Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2569: "Ask" is worse than "Don't ask"

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2569 "Inquiry" is worse than "Don't Ask"

In fact, Wu Hao's worries are superfluous. Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming have carried out such launch missions many times and have rich experience, so there is no need for him to care or intervene.

Although this is the first flight of a new rocket, most of the technology of the rocket adopts the existing mature technology, so the risk will be effectively controlled. As for the lunar cargo transportation system, this is after the launch.

Besides, before the lunar cargo transportation system, there have been two successful launches of lunar surface inspection probes, so it should be said that this time it will be relatively easier.

Of course, until the last moment, who knows.

After chatting with them for a few more words, they let them leave. Seeing how they left in a hurry, Wu Hao smiled and gave them instructions, and then he took a walk in the park with his people.

At this moment, the sky has darkened, and the street lights in the park have been turned on.

In the distance, in the lush green tropical forest, under the illumination of the lights, several tall launch towers and lightning rods appeared. The slewing platform of one of the towers has been closed, and what is wrapped inside is the combination of the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty launch vehicle and the lunar cargo transportation system.

Although there is still more than a day before the launch, the entire park is already in a state of battle, and guards have begun to be set up everywhere. Fortunately, Wu Hao has a work permit hanging around his neck, so he can pass through most areas without hindrance.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Lin's side is over. Chen Ke'er stepped forward to report to Wu Haohui.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go find her."

Taking the electric shuttle bus, Wu Hao came to the restaurant. At this moment, the family members of the employees inside have already left, and it is said that they are going to participate in group activities. As for Lin Wei, when she learned that Wu Hao was coming, she waited for him at the restaurant.

Seeing him coming, Lin Wei couldn't help laughing and joked, "I thought you'd be busy all night today, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Haha, this time I'm just a spectator and won't interfere with their work, so it's easier. After talking, Wu Hao came to the seat in front of Lin Wei and sat down.

I went to attend their work meeting, everything went well, so I don't need to worry.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked around and said: "You are hungry, do you want to eat something?"

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Lin Wei nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm really hungry just now when I saw these family members eating."

Speaking of this, Lin Wei stood up and said to him, "Come on, let's get some food."

Immediately, the two got up and began to choose in front of the various windows of the restaurant. Lin Wei eats very little, so she chooses some dishes that she likes and looks good. As for Wu Hao, he chose some at random, such as fried shrimp, fried noodles, soup, and salad.

The two found a seat with the food and sat down. Lin Wei looked at the fried shrimp on Wu Hao's plate, then took one of them with a fast stick, peeled it off and started eating.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and then started to eat. Before boarding the plane, Lin Wei took him to eat a bowl of steamed buns on a whim, so after boarding the plane, the two of them couldn't eat anything and spent the whole time catching up on sleep. So after all the tossing and tossing on the way to the launch site, let alone really a little hungry.

Seeing Wu Hao thinking so much about eating, Lin Wei couldn't help persuading: "Slow down, slow down, it's easy to indigestion if you eat so fast."

As she said that, Lin Wei pushed the bowl of soup to Wu Hao's hand. Wu Hao nodded, took a sip of the soup, and then showed a happy expression.

While eating vegetable salad, Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei and said, "Then I will have to work **** you tomorrow, and the family members of the employees at the hotel need you to show their condolences. Although my side seems relatively relaxed, I am afraid it is also far away from home." No opening. I haven't met the person in charge of the launch site yet. And tomorrow is the final preparation stage before the launch, and I'm busy in all aspects. Although I won't intervene to ask questions, at least I have to show up and sit down. Yes, so these tasks can only be entrusted to you."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, "I see, isn't that what I came this time to do? Now I regret coming with you. It would be nice to stay in Anxi, and I have to come out with you." suffer."

Thanks for your hard work. Wu Hao smiled and added a shrimp to her with a tachyon.

Hate, I'm full. Lin Weiyang acted coquettishly, and then realized that the occasion was wrong, and then peeked around, seeing that only Chen Ke'er was the closest to them, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Lin Wei's shy look, Wu Hao felt itchy in his heart. But on such an occasion, he smiled at Lin Wei and continued to eat.

After eating, Wu Hao and Lin Wei held hands and walked under the street lamp. As for Chen Ke'er and several entourages, they followed from a distance. The two also chatted without saying a word, enjoying the quiet and warm moment.

All the way to the guest house, Lin Wei, who was a little sweaty from walking around just now, has already carried her clothes to the bathroom. UU Reading Wu Hao came to the living room a little bored, then walked to the chair by the window and sat down, then took out his transparent folding tablet, opened it, and placed it on the table.

Coco, call Zhang Jun for me.

good sir.

Not long after the bell rang, Zhang Jun's figure appeared on the transparent folding screen. He was sitting in the car wearing a white shirt, his face slightly red.

What, I drank. Seeing this, Wu Hao asked with a smile.

I couldn't refuse the entertainment, so I drank two glasses less. Hearing his question, Zhang Jun explained with a smile, and then asked, "How did you go to the South China Sea today?"

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "It's okay, all aspects of work are proceeding in an orderly manner. I attended their work meeting, basically there is no problem.

But it's hard to say, after all, no one knows the result until the end. So I just said a few words of condolence and encouragement, and I didn't say anything or ask anything else. "

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun in the video also nodded and said: "Yu Chengwu and Zhou Yonghui's technical team is very mature, and basically they don't have any major problems. It's right that you just ask. On the one hand, it shows your respect for them." Trust, build their confidence, this is very important before the launch. On the other hand, it is also to reduce the pressure on them, asking too much will make the other party feel pressure, it is better not to ask anything.”

Well, I thought so too. Wu Hao responded, and then said to Zhang Jun: "Tomorrow you go to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center early to sit down and give condolences to everyone. There is the general dispatch control center, and the work is very important, so everyone is under great pressure. , pay more attention here.'

No problem, leave it to me. Zhang Jun responded readily.

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