Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2566: Chen Keer, who is more human than human

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2566: Chen Keer, who is more human than human

When the special plane landed smoothly at the airport where the South China Sea launch site is located, Wu Hao took Lin Wei's hand and walked down the hanging ladder, followed by Zou Xiaodong and other accompanying staff.

Wearing a pair of black short-sleeved khaki multi-pocket tactical casual pants, paired with a pair of casual shoes, and a pair of sunglasses, Wu Hao looked extraordinarily relaxed and casual.

As for Lin Wei, today she changed into a white t-shirt, paired it with a pair of slim-fit cropped pants, stepped on a pair of high heels, and wore a gray peaked cap, as well as a pair of sunglasses that matched Wu Hao's. , plus her somewhat exaggerated earrings and flaming red lips, the whole person looks extra hot and charming.

As for Zou Xiaodong behind him, he was dressed in casual attire, a gray shirt with trousers and leather shoes, which was relatively formal. As for the other entourage, they were all in formal attire.

At the beginning of July, at the airport where the South China Sea launch site is located, a cool sea breeze blows head-on. Although the sun is very basking, it is not necessarily so hot. In comparison, Anxi in July and August is much hotter than here.

Sure enough, it is a tropical marine climate, comfortable and humid, but it is a rare resort.

Mr. Wu! The staff who came to greet him quickly greeted him upon seeing this.

Good job! Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then got into an MPV commercial vehicle with Lin Wei. As for Zou Xiaodong and the others, they sat in the back car naturally.

This trip to the South China Sea was accompanied by Zou Xiaodong, while Zhang Jun stayed behind in Anxi. The main reason is that there are a lot of things going on in the company, so of course the company's leadership cannot all come, and one has to stay in charge.

This launch mission is of great significance. As the person in charge of the company, Wu Hao should come forward to participate both emotionally and rationally, so the task of staying in the company was handed over to Zhang Jun.

As for Zou Xiaodong, he followed him to play. After all, he has basically never been to the South China Sea launch site, so he naturally came with him this time. Of course, it can't be in vain, he still has to be responsible for some work, who asked him to follow.

The weather here in the South China Sea is really nice. Looking at the people dressed in cool clothes, playing and sunbathing on the beach along the coastal road outside the car window, Lin Wei couldn't help sighing.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Indeed, it's much cooler here than Anxi, and Anxi's whole body almost melts when walking outside. It's very good here, and the sea breeze blows very comfortably. Put a blanket on it, or it will be a bit chilly."

After hearing what he said, Lin Wei smiled and said, "I see, let's not go to the Northeast and Western Xinjiang for summer vacation in the future, and come directly to the South China Sea, how comfortable it is.

We have several houses here, and we can check in directly when we come here, which is simple and convenient. "

I'm OK. Wu Hao responded very readily, and then held Lin Wei's soft and delicate hand and smiled softly: "If you like it, you can stay here for a while this time, take a good vacation for yourself, rest rest."

Hearing what he said, Lin Wei shook her head and instead held his hand and looked at him and said, "You're not here, what's the point of me staying."

Sorry. Wu Hao couldn't help feeling a little sad when he heard the words, and then apologized.

This time he can't stay here for too long. After the launch mission is over, he has to rush back to Anxi to sit down. Because after the completion of the launch mission, this is only the first step. The next step is the earth-to-moon transfer flight of the entire lunar cargo transportation system and the landing around the moon. He must be present.

What are you talking about, come whenever you want, and wait until you are busy during this time. Besides, summer is the low season for tourism in the South China Sea, and it is very hot here. Let's wait until winter, let's take some time to come over and have fun for a few days in winter. At that time, call our parents, my brother and your sister, and we will have a good time as a family. Lin Wei smiled and comforted.

OK, no problem. Speaking of this, Wu Hao raised his voice and said to Chen Keren who was sitting on the front co-pilot seat: "Ke'er, write this matter down for me, make a plan for me, and leave at least half a day for me at that time." months of vacation."

All right, Mr. Wu! Chen Keren, who was sitting in the front row, turned his head to Wu Hao and Lin Wei, and then continued to look ahead.

Seeing Chen Ke'er turning her head and responding so naturally, Lin Wei suppressed a smile, then noticed the driver in front, and then secretly pinched Wu Hao with her hand.

That's right, Chen Ke'er is also the intelligent bionic humanoid robot successfully developed by Wu Hao. He has been officially appointed to follow Wu Hao and is one of Wu Hao's accompanying secretaries.

This time, Wu Hao left Su Ho in Anxi, and brought Chen Ke'er to the South China Sea. The main reason is that this trip to the South China Sea didn't have too many business and entertainment matters, so it was more appropriate for Chen Ke'er to follow.

Besides, in these respects, Chen Ke'er may be better than Su He, but because of Chen Ke'er's special status, Wu Hao kept it in the Linghu headquarters park.

The reason why he dared to bring it out this time was mainly because he had upgraded Chen Keer, the intelligent bionic humanoid robot of UU Reading First of all, in terms of the body, Wu Hao has further upgraded the body of the entire intelligent bionic humanoid robot, using new carbon fiber materials and titanium alloy materials to form the support system. Then use polymer materials to make some of its muscle systems. In addition, its outer skin has also undergone a new upgrade and optimization, so it looks more real and delicate.

At the software system level, in the past, Chen Ke'er was just Ke Ke's incarnation outside her body, a body controlled by Ke Ke, and her soul was still Ke Ke. But this time, Wu Hao divided Cocoa and implanted a brand new "artificial intelligence system" split and integrated from Cocoa into this body, which also gave this intelligent bionic humanoid robot a soul. .

So that it can run independently without being connected to the Internet, and does not need cocoa to control it behind the scenes. It can independently respond to various situations.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Ke'er's soul has changed and is no longer it. No, in fact, Chen Ke’er is still Chen Ke’er, it’s also Cocoa, but it was hatched from Wu Hao’s personal intelligent assistant Cocoa, it’s Coco’s daughter, or twin sister.

Its overall performance is much weaker than that of Cocoa. After all, its hardware capacity is limited, and the energy that can be provided to the entire system operation is also very limited, so its performance is definitely not as good as Cocoa with the blessing of Abyss Rubik's Cube.

It inherited Ke Ke's intelligence, and it also inherited Ke Ke's long-term learning achievements in controlling this intelligent bionic humanoid robot.

So now Chen Ke'er looks like a real person, there is no difference in words and deeds, even more like a real person in some respects.

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