Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2570: looking forward to meeting

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2570 The Expected Meeting

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun in the video also nodded and said: "Yu Chengwu and Zhou Yonghui's technical team is very mature, and basically they don't have any major problems. It's right that you just ask. On the one hand, it shows your respect for them." Trust, build their confidence, this is very important before the launch. On the other hand, it is also to reduce the pressure on them, asking too much will make the other party feel pressure, it is better not to ask anything.”

Well, I thought so too. Wu Hao responded, and then said to Zhang Jun: "Tomorrow you go to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center early to sit down and give condolences to everyone. There is the general dispatch control center, and the work is very important, so everyone is under great pressure. , pay more attention here.'

No problem, leave it to me. Zhang Jun responded readily.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile on hearing this, and then ended the call.

After taking a shower, Lin Wei changed into a set of silk pajamas. When she raised her hand to wipe her hair, the sleeves slipped down like silk from her tender white arms. Wu Hao couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

What are you looking at, come here and help me dry my hair. Lin Wei rolled his eyes at him, then scolded him.

Well done. Wu Hao responded, and then happily came to the bedroom, picked up the hair dryer and started to help Lin Wei blow her hair. The scent of shampoo from her hair, the scent of shower gel, and the natural scent from her body made Wu Hao feel refreshed.

Feeling that Wu Hao's hand had slipped dishonestly to its habitual position, Lin Wei couldn't help but rolled her eyes, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

She slapped Wu Hao's dishonest hand angrily, and said angrily, "Go, go take a shower."

obey! Wu Hao responded, then jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

Seeing Wu Hao's excited look, Lin Wei said softly, "You're dead!"

But I was still happy in my heart, I looked down at the rosy part covered by Wu Hao's dishonest hands, the blush on my face involuntarily deepened, and then I started to tidy up.

Wu Hao got up early the next morning. Compared to Wu Hao, who was a little weak in his waist and knees, Lin Wei looked radiant. Sure enough, there are only exhausted cattle, not plowed fields.

However, Wu Hao did not slack off, but changed into short-sleeved shorts and started running at the base. While he was running, many employees of the South China Sea launch site were also running. After seeing him, they greeted him one after another, and some even asked for a group photo. Wu Hao satisfied all of them.

Needless to say, running on this tropical island is really good. First of all, the air is very fresh without any dust, which is better than Anxi. Even if it is in Linghu Wetland Park in Anxi, it is still not as good as here.

Because he had business to do today, Wu Hao didn't run for too long. When his body was sweating slightly and panting slightly, he finished running and returned to the guest house.

At this moment, Lin Wei has also returned from exercising. Compared to Wu Hao, Lin Wei prefers to exercise in the gym. Her morning classes are quite rich, in addition to jogging, there are also yoga and stretching courses.

It was also like this that allowed her to maintain a beautiful figure, and made Wu Hao know how to taste, and couldn't put it down.

Compared to Lin Wei, Wu Hao simply took a shower, changed his clothes, and sat in the living room brushing the transparent folding tablet while waiting for Lin Wei. Women are slow in everything, such as taking a bath, such as putting on makeup, such as changing clothes.

After going back and forth, there was a delay of more than forty minutes, which was still fast.

After changing their clothes, Wu Hao and Lin Wei drove out of the South China Sea launch site and headed for a seaside resort hotel about seven or eight kilometers away.

Because of the change in the itinerary, Wu Hao decided to go with Lin Wei in the morning to condolences to the family members of more than a thousand employees in the hotel. No matter what, they have all arrived at the South China Sea launch site, so they can't hide away, it's a bit unreasonable.

On the other side, in order to organize these thousand people at the seaside resort hotel, no matter it was the team leader supporting the family members of these employees, the staff of the company's administrative department, or the hotel, it took a lot of effort. There are so many people, there must be no room to sit in the conference room, so we can only place chairs on the square outside the hotel, and then organize more than a thousand family members of employees to sit down.

In order to wait for Wu Hao, Lin Wei and the others, the organizers also specially invited several local performance teams here to perform, and finally stabilized this group of people.

Mr. Wu! Seeing Wu Hao's arrival, Yang Xiaoyun led people to greet him quickly. As the deputy general manager of Haoyu Aerospace and the deputy general manager in charge of daily operations, Yang Xiaoyun is very busy at work. And this time she was able to personally come forward to be responsible for the reception of the family members of these employees, which shows how much the entire Haoyu Aerospace attaches importance to this matter. Of course, this is also related to Wu Hao's exhortation.

Well, hard work. Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with Yang Xiaoyun. After taking her to greet Lin Wei, he immediately asked the other party, "Are you all ready?"

It's ready, just waiting for you and Mr. Lin. Yang Xiaoyun nodded in response.

Alright, UU Reading Then let's go! Wu Hao nodded immediately, and then walked towards the venue.

On the other side of the venue, the host who got the news had let the performers go down, and then came to the stage and said to the family members of the employees: "Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, we all know that everyone can get this opportunity. Coming to the South China Sea to watch the rocket launch activities is inseparable from the special arrangement of Mr. Wu Hao of our Haoyu Technology.

Since everyone came to play here in the South China Sea, Mr. Wu also asked and cared many times whether everyone had a good time here, whether they encountered any difficulties and so on.

Today, Mr. Wu, who is inspecting the work at the South China Sea launch site, even took time out of his busy schedule, and specially brought Mr. Lin from Wei Media to greet everyone, and let us all welcome them with warm applause. "

clap clap clap...

Amidst a burst of warm applause and cheers, Wu Hao led Lin Wei out of the backstage, and then we were in the middle of the stage, saying hello to the family members of the employees in the audience, and took the microphone handed over by the staff.

Then he looked at the people in the audience and said with a smile: "All uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, and children, good morning everyone.

It is a great pleasure to meet you on this beautiful coast of the South China Sea. To be honest, I am looking forward to this meeting. No, for the convenience of being able to distance myself from everyone, I specially brought my daughter-in-law along. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the audience burst into laughter immediately. Because the family members of these employees basically knew the relationship between Wu Hao and Lin Wei from various channels or family members who worked in Haoyu Aerospace, so everyone laughed when they heard what he said.

As for Lin Wei, she slapped him a little shyly and angrily, and Wu Hao also pretended to dodge, causing a burst of laughter and applause from the audience.

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