in the future, it is very scarce on the earth, and basically there is no market for it. If helium three can be mined from the moon and transported to the earth, it can be said to be a huge profit.

In addition, there is still a lot of space on the moon, which is currently relatively scarce on the earth. As the population on the earth increases, the living space will become smaller and smaller.

Therefore, in the future, human beings will definitely look to the sky for future survival, and the moon closest to us is undoubtedly the best choice. The vast space on the moon can meet the needs of people to live in, and can also be used for some industries and agricultural planting, etc.

In addition, the gravitational environment on the moon is also very suitable for various industrial and scientific research activities.

So Wu Hao and the others set their sights on the moon and focus on the development of lunar scientific research projects, which will be very beneficial in the long run. This is enough to prove that Wu Hao has a very long-term development vision.

In terms of the difficult development and operation of the lunar scientific research station alone, this project is also promising.

First of all, this is a commercial lunar scientific research station open to the world, which also means that after the construction of this lunar scientific research station is completed, it will be open to the world. At that time, whoever wants to go to the moon to conduct scientific research will only need to spend a sum of money.

As soon as Director Zhang finished speaking, Professor Huang on the side couldn't help but interjected: "It's not just a sum of money, but a lot of money. First of all, you have to send your scientists to the moon, and after completing the scientific research tasks , you have to bring these scientists back safely.

Therefore, you first have to buy a boat ticket to and from the moon for these scientists. The price of this one-way round-trip ticket of 380,000 kilometers is naturally not cheap.

Secondly, it costs money for these scientists to eat, drink, and sleep on the lunar scientific research station, and even every breath of air you breathe costs money. It is impossible to send a scientist to live there for only a day or two, at least half a month or even longer. According to the price of 100,000 US dollars per day for each scientist, it is 3 million US dollars a month. www.uukanshu. com this is the lowest price.

And this scientific research station will be able to accommodate more than 20 people in the early stage, and can accommodate more than 100 people to live and perform scientific research tasks in the later stage, so it will be sold according to 60% of the quota. At a price of 3 million US dollars per month, the monthly income is 180 million US dollars. After deducting operating costs, Haoyu Aerospace can earn at least 100 million yuan.

In addition, Haoyu Aerospace will inevitably share part of the income from the technological transformation of these scientific research results carried out by these scientists on the moon, which is also a considerable amount of income.

There are also a series of commercial tourism projects carried out on the scientific research station, which is also a considerable income. Anyway, if it comes down to nothing, the income of this scientific research station must not be low.

Therefore, Haoyu Aerospace may not only not lose money, but may also make a lot of money. "

Professor Huang was right, and Director Zhang added: "In fact, Haoyu Aerospace or Wu Hao have already made very detailed and far-reaching plans for the entire lunar exploration program and the lunar scientific research station project. How to operate and make profits? This aspect has been discussed in great detail and a series of related plans have been drawn up.

Before the entire project was approved, a very detailed discussion and research was carried out, and the project was launched only after it was confirmed that it was feasible and profitable.

Wu Hao's greatest strength is humility. He is very pragmatic and unassuming. We can see that except for some commercial activities, he can be found out by rarely appearing in public.

Therefore, it is certainly impossible for him to invest so much in developing this project just for a simple dream, or for a gimmick. He must have made this decision after very mature consideration. "

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