Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2565: ambitious plan

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2565 Ambitious and Huge Plan

And this is just a round-trip project between the earth and the moon, and the scale of the construction project of the lunar surface scientific research station is even larger.

First of all, before the official construction of the entire lunar scientific research station, the entire lunar surface must be leveled. The soil on the lunar surface is very loose, so we need to level the site of the construction area, and use the bricks fired from the lunar soil to pave it.

Then it is to use the quartz sand in the lunar soil to print the various cabins of the entire lunar scientific research station and install related equipment.

In addition, we must first build a solar power station around the lunar scientific research station, use solar panels to form a solar panel array, and provide sufficient power for the construction and follow-up operations of the entire scientific research station. It is the key to the entire lunar scientific research station project.

In addition, it is necessary to establish a collection area for lunar solid water and install related equipment to collect solid water on the moon, and then purify and purify it for use.

Next is oxygen. With water and electricity, we can use electrolysis technology to electrolyze abundant oxygen and hydrogen from water. Part of the oxygen is used for the breathing consumption of the personnel living in the lunar scientific research station, while most of the other oxygen and electrolyzed hydrogen will be pressurized and liquefied, and then injected into the fuel tank of the landing ascender on the moon. For the entire landing ascender.

In addition, we have to pave relevant radiation-emitting materials for the entire building shell surface of the entire lunar scientific research station. We know that the moon has no magnetic field and no atmosphere, so it is directly exposed to cosmic rays, so the entire lunar scientific research station must have radiation resistance, so that the personnel inside can stay for a long time without worrying about health problems.

Of course, the people in the lunar scientific research station in life are much happier than the astronauts in the space station in life, because the space is large enough, and because the moon has gravity. Although it is relatively weak, it can also prevent astronauts from suffering from muscle atrophy and loss of bone mass due to long-term living.

This is a very large project. Eighty percent of the construction materials of the first phase of the lunar scientific research station project come from the moon, and 20 percent of it comes from earth transportation. And the 20% of the materials and equipment is 30 tons, which needs to be transported three times by the lunar cargo transportation system, and this launch mission is only the first of the entire transportation mission, and there will be two more in the future.

This is only the first phase of the project, which will accommodate about 20 astronauts and scientists to live and experiment. The second phase of the project will expand the size of the lunar scientific research station by about two times. By then, the lunar scientific research station will accommodate more than 100 people. This will also become the largest commercial scientific research station on the moon.

As for the third phase of the project, it will be based on the lunar scientific research station, continue to expand it next to it, and try to build a living community for lunar personnel that can accommodate 1,000 people, or lunar city for short.

The entire third phase of the project will fully verify the feasibility of the operation of the lunar city. If the verification is feasible, Haoyu Aerospace will build a large-scale lunar city group on the moon that can accommodate 10,000 people. The colonial era has officially begun.

After hearing such an ambitious and grand plan from Director Zhang, even the host, who has always been relatively professional and calm, couldn't help sighing.

This project is also too huge, and it feels too far away from us. Professor Huang, do you think this goal can be achieved? The host turned to Professor Huang with an unbelievable smile asking for advice.

Hearing what the host said, Professor Huang nodded with a smile: "I think this goal in the future will definitely be achieved, and I think the whole plan is progressive and very pragmatic. It can be said that it is a step by step. I think this There is a good chance that the plan will be successful.

And there is one thing that is very good in the whole plan, that is, from the very beginning, Wu Hao and the others did not intend to rely entirely on the material resources on the earth, but to use local materials, which is commendable.

The advantage of using local materials is that it can greatly reduce transportation costs and facilitate large-scale construction.

At present, Haoyu Aerospace has carried out 3D printing experiments on the moon using lunar soil by using the Wangshu-2 lunar surface exploration patrol. The scientific team used a hot-melt 3D printer on Wangshu-2 to successfully melt the adaptation in the lunar soil and print out a square brick.

The strength, hardness and toughness of the entire square brick have met the expected requirements, which can be said to have laid the foundation for the formal construction of the lunar scientific research station in the next step.

In addition, Wu Hao and the others also plan to make full use of the mineral resources on the moon, such as a series of metal mineral elements such as manganese, iron, copper, zinc, etc., which are abundant on the moon. These are necessary resources for the construction of the moon.

Once the mining and smelting techniques of these lunar mineral resources are mastered, then the next step of large-scale construction on the moon will not be a problem at all, and I am very optimistic about this. "

Hearing Professor Huang's positive and optimistic answer, the host immediately looked at Director Zhang who was sitting next to Professor Huang: "Director Zhang, what do you think?"

Director Zhang smiled and nodded and said: "I am also very optimistic about the whole project. As Professor Huang said, the whole project is very detailed and pragmatic, and it is promoted step by step. All plans are based on feasibility. , and there is no slight leap forward, which is very commendable.

And as Professor Huang said, Haoyu Aerospace is very good at utilizing the resources on the moon, which is very important. Because this can not only greatly reduce the construction cost of the entire project, but also lay the foundation for the next large-scale construction.

I can notice that these projects are very closely related to each other, and each step is carefully planned. It can be seen from this that Haoyu Aerospace should have made very good preparations for this project. "

In fact it is true. Professor Huang interjected and said: "In fact, Haoyu Aerospace invited a large number of professionals and experts in the aerospace field to conduct many special seminars and discussions on the entire construction plan and related plans. A very detailed and feasible huge plan like this one has been worked out.”

"Okay, today I would like to thank the two experts for their wonderful interpretation here. The launch mission will be carried out in a week, and we will also conduct a live interpretation of the special program at that time.

Here, we also wish that this very meaningful launch mission can be erected in an instant, and we wish success. Our journey is a sea of ​​stars, and we will eventually sail to this sea of ​​stars! "

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