Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2576: Reappearance of the classic big red screen

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2576 The classic big red screen reappears

On the big screen, three orange-painted helicopters are starting to recover the two-part fairing.

Through the pictures sent back by the infrared night vision low-light lens of the high-altitude patrol drone, it can be seen very clearly that the two-petal fairing is gliding and flying under the red and white parafoil.

A helicopter began to fly around the periphery. This is the command plane, the backup helicopter, and the emergency helicopter. It not only serves to command the aerial recovery and hoisting of the entire fairing, but also acts as a backup helicopter. When the other two helicopters fail to recover, or encounter problems, this helicopter will be replaced on top to complete the mission.

Among other things, it acts as an emergency helicopter. After all, this kind of aerial recovery and hoisting work is also a relatively dangerous job, so there must be such an emergency helicopter on standby to deal with various emergencies at any time.

I saw that the first helicopter gradually stretched its height, and began to follow the distance behind the fairing paraglider, then suddenly cut in from the rear, and controlled the helicopter to accurately hook the paraglider. There is only one chance, and if there is a mistake, the chances of allowing a second will be very small.

However, all the veteran pilots who participated in this fairing recovery mission have gone through more than a dozen missions and are very experienced in this. Although the volume and weight of the fairings recovered this time are relatively large, it is not a big problem for these pilots.

I saw that the two helicopters used the hangers hanging under the helicopters to hook the paragliders of the fairing very neatly one after another, and then hung them under the helicopters.

The two halves of the fairing were suspended under the helicopter in this way, shaking slowly, and the two helicopters were suspended to fly to land.

On the other side, on the large screen in the front row of the command hall, there are still secondary rockets pushing the lunar cargo transportation system to fly outside the atmosphere. Through the external camera of the lunar cargo system, you can see the whole picture of the earth below very clearly. Although it is in the night hemisphere at this moment, the sunlight in the distance has revealed a dazzling light.

The working time of the second-stage rocket is obviously much longer than that of the first-stage rocket, because the destination of the lunar cargo transportation system it recommends is the moon, which is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, so the second-stage rocket needs to work for a long time. Try to transport the lunar cargo transportation system to a place high enough and far enough, and give it a high enough speed, so that the orbital module of the lunar cargo transportation system can get rid of the gravity of the earth and go to the moon.

Of course, even if you reach the moon, you can't get rid of the gravitational force of the earth. In fact, the moon is firmly attracted by the gravitational force of the entire earth.

It is precisely because of this that if you want to stay away from the earth, you need a large enough thrust.

Now everyone is waiting for the last exciting moment in the entire launch process, whether it is all the staff in the command and control hall, Wu Hao and the others. At this moment, the tourists gathered outside the entire command launch hall, or around the South China Sea launch site, are all holding mobile phones and other devices and staring at the screen, looking forward to the arrival of this moment. Not to mention that there are countless viewers and netizens who watched the live broadcast all the way, and they are also waiting for this moment.

Looking at the stopwatch above, everyone showed expectations and nervous expressions. Even Wu Hao couldn't help but stare at this ever-changing time figure at this moment, somewhat looking forward to the arrival of this moment.

Suddenly, the nozzle of the secondary rocket on the big screen began to stop ejecting material, and then it could be seen very clearly through the external camera of the lunar cargo transportation system that the secondary rocket had detached and gradually moved away.

Similarly, the surveillance camera on the second-stage rocket also captured this scene, and saw that the entire lunar cargo transportation system appeared white under the sunlight as a whole, and was slowly moving away from the camera, flying into the dark deep space.

"The second-stage rocket is shut down, and the weapon and arrow are separated!"

At the same time, an announcement came from the radio.

At this moment, the hall that had been suppressed for a long time completely boiled, and almost everyone started to stand up and cheer and celebrate. Whether it is the launch system, the rocket system, or the payload system, some in the north let out a long sigh of relief, and then cheered and celebrated.

Of course, the funniest thing is the rocket system, because their mission was completed smoothly and perfectly. Whether it is the entire launch process, the rocket flight process, or the recovery of the core first-stage rocket, the two boosters, and the fairing, they all went very smoothly and were successfully completed.

The second thing that makes me happy is of course the launch system. The entire launch and flight process of the rocket is flawless, which also means that this mission has been a complete success. Although it has not been announced yet, it is basically a certainty.

The last is the payload system, which is the technical team of the lunar cargo transportation system. Although the mission of the lunar cargo transportation system has just begun, the initial stage and the most dangerous stage have been passed.

It should be said that the technical team of the entire lunar cargo transportation system was the most helpless and the most nervous moment when the rocket ascended to space. Because this is like handing over one's destiny directly to others, but one cannot control it.

And now that the launch is finally successful, and now that my own destiny is back in my hands, it feels even better. It is more reliable, and the previous launch process was successfully completed, which gave them a good start and inspired them to continue to work hard to ensure the perfect completion of this mission.

Of course, after the celebration, everyone stared at the big screen again. Because there is still the last step, which is also a very important step. It can be said that the success or failure of the entire mission will be measured.

On the big screen, through the external camera of the lunar cargo transportation system, it can be seen that the two halves of the solar wing battery sails above the entire orbital module are slowly unfolding. In an instant, the entire aerospace command and control hall was filled with applause and cheers. This time I was really happy, thinking that this meant that the launch mission was a complete success.

Now everyone can wait for the arrival of the last moment, which is also the last procedure of this launch mission.

"Reporters, friends, and comrades, according to the remote sensing calculations of the Anxi Measurement and Control Center, as confirmed by the Beijing Aerospace Center, the spacecraft of the lunar cargo transportation system launched this time has accurately entered the earth-moon transfer orbit. I announce that the Jianmu-9 & ;The launch mission of the lunar cargo transport spacecraft was a complete success."

Following Gao Jinguang's announcement, a classic big red background picture appeared on the big screen. On one side of the whole picture is the breakthrough of the moon, on the other side is the model picture of the flying lunar cargo system, and on the side is the Jianmu-9 spacecraft.

In the middle of the entire screen, there is a line of large characters in running script, which reads:

"Warm congratulations on the successful launch of Jianmu-9 & Lunar Cargo Transport Spaceship!"

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