Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2574: Bright with the moon

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2574 and Yue Tonghui

"One hour to prepare!"

"One hour countdown to get ready!"

As the countdown entered an hour, a high-pitched male voice came from the hall broadcast, which also made Wu Hao and the reporters who were allowed in, as well as the family members of the employees who were watching outside at this time, including the family members of the accompanying employees. Lin Wei, who was watching with us, all lifted their spirits at once.

Compared with the heated atmosphere outside, the atmosphere inside the command and control hall has also become solemn. All the staff members are calm and attentive, watching the various data on the screen closely.

In addition to all kinds of data information that are continuously broadcast, there are whispers of many people communicating in low voices, as well as the non-stop sound of telephone calls and typing on keyboards.

Although there were constant voices, there was no panic at all. Everyone was in their positions, and all tasks were progressing smoothly. After all, for these experienced technicians, whether they are the staff of the launch system, or the staff of the rocket or the payload system, everyone has rich experience, and this situation has long been commonplace.

Compared to Wu Hao, who was quietly watching from the guest seats, Zou Xiaodong, who came here for the first time, seemed a little curious, asking people around him from time to time, and even took out his own transparent foldable The device took a few selfies.

"Thirty minutes to prepare, the pendulum is off!"

As the command was issued, there were a few "dididi" sounds, and the pendulum rods surrounding Jianmu No. 9 opened and separated from the rocket body.

"The pendulum is disengaged."

As the pendulum falls off, it means that the external line connection between the rocket and the launch tower has been interrupted, and the rocket no longer needs external power supply, but uses its own battery system for autonomous power supply.

The rocket enters the independent self-test procedure.

The self-test data is being verified.

When the rocket is disconnected from the external cable, it is in the launch state. Generally, a self-test procedure will be performed in this state to ensure that the systems of the rocket body are operating normally.

The self-inspection procedure is completed, all systems of the rocket are operating normally, and the launch can be carried out on time.

Ten minutes to prepare!

Attention all units, enter ten minutes of preparation time.

All personnel in the launch area were evacuated.

Dongguai reported that all personnel in the launch area have been evacuated to a safe area, and all personnel in the launch area have been evacuated.

"Five minutes to prepare!"

"three minutes!"

"Prepare in a minute!"

"Thirty seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Three, two, one, fire up, take off!

"take off!"

Sizzling, as several fireworks-like electric sparks were ejected from the engine port at the tail of the rocket, the huge tail jet engine and the tail jet engines on the two main propellers were ignited, and then a huge flame was ejected.

Simultaneously with the flames, there is also a huge stream of water sprayed out around the launch platform. These water streams will be sprayed onto the entire launch platform and launch tower to reduce the high risk caused by the huge tail flame ejected from the tail engine of the rocket, so as to prevent the launch platform and launch tower from being burned by the high temperature of the rocket.

The huge tail flame collided with these water streams, which produced a huge white mist. Among these white mist were the smoke from the rocket tail flame, but more of it was water vapor.

Because our country's rocket launch uses a free-rise method, the rocket's take-off speed is relatively slow. It is not like the rockets of the former Soviet era or the method of gathering force used by other rockets, which is to pull or hold the ignited rocket first, let it gather strength, and wait until the thrust of the rocket reaches the preset value. Release again, so that the rocket can take off at a faster speed.

However, this method is relatively violent, and only such a rough country will use this method of launch. The current mainstream is still the free launch method, allowing the rocket to take off slowly by itself.

In Dapingzhong, the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty carrier rocket lifted the lunar cargo transportation system, ejected a huge tail flame and began to take off slowly.

The violent tail flame was ejected from the engine port, making a violent roar that could tear through the air. With the transmission of these roars, objects within a few kilometers around the rocket seemed to be vibrating.

Even in the launch command and control hall a few kilometers away, Wu Hao and the others felt such a huge roar

"Make a program turn!"

The ascent angle of the rocket began to tilt, as if a sharp sword began to pierce the sky.

The tourists who had been waiting for a few kilometers away for the whole night finally got their wish. Seeing such a magnificent launch scene, they all cheered.

The huge roar was accompanied by vibrations, which made all the onlookers deeply feel the huge energy emanating from this behemoth.

The shocking feeling of this launch can only be truly experienced by visiting the scene in person. The tourists couldn't help showing their excited expressions and jumping up with excitement.

"Position No. 1 reports that the rocket tracking is normal, and the telemetry signal is normal."

In the launch command and control hall, everyone is working in an orderly manner, UU reading www.uukanshu. The various data and information of com are also constantly updated and broadcast.

This kind of launch mission has been carried out many times here, so a launch team with excellent quality and skills has been trained, so everyone responded very calmly, calmly and professionally.

Through the high-definition surveillance camera on the rocket, Wu Hao and the others can clearly see the first-person view of the rocket on the big screen. I saw the rocket began to rise slowly, getting farther and farther away from the ground.

Tonight's weather is very good, the air is very lens, and all the waiting tourists can finally see the magnificent scene of the rocket and the moon echoing in the sky, and the moon shines together.

As the rocket gets higher from the moon in the sky, it becomes a bright spot in everyone's field of vision.

On the large screen in the command and control hall of the South China Sea launch site, through the remote sensing data signal of Position 1, everyone can see its real-time infrared signal very clearly.

The rocket is still flying steadily. From the infrared remote sensing signal screen, it can be seen that the three wakes ejected by the rocket are as smooth as drawing.

This is also the normal working state of the rocket engine. This picture also shows that the rocket engine is very stable when it is running and burning, without any fluctuations.

The digital timing on one side of the big screen is still changing, and everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the arrival of the first link node.

As the rocket tail flame flickered in the infrared screen, I saw that the rocket had changed from the three tail flames gathered together to three tail flames. The brightness of the tail flames on both sides was brighter than the bright spot in the middle. Much weaker.

Booster separation!

clap clap clap...

In the entire outdoor viewing platform, all the family members of the watching employees clapped and cheered enthusiastically after hearing the broadcast, and the whole applause had already reached the center.

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