Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2575: light from the sky

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2575: Light from the Sky

On the large screen erected on the side of the hall, the surveillance cameras on the two boosters, including the surveillance cameras on the core first-stage rocket, all recorded the separation of the boosters at the same time.

As the boosters are separated, the grid wings on the two boosters are opened, and the angle is constantly adjusted to control the height of the two boosters.

The ground recovery team reported that the No. 1 and No. 2 boosters are in normal landing status and are landing according to the scheduled procedures.

The first stage of the rocket is shut down, and the first and second stages are separated!

About ten seconds after the separation of the two boosters, the first and second stages of the Jianmu-9 rocket began to separate.

As a rule, the separation of the booster and the separation of the first and second stages are generally carried out successively, with an interval of one or two seconds. But this time, the two boosters separated first, while the first and second rockets separated after more than ten seconds. The reason for doing this is mainly to provide sufficient power for the rising rocket, so that the secondary rocket can save more fuel and send the load inside the fairing, that is, the lunar cargo transportation system, farther.

Of course, this also brought a disadvantage. After all, Jianmu-9's core first-stage rocket and two boosters are the same. It also means that they have the same amount of fuel loaded.

Generally speaking, in order to ensure that the first-stage rocket can land smoothly and land safely, there will be a part of fuel left in it after the first-stage rocket is separated, so that the rocket's engine can be used to ignite and maintain the continuous deceleration of the landing rocket.

The ascent of the rocket is not straight up, but with a certain angle, which also means that the first stage of the rocket must adjust the angle to fly back from a high altitude, so more fuel is needed for attitude adjustment and slow down.

Because the core-level rocket burns for more than ten seconds, the fuel reserved in the core-level rocket is no longer enough to support the core-level rocket to return to the landing site on land.

So at this time, the sea landing platform plays a role. Its position is just below the separation of the core first-stage rocket, so that the rocket does not need to make too many adjustments, and it can land directly, so that the rocket does not need to reserve So much fuel.

It should be said that every ballistic flight path of the rocket, including the system control of the rocket, has been carefully calculated, and a certain amount of redundancy is reserved. It is impossible to say that the design is just right.

The large screen on the side of the aerospace command and control hall is divided into three parts, which respectively display the respective status and related data information and monitoring screens of the core first-stage rocket and the two boosters.

The two boosters and the core first-stage rocket landed from the air respectively. Compared with the farther core first-stage rocket, the tourists gathered around the South China Sea launch site to watch the launch can already witness the two light spots start to land. down landed.

On the large screen in front of the command and control hall, there is a picture of the second-stage rocket pushing the load and continuing to take off. But at this moment, the remote sensing equipment of Position No. 1 can only capture a faint columnar bright spot, and the picture has become blurry.

Suddenly, the front of this columnar bright spot flickered, and two objects were seen falling off from the bright spot.

The external surveillance camera on the lunar cargo transportation system in the fairing also captured this scene. I saw that the camera's picture froze for a moment, and then the white object that blocked the line of sight turned completely black.

Toss the cowling!

Position No. 1 reported that the two halves of the fairing at the front end of the second-stage rocket were successfully thrown out!

it is good!

There was another burst of warm applause outside.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way. Throwing the fairing seems to be quite simple, nothing more than throwing out the two halves of the protection station, but in fact the action of throwing the fairing occupies a very important part of the entire rocket launch.

We must know that many of the cases of rocket launch failures so far have been caused by rocket launch failures caused by the failure of the fairing to separate and eject on time.

In other words, the fairing did not separate successfully, and the rocket pushed the fairing to wrap the payload and be transported into the sky. This also means that the loads inside the fairing, such as satellites or other spacecraft, cannot normally deploy the solar wing battery sails, cannot charge themselves, and cannot adjust their flight attitude, which leads to the complete failure of the entire mission.

This time, the huge fairing of more than 20 meters above Jianmu-9 was very difficult to separate, and it could be separated and thrown normally, which somewhat made the rocket team breathe a sigh of relief.

Although they have tried countless times in this regard, no one knows the result until the end. After all, there are too many unpredictable factors in real flight missions.

"The air recovery team has arrived at the scheduled airspace and is on standby, and the drone is about to arrive at the scheduled airspace!"

The second-stage rocket started to propel the lunar cargo transportation system to continue flying, and the images sent back by the external camera of the lunar cargo transportation system suddenly began to brighten. On the ground, there has been a dazzling light, which is the sun.

On the other side, as the height of the two boosters gets lower and lower, the jet intensity of the engine tail flame at the tail of the booster is getting stronger and stronger, and the sound is naturally getting louder.

And this couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the tourists on the scene. Watching the two boosters that fell from the sky and began to land slowly, all the tourists and audience watching cheered.

Accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, the two boosters landed slowly, and landed smoothly on the two circular landing platforms at the landing site.

In various live broadcast rooms and TV channels, the scene at this moment has also switched from the roadbed landing site to the sea landing platform. I saw that the entire offshore landing platform was brightly lit, and the circular landing field above the landing platform was also brightly illuminated by the lights.

Through the external surveillance camera on the core-level rocket, it can be clearly seen that the core-level rocket is getting closer and closer to the brightly lit offshore landing platform floating on the sea.

Finally, in a burst of smoke and dust, the core-stage rocket landed smoothly on the sea landing platform. The two mechanical arms on the landing platform turned around immediately, firmly holding the entire core first-stage rocket body. Prevent the rocket body from tilting and fading due to undulating sea waves or too much sea wind.

The landing screen here has just ended, and before we can wait for another breath, the live broadcast screen is switched to the screen of the air recovery team again.

From the low-light infrared images transmitted by the drone, it can be clearly seen that the two halves of the fairing are mounted under the two parafoils, one in front and one behind, slowly gliding in the air.

At the same time, three helicopters were on standby in the distance and began to fly towards the two halves of the fairing.

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