Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2578: Earth-Moon Transfer Orbit Rapid Maneuvering Technology

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After participating in the launch mission, Wu Hao did not stay in Anxi, but returned to Anxi immediately with Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming's technical team.

The successful completion of the launch mission is only the first step. How to make the lunar cargo transportation system land on the moon smoothly is what everyone cares most about.

Not only Wu Hao and the others, but also the whole country and abroad are reporting and paying attention to this mission. It is obvious that everyone is very concerned about this groundbreaking mission.

Also because it has received more and more people's attention, the Linghu headquarters has attracted a large number of media reporters, as well as some popular anchors and bloggers.

However, none of these people could enter the park and could only wander outside the park. However, the publicity and distribution department considers the huge amount of attention brought by these media reporters. If it can be used reasonably, it will help show the public and the world a more positive, more confident, and healthier good corporate image, thereby expanding the company's brand. influence in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, after the publicity department negotiated with multiple departments and reported to Zhang Jun for approval, it was finally decided that on the day of the lunar cargo transportation system landing on the moon, it will be open to these media reporters, anchors and bloggers for one day.

However, these media reporters and these anchors and bloggers need to submit relevant application materials in advance, and they can only enter after they are approved.

In addition to these media reporters, the public is also very concerned about this mission. Whether it is on TV programs or on the Internet, there are hot discussions about this mission. The relevant news basically occupies the top of various lists every day.

This also put a lot of unnecessary pressure on the entire technical project team, and Wu Hao and the others did not do much to comfort them. The technical team is so greatly affected by external factors, which Wu Hao and the others have never thought about.

But in this situation, the impact has become inevitable, Wu Hao and the others can only do their best to do everyone's ideological work, this is just an ordinary task.

Because the rapid maneuvering technology of the Earth-Moon transfer orbit is adopted this time, compared with unmanned probes, the Earth-Moon orbit transfer time of the lunar cargo transportation system is several days shorter than the conventional one.

Conventional lunar probes usually take a week from launch to landing on the moon. But now, Wu Hao and the others have shortened this time to less than five days, which is equivalent to the speed of a manned spacecraft landing on the moon.

The reason why this task is so fast is mainly due to the following aspects.

First of all, it is of course thanks to the rapid maneuvering technology of the earth-moon transfer orbit. Because the engine continues to work, the speed of the earth-moon transfer orbit is much faster than that of the conventional mission detectors, so it shortens a lot of time.

The second is the powerful maneuvering orbit change capability of this lunar cargo transportation system. After entering the lunar orbit, it can quickly adjust the orbit from an elliptical orbit to a circular orbit, which will also greatly shorten the entire orbit change time. .

In the end, it is because the landing place of the lunar cargo system lander has been determined in advance, and the landing site has been opened up. Therefore, there is no need to choose another landing field, so the landing time is also greatly shortened.

Don't look at this is just shortening the time by more than two days. Of course, this is not much of a problem for conventional unmanned detectors, because it itself is not affected by time.

But for manned missions to the moon, it's different. The entire moon landing time must be shortened, so as to reduce the discomfort experienced by astronauts during the entire earth-moon transfer orbit, flight around the moon, and moon landing.

So to a certain extent, this mission is also a preliminary technical verification for the subsequent manned moon landing. After all, the opportunity is rare, so make the best use of it.

With the separation of the lunar cargo transportation system and the lander entering the landing orbit, the countdown to the moon landing has also entered.

In fact, the whole process of landing on the moon is relatively slow. It is necessary to continuously lower the orbital altitude, which is about 15 kilometers from the lunar surface, and then the power descent can be started.

So starting from last night, the entire moon landing program started. According to the plan, the entire moon landing time will be around ten o'clock tonight.

So this morning, these media reporters, bloggers and anchors have poured into the company campus. Although the number of people is relatively large, with the media reporters and these bloggers and anchors, there are about two to three hundred people in Wuyang Wuyang.

But the employees of the company are no strangers to it. After all, they have seen even bigger scenes. Since Haoyu Technology Linghu Headquarters Park opened and settled here, many people come to visit here every day. There are leaders, daily reporters, visitors from all walks of life, family members of company employees, ordinary people and tourists who have the opportunity to come in.

So after such a long time, everyone has gotten used to it.

However, compared with other tourists and visitors, these media reporters are obviously more professional, and it is easier to capture some highlights in the park. Most of the time, these people hold their own messy shooting equipment and drill around. They are really like spies, and they have caused a lot of trouble because of this.

However, the results are remarkable. The opening up to the media and self-media this time has also attracted more people to watch today's opening activities. Just in the live broadcast rooms of the media and these self-media live broadcast rooms, there are more than 100 million viewers, and this number is still growing rapidly.

Moreover, many features of Haoyu Science and Technology Park, and many high technologies have also been shown and introduced to the public by these media reporters and these self-media reporters.

For example, the suffocating glass corridor of the United States, although it is now in midsummer, it is reasonable to say that the inside of this glass corridor should be very hot. But when everyone entered inside, a coolness swept over.

This kind of coolness is not the icy coolness of the air conditioner, but close to the natural wind, more like spring.

It is said that the glass surface of the entire glass corridor is covered with a layer of new heat insulation material. It can not only let sunlight in, but also isolate a lot of heat, so the whole corridor is very cool.

Coupled with the temperature control of those water circulation pipelines, the entire corridor is kept at a certain temperature.

Also because of the temperature of this event, the plants here grow very vigorously, and various flowers bloom endlessly. In addition to some excellent flower and plant varieties from nature, there are many new varieties that have been researched and cultivated by the Plant Science Research Center. Everyone is dazzled and beautiful.

In addition to plants, there are many animals in the entire corridor. Such as little squirrels, parrots, rabbits, hedgehogs, cats and so on. Many people can't move when they encounter these animals one by one. And this scene was also seen by the audience watching through the live broadcast. It turned out that the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park is so beautiful, so interesting, and so fun.

(end of this chapter)

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